Tip #252 - The Case Status Change Report

Tip #252 - The Case Status Change Report

Use the Case Status Change Report to show which cases have changed from one status (or Stage) to another over a specified period. For example, this report would be useful to show your cases that went into Litigation within the last 30 days (or any other time period you select). Or, for example - if you are using Medical Records Requested and Received as statuses, you can run this report to show all cases that went from a “Request” to a ”Received”’ status in any given time frame.


Report Access: Go to Reports > Case Management Reports > Case Status Change. The report is accessible by all staff members and no additional configurations are needed unless the report has been restricted by your SmartAdvocate Admin.
Report Filters: There are a number of filters available to choose from. One of the key filters is Status Type – which allows the user to select a “main” status or a “status type” (sub-status) for the report. Other filters include:

A date range (if Days is used, check the NULL boxes for the From Date and To Date filters)
Date From and Date To (specific date range)
Days From and Days To (number of days)
Status From and Status To
Stage From and Stage To
Changed By (staff member who made the status change)
Case Type
Case Group
Case Staff
Referred Out
All filters except Status Type have a multi select option.


The columns (data points) available in the report include:
Case Number
Case Type
Case Sub-Type
Case Group
Case Name
Primary Plaintiff Name
Incident Date
From Status
To Status
Status Comment
Status # of Days
From Date
To Date
Change By
Referred Out Attorney
Index/Court Number
Referral Source
Since the Case Status Change Report is a standard report in SmartAdvocate, you can schedule the report to be emailed to you, or anyone else, on a schedule you select.

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