Tip #68 - Use Calendar Report to Have the Calendar Emailed to Staff

Tip #68 - Use Calendar Report to Have the Calendar Emailed to Staff

SmartAdvocate has two calendars that are part of the system. Each case has its own individual calendar and there is an overall Office Calendar. Appointments that are case specific are made in the case and synched to the Office Calendar.  Most firms generate a daily, weekly or monthly calendar that is generally distributed to the firm staff – either in electronic form (i.e., most often sent via email) or distributed in hard copy.

The most convenient way of having the calendar distributed is to set up a “Subscription”, i.e., have the calendar emailed to recipients on a schedule you select (e.g., have the calendar for the next day emailed to staff at 4:00 pm). You can generate a Calendar using the Calendar Reports function.
There are five different Calendar Reports available. They include Adjourned/Canceled Appointments, Calendar Reports, Calendar Reports Advanced, Client Birthday Report and Who is Where Tomorrow. Each Report will have different selective information from the calendar and be in a different format. Simple select the Report you want, select the filters for that Report and click the ‘View Report’ button to generate the Report (Calendar).Note - ‘Calendar Report’ will automatically generate the Calendar for the current day by default.

Use the “Subscribe” feature to have a specific Calendar emailed to staff on a schedule you select. To set up a subscription to a specific Calendar Report, you would do the following:

  1. Select Reports

  2. Calendar Reports

  3. Select the specific Calendar Report

  4. Click the ‘Subscribe’ button in the top right corner of the screen

  5. Select the filters (and columns as appropriate)

  6. Select the schedule on which you want the report to be delivered

  7. Enter the email address(es) of the recipients

  8. Click the ‘OK’ button.

Thereafter, the Calendar will be emailed to the recipients on the schedule you have selected.

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