Tip #132 - Use the Copy Function to Copy Documents and Notes to a Different Case

Tip #132 - Use the Copy Function to Copy Documents and Notes to a Different Case

You can use the ‘Copy’ function to copy a document or note from one case to another, or to make a copy of the same document or note in the same case. The latter option is particularly useful if you want to preserve the original document, and have a copy of it to work on in the same case.
The copy function is available by right-clicking on the document or note. There are three options available:

  1. Copy the item to the same case (default option).

  2. Copy the item to a different case (you will see a list of the last 20 cases accessed by default, but you can search for any case using case number or party name).

  3. Copy the item to related case(s) (you will see a list of related cases, if there are any).

The resulting document will have the words “Copy of” (in parentheses) appended at the beginning of the original document description and will otherwise retain all the properties of the original document (i.e., Document Category, Sub-Category, Date, etc.).

Copied notes will be copied as is without any modification to the original note itself except the “Created By” will reflect the name of the staff member who did the copy function, not the name of the person who created the original note.

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