Tip #157 - Use Automated Procedure to Assign a Task ForMedical Records Request Follow-Up

Tip #157 - Use Automated Procedure to Assign a Task ForMedical Records Request Follow-Up

Tip #157 - Use Automated Procedure to Assign a Task For
Medical Records Request Follow-Up

In general, it is suggested that you generate your medical records request from the Medical Provider screen. Doing so, will populate the appropriate Medical Records Requests Dashboards with a list of outstanding requests for Medical Records Request Follow-Up and Medical Records Requests to Go Out. The fact that a request generated this way will be populated to the Medical Records Requests Dashboard, does not mean that an appropriate task will be created to actually do the follow-up. It means that the staff must go to the dashboard to do the follow-up, but there won’t be a task (or reminder) for them to do so. You can create an Automated Procedure to assign a task to do the follow-up whenever the request is generated.[1]
Prerequisites To Create The Automated Procedure
There are a few prerequisites that should be in place before you create the Automated Procedure.

  1. Make sure you have an appropriate template that will be used to generate the request.

  2. Make note of the document category and sub-category assigned to the template (e.g., Category – Medical; Sub-Category – Request).

  3. You will need to know who (i.e., what case role or specific staff) will be assigned the follow-up task, such as Medical Records Clerk, Paralegal, etc. Further, you may want to use a role that would have been assigned to the case at this point.

  4. An appropriate Task Template is helpful, but not mandatory.

Create the Automated Procedure Itself

  1. Click Admin > Automated Procedure Management.

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2. Click the “Add New Procedure” button in the top left corner of the screen.

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3. Give the procedure a name (e.g., Assign Task for Medical Records Request Follow-Up).

4. Select the Scope(s) that the procedure will apply to (e.g., case in a particular Group, Cases of a Specific Type and/or Sub-Type, Cases in a particular Status, etc.). The more “Scopes” selected, the more restrictive the application.

5. Select the Procedure Trigger(s) (i.e., what will “trigger” the procedure to start working. In our example, the creation of a medical records request document in the case will start the procedure and assign the task).

6. Click the “Add New Action” button to designate the task to be performed

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7. Click the drop down for Action Type and select Generate Task.

8. Give the Task a description, (e.g., Follow Up on Medical Records Request).

9. Enter the due date (in days, hours, minutes) as needed (the due date for the task will be populated on the case when the procedure is activated).

10. Select a Task Template (optional).

11. Select the Task Type.

12. Define a priority (the default is normal priority).

13. Select the Assignee of the task (you can choose a role in the case, e.g., Paralegal, etc. or a specific Law Firm Staff).

14. Click the “Assignee” tab at the bottom of the dialog box to apply your selection.

15. Follow the procedures in steps 13 and 14 to add the Requestor (the Assignee and Requestor can be a person in the same role or the same law firm staff, but both are required).

16. Click the “OK” button to save your choices.

17. Add the due date since creation (i.e., the number of days the task will become due since it was assigned, e.g., 21 days).

18. Enter a Task Subject (optional).

19. Enter a Task Description (optional).

20. Click the “Save” button to save the Automated Procedure.

Note – The Automated Procedure will be activated immediately after you have created it. If you do not want it to be active, right-click on the procedure (or click the action icon to the right) and click the “Disable Procedure” option.

[1] Once the medical records request is generated, it is assumed that it is sent out. There is no way for the system to track whether the request has been sent. Also, this process assumes the request is being handled “in house” and that you are not using a Retrieval Service for medical records.

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