How do I send a mass text to all clients?

Open Mass Texting tool in SA

Conveniently, SA has a tool integrated which does exactly that – Mass Texting.

The Mass Texting tool will pull Plaintiff or other Contact info from your cases in SA.

You can find this in the Tools tab of SA.

Check our documentation on the Mass Texting tool:

The difficult part of this tool is populating the textbox with all the Case Numbers.

Luckily, there’s an easy way, which also uses some of SA’s other integrated tools.


Get case number list for Mass Texting tool

Let’s jump into Case Browse - this is its own tab of SA.

Use Case Browse to filter for the cases that you are looking for, then use the Search Cases button.

On that results page, click the checkbox in the top-left of the results grid to select all results.

Click the ‘Mass Update’ option above the grid, then select ‘Generate Document’.

We are NOT generating a document, but we do have all the case numbers populated in a list now.

We’re simply going to copy this generated list.


Let’s send a Mass Text!

Now, in our Mass Texting page, we paste this generated list of case numbers into the textbox.

Click ‘Show Results’ right below the textbox.

Check our documentation on using Text Message Templates:


You’re on your way to sending a mass text!

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