Tip #107 - Save Case Browse Search to your Favorites

Tip #107 - Save Case Browse Search to your Favorites

Tip #107 - Save Case Browse Search to your Favorites

Case Browse provides a number of ways to create or add new Filters to your Favorites List (i.e., create ‘custom reports’).
First, we will select the columns we want to appear in the report and the filters we want to apply, then we will look at how to save those filters to our Favorites menu.

  1. Click on the Case Browse tab on the top tool bar.

  2. Click the ‘Select Columns To Show’ button to select the columns you want to appear in your search result (‘report’).

Two sets of columns will be displayed: the column on the left (Columns List) will show all the available columns in Case Browse and the column on the right (Selected Columns) will list the currently selected columns that will appear in your search result.

3. Select from the available list on the left and click the ‘Add’ button to add additional columns to your ‘report,’ or select from the available list on the right and click the ‘remove’ button to remove columns from your report.

4. Click the ‘Close’ button when you are satisfied with your selection(s).

5. Now select the filters you want to narrow your search, e.g., Case Group, Case Type, Status, etc. (Tip: Use the ‘Relative’ option for date selections – Opened From/To, Retained From/To, etc. – if you do not want to enter specific dates, but want to use the number of days. E.g., If you want to search for cases opened within the last 30 days, you would check the ‘Relative’ box next to Opened From/Opened To and enter 30 and 0, respectively).

Once you have selected the appropriate filters and columns as outlined above, you can either save those to your favorites prior to executing your search or save them after the search. Here are both options:

A. To save your filters prior to executing the search:

i. Click on the button labeled ‘Save Filter to Favorites’.

A dialog box labeled ‘Save to Favorites’ will appear.

ii. Click the ‘Default’ checkbox only if you want this filter to populate each time you open Case Browse. Then click either ‘Fill’, which will populate the Filters with the current settings but will not run the search, or click ‘Fill & Execute,’ which will automatically populate the Filters with the current settings and run the search whenever you open Case Browse.

iii. Enter a name for your Filter, then click the ‘Save Filter’ button.

iv. Now click the ‘Search Cases’ button in the top right corner of your screen to execute your search.


B. To save your filters after executing the search, from the search results page:

i. Complete steps 1 to 5 as outlined above and then click the ‘Search Cases’ button in the top right corner of your screen.

ii. From your search results page, click on the button labeled ‘Save Filter to Favorites’.

The dialog box labeled ‘Save to Favorites’ will appear.

iii. Click the ‘Default’ checkbox only if you want this filter to populate each time you open Case Browse. Then click either ‘Fill’, which will populate the Filters with the current settings but will not run the search, or click ‘Fill & Execute,’ which will automatically populate the Filters with the current settings and run the search whenever you open Case Browse.

iv. Enter a name for your Filter, then click the ‘Save Filter’ button.

It is generally recommended that you run the Case Browse search first and then save the filter from the results page (option ‘B’ above). This way you can ensure the options you have selected and the resulting report (including the columns shown in the results) are satisfactory prior to saving the report format to your favorites. 

Your filter will now appear on the list of ‘Favorites’ on the tool bar. You simply click that filter to run your Case Browse search and display the results without having to go to the Case Browse screen.

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