Tip #177 - Use The Task Assignment Page to Calculate Number ofDays Between Two Dates or Due Date

Tip #177 - Use The Task Assignment Page to Calculate Number ofDays Between Two Dates or Due Date

Tip #177 - Use The Task Assignment Page to Calculate Number of
Days Between Two Dates or Due Date

The need to calculate the number of days between two given dates is a common occurrence for most law firm staff. While there is no “‘automatic” days calculator feature on the SmartAdvocate calendar, you can use the function on the Task Assignment page to accomplish this task.
To use the feature:

  1. Go to the “Add Task” page in any case.

  2. Enter a Start Date (the first date of the range that you want) and a Due Date (the end date of the range you want).

  3. The number of days between the two dates will be displayed automatically.

  4. You do not need to make any other entry on the Add Task page, nor do you need to save the task itself - if all you need is the number of days calculation.

Our screenshots are interactive! Just click on each one to see enlarged versions for better viewing.

If you need the End Date instead (i.e., Due Date) based on the Number of days:

  1. Enter the Start Date and then enter the number of days from the Start Date and the Due Date (deadline based on the number of days entered) will be displayed.

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