Tip #220 - How To Generate List Of Clients That Does NOT Include Deceased, Incompetent And Minor Persons

Tip #220 - How To Generate List Of Clients That Does NOT Include Deceased, Incompetent And Minor Persons

Tip #220 - How To Generate List Of Clients That Does NOT Include Deceased, Incompetent And Minor Persons

Typically, you do not want the lists of plaintiff contacts you generate to include Deceased, Incompetent or Minor Plaintiffs (such as those you create for mailing lists). Although there are no “direct” ways to create such a list, you can use Case Browse to create a list that ultimately excludes these types of contacts.

Here’s How:

  1. Select Case Browse from your tool bar.

  2. Use the available filters to select the type of list you want, e.g., all open cases, all closed cases, cases that have settled, all new intakes, all Motor Vehicle cases (use case Type as the filter), all cases in a specific case group, etc.

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3. Here, you generally do not need to use the “Select Columns to Show” option to customize the list of columns in this “preliminary” report, since all you need is a list of the desired cases.


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4. Next, select the cases you want to include using the check boxes on the left. Typically, you will want to simply check the box at the top left to include all cases or have all cases checked.

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5. Once you have selected the cases, the “Mass Update” button located in the top left corner of the page will become available.

6. Click the Mass Update button and then select Generate Document option.

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7. On the next screen, the “Exclude Prevent Mailing“ and “Exclude Minor, Deceased and Incompetent” boxes will be checked by default. You will not need to make any changes here, since you will want to exclude those individuals from your list.

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8. Next, you can choose whether you want your list to include Primary Plaintiffs, Primary Contacts, All Plaintiffs or Primary Plaintiffs and Primary Contacts.

9. The bottom half of the page will include the columns that will be included in your “report.” Here, you can use the “Layout” feature (bottom right corner of the page) to add or remove columns you want in your report. Click Layout, Show Hide Column, then use your mouse to “drag” a column off the grid that you do not want to include. Conversely, you can drag a column from the list onto the grid if you want to include it in the report.

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10. Once you have selected your columns, you can then use one of the options (right side of the page) to export your list. Most users will want to export the list to Excel.

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