Tip #120 - Mass Update: Updating Several Tasks Simultaneously

Tip #120 - Mass Update: Updating Several Tasks Simultaneously

Tip #120 - Mass Update: Updating Several Tasks Simultaneously

A typical example of how this feature is especially helpful includes the following:
You have several tasks assigned to you on your Auto Accident cases where you are required to follow up with your clients. Rather than going to those cases one-by-one and marking each task completed in the individual case, you could use the Task Dashboard to display all of them and mark them completed all at once. Here’s how:

Use the Task Dashboard to display the list of tasks you want to work with. There are many filters you can use to display just those tasks – they can be filtered by Status (All, Open, Complete), Requester, Due Date, Created By, Case Status, etc. [Note – you can use the Show/Hide Columns feature to customize the columns you want to appear on the Dashboard.]

Multi-select the tasks you wish to update by checking the boxes in the far-left column (or simply check the box in the column heading at the top of the grid to select all the displayed tasks). Right-clicking on one of the selected tasks or clicking one of the action icons in the far-right column of a selected task will display a drop-down menu with options to Update Selected, Mark Selected Completed, Mark Selected Not Started, Mark Selected Cancelled or Mark Selected In Progress.

Choose the desired option to apply the appropriate status to those tasks. [Note – If you only select one task, you will only be able to Edit, Copy, Mark Complete, Mark Cancelled or Mark In Progress that task only. The ‘Update Selected’ option will not be available if only one task is selected on the list.]

The “Update Selected” option will display a new dialog box which will further allow you to Change Priority, Status, Task Requester, Assigned To and Due Date of the selected tasks.

Tip – Use the Mass Update feature described above to conveniently Cancel or Mark Completed any old or no longer needed task.

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