Tip #289 - Use Note Type Filters To List All Text Messages To And From The Client

Tip #289 - Use Note Type Filters To List All Text Messages To And From The Client

Tip #289 - Use Note Type Filters To List All Text Messages To And From The Client


Text messages that are sent to, or received from a client, are automatically saved in the client’s file on the Notes Page. Also, since all notes entered in a file must be categorized, so too are the text messages saved as notes. Sent texts are saved in the category “Outgoing Text Messages.” Received texts are saved as “Incoming Text Messages.”  

(Note: The Texting Integration must be installed and configured to be able to send text messages from SmartAdvocate.)


Incoming text messages are automatically captured and saved to the file without any manual intervention from the user. You will be notified by email of the incoming text when it is saved to a case that you are assigned to. If you are not receiving these, check your “User Preferences.”


On the Notes Page, you can filter using one of the two designated notes category as indicated above, just as you would using any other notes category. If you wanted to see just the text messages that were received, you would simply filter using that category.

Here’s an example of sent text messages (categorized as Outgoing Text Messages).

 To see ALL text message communications, simply filter for both Incoming and Outgoing Text Messages.

Also, if you sort your notes in date order, you will essentially have the text messages - outgoing and incoming - shown in chronological order.

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