Tip #210 - Use Case Menu Configurator to Customize the Case’s Left Menu

Tip #210 - Use Case Menu Configurator to Customize the Case’s Left Menu

Tip #210 - Use Case Menu Configurator to Customize the Case’s Left Menu

For firms that handle many different case types, SmartAdvocate allows you to customize the Case Left Menu. The benefit to this is to display only the menu items that are pertinent for your specific Case Groups. For example, if your firm does not handle Social Security Disability cases, you may not want the “Fee Awarded” page to be visible, or if you do not handle Mass Torts, you may not want the “Plaintiff Fact Sheet” page to be visible.

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The Case Menu on the left side of the screen can be configured to display menu items based on the Case Group.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Admin > Case Menu Configurator. The System Defaults will be displayed (i.e., the menu items that will be displayed by default if no changes have been made). The list of available Case Groups (configured in your system) will be listed in a column on the left. The second column will show all the available menu items and the third and fourth columns will display Selected Pages and Page Names, respectively.

Our screenshots are interactive! Just click on each one to see enlarged versions for better viewing.

2. Click on the name of the Case Group in column one that you want to modify.

3. The menu items (page) currently selected for that case group will be displayed in column three (selected pages).

Our screenshots are interactive! Just click on each one to see enlarged versions for better viewing.

4. To remove a menu item (page) (i.e., you do not want that menu item – page- to be displayed on cases in the selected Case Group), click the item in column three and then click the “REMOVE” button in the middle of the screen. To add a menu item (page) that is not now visible in the selected Case Group, click the item in column two and then click the “ADD” button to add it to the Selected Pages list.

5. Click the “SAVE” button to save your selections.

You will need to refresh your screen (or log out and log back into SmartAdvocate) to see the updated changes.

IMPORTANT: The changes you make in Case Menu Configurator are universal and apply across the board, so all users will see the same menu items for that Case Group.

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