Tip #87 - How to replace a user in SmartAdvocate®

Tip #87 - How to replace a user in SmartAdvocate®

Tip #87 - How to replace a user in SmartAdvocate®

Occasionally, you will have a situation where one employee leaves the firm and is replaced by someone else. You will need to deactivate the user account for the ‘old’ (departing) employee and create a new user account for the incoming ‘new’ employee. DO NOT EDIT THE LOGIN ID OF THE EXISTING USER OR EDIT HIS/HER NAME ON THE CONTACT CARD. Here is the proper procedure:

 (Please note - you must have ‘Admin’ rights to be able to create a user)

  1. Click the Admin tab on the top toolbar

  2. Click ‘Users’ on the Admin menu

  3. Check if there is any filter applied in the ‘Active’ column. If there is, delete it. (You should see a list of all users both active and inactive)

4. Locate the Login ID of the existing employee on the list and click the ‘edit’ (pencil) function in the far-right column for that employee

5. Make sure the ‘Active’ and ‘Mobile Application’ boxes are unchecked, and ‘Locked’ and ‘Visible’ are checked (the status of ‘Enforce password change’ does not matter). **

6. Click ‘Update’ to save your changes

7. Click ‘New User’ in the top left corner of the screen

8. Create a Login Name for the new employee  (if the Login Name field is already populated with an existing Login ID, delete it and create a new one for the new employee)

9. Create a password

10. Click the drop-down arrow in the ‘Contact Name’ filed and click the ‘Add New Contact’ tab on the bottom left of the dialog box

11. Complete the required information on the contact card and then click the ‘Save’ button on the bottom right corner of the dialog box. You will be returned to the ‘Add User’ dialog box and the name you just created should now be populated in the Contact Name filed

12. Complete the remain information by selecting the appropriate Default Case Role, Firm Role, Title, Billing Rate (optional), Permission Group and Office (optional if available)

13. Check the appropriate options for Active, Mobile Application, Visible, Enforce password change. Active and Visible MUST be checked and Locked must be UNCHECKED. The other choices are optional.

14. Click the ‘Update’ button on the bottom right

** If you need to reassign the ‘old’ employee’s cases, tasks and appointments to the ‘new’ employee (or someone else), it may be most efficient to do so using Mass Update in Case Browse. Thereafter, you may want to change the Login ID properties and Contact Card of the ‘old’ employee, so that he/she is no longer visible on drop-down lists, etc. To do so, repeat steps 1 – 6 above for that employee, but for step 5, make sure ‘Locked’ is checked and ‘Visible’ and ‘Active’ are unchecked.

The final step is to change the ‘active’ status on the contact card. To do so, follow steps 1 and 2 above, then click on the ‘old’ employee’s name from the user list to access their contact card. Uncheck the ‘Active’ box in the top right corner of the contact card and then click the ‘Save’ button in the bottom right corner to save and update your changes. Please note that although a user may not be currently ‘Active,’ all entries made in cases, etc. (notes, documents, and the like) that were created or modified by that user will still show that person’s name associated with the entry. Also, the ‘old’ employee will remain assigned to cases unless he/she is manually deleted from the case or reassigned using Mass Update in Case Browse as mentioned above.

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