Tip #97 - How to Create Case Specific Document Folders

Tip #97 - How to Create Case Specific Document Folders

Tip #97 - How to Create Case Specific Document Folders

Did you know that you can create your own case specific document folders?
‘Document Folders’ can be used to keep a reference to existing documents in convenient groups such as “Trial Documents,” “Exchanged Documents,” “Discovery Demands,” “Discovery Responses,” etc. To create a Document Folder:

  1. Right click on a document

  2. Select the ‘Send to Folder’ option

  3. Enter the name of the folder, such as ‘Trial Documents’

  4. Click ‘Update’

To add documents to an existing folder, repeat steps 1 and 2 above, leave the ‘New Folder’ field blank, and select the ‘Existing Folder’ option in step 3. To display a list of folders created as outlined above, simply check the box for ‘Display Folders’ (See Figure 1 below). Bear in mind that the ‘Folder’ option outlined above does not create a copy or duplicate of the documents listed on the Documents Page, but rather just a ‘reference’ or ‘pointer’ to the documents. So, if the document is deleted from the regular Documents Page, all references to the document will be removed from the folder, as well. Also, Folders are case specific and are not created globally.

Figure 1

Incidentally, grouping by columns remains as a feature on the Documents Page. For example, here, a grouping by Document Category or Sub-Category will display documents in those respective lists currently in that case file. To group by a column, simply ‘drag’ the respective column to the location on the Documents Page with the label ‘Drag a column header here to group by that column’ (top left corner of the Documents Page). Here are examples of a Documents Page with documents grouped by Sub- Category (Figure 2) and the same Documents Page without any grouping (Figure 3):

Figure 3


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