Tip #171 - How To Add Injury Details On The Injuries Screen

Tip #171 - How To Add Injury Details On The Injuries Screen

Tip #171 - How To Add Injury Details On The Injuries Screen

The Injuries Screen in SmartAdvocate is perhaps one of the most important screens where users can enter data, but surprisingly, many users are not making full use of it. The client’s injuries are the cornerstone of your case. It is the most significant determining factor of any recovery. The client’s injuries are alleged in every Complaint, Interrogatories or Bill of Particulars and are prominently highlighted in every demand. An inquiry into the client’s injuries is one of the first questions asked at intake.

The Injuries Screen should be efficiently used to document those injuries. One huge benefit in doing so, is that you can then use SmartAdvocate’s document templates to easily and quickly have injuries inserted or merged into your documents. Initially, the Injuries Screen will have the “quick injuries” that may have been entered from the “Incident Screen” at intake. Upon receipt of the medical records, you will need to enter more detailed information regarding the client’s injuries on the Injuries Screen.

There are two main sections of the Injuries Screen:

  • Injury Details

  • Injury Summary

The Injury Details
Go to the Injuries Screen and click the “Add Injury Details” button. If the sub-menu displaying Injury Details is not displayed, click the “+” sign to the left of the client’s name, then click the “Add Injury Details” button or the “Add Injuries Using ICD codes” button. You should be able to enter ICD codes with or without punctuations (ie; E36.0 would be entered as E36.0 or E360). FYI: Some clients have reported that they get higher offers when ICD codes are used in their demand packs!

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The “Add Injury Details” screen will be displayed.

Make any appropriate entries by accessing one or more of the available tabs for “Specific Injury”, “Quick Injury” or “Other Injury.” Here you can also use ICD codes to populate the injury section by choosing the “Other Injury” option.

Here is an example entered for Specific Injury:

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The specific injuries will now be displayed on the Injury Details.

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Here is an example of an entry with “Other”’ injuries:

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Here is an example of both “Specific” and “Other” Injuries displayed on the Injury Details screen:

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Injury Summary
Right-click the grid for Injuries (or click the action icon in the far-right column) and select Edit.

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Enter the Injury Summary as appropriate.

Clicking the “Auto Populate” buttons for Injury Summary and/or Pleading Summary will append the information previously entered in Injury Detail to the text already entered (if any) in the Summary fields.

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Click the “Confinements” tab to enter confinement to Hospital, Confinement to Bed, Confinement to Home and Incapacity, if desired.

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Our screenshots are interactive! Just click on each one to see enlarged versions for better viewing.

Now you can use the appropriate merge codes in your templates to populate the aforementioned information from those screens in your pleadings, letters, and other documents.

[Note: Injuries Summary, Pleadings Summary, and Confinement details will display on the Summary Screen under the Injuries tab]

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