Tip #261 - Did You Know You Could Send a Text Message Using The SmartAdvocate App?

Tip #261 - Did You Know You Could Send a Text Message
Using The SmartAdvocate App?

SmartAdvocate has a free App (available IOS and Android) that can be installed on your mobile device. The App allows you to remotely access all your cases, appointments, documents, and notes. You can even do an intake (best done on a tablet), and have the case automatically saved to SmartAdvocate. Download from the App Store or Google Play - it looks like this:

IOS Devices Link:

Download SmartAdvocate Client
for iPad or iPhone

Android Device Link:
Download SmartAdvocate Client
for Android

You will need your firm’s unique URL when installing the App, and should be able to get this information from your IT Department.
NOTE: For SaaS clients using SmartAdvocate Cloud, the URL that you will need to type into the designated field upon login is: https://app.smartadvocate.com/sasvc/sawebservice.svc


Name and Password: Use your regular SmartAdvocate Login (same that is used from your computer).


If you have the Texting Integration installed, you can send a text message to clients from the SmartAdvocate App just as you would from SmartAdvocate on your computer.


Here’s How:

  1. Search for the case using one of the search parameters (e.g., client’s last name), or display your list of recent cases or list of My Cases, if the text will be sent from one of those.


  1. Once your search results have been displayed, locate the case on the list and then slowly swipe from the right edge of the screen to the left. As you swipe, you will see the words “Send Email,” “Send Text” and “Edit” come into view. Stop swiping when all three words are displayed. The words will remain on the screen(see screen shot above). 


  2. Tap “Send Text”

  1. Tap the “To” field and select the client’s name from the list.

  1. Type the text message, and then tap the send button when finished.

The text message will be sent to the client and will also be saved automatically to the client’s file. The text message will appear to be coming from your firm and not from the device used to send the text message (i.e., not from your personal cell phone).


Visit smartadvocate.com/support for other help options including how to access our Support Tracker and Daily Office Hours sessions.