Tip #11 - Did you know you can create signature lines and use a “default signature” for emails sent from SmartAdvocate?

Tip #11 - Did you know you can create signature lines and use a “default signature” for emails sent from SmartAdvocate?

If you have a signature line that you use for your outgoing emails in Outlook, for example, you can save that signature line in SmartAdvocate as well, so that your emails sent from a case in SmartAdvocate will have that signature automatically appended. Of course, you can create a totally different signature line in SmartAdvocate if you wish. (Note: If you will be using an existing signature from some other email system (Outlook, etc.) it is best to copy that signature before you start to create it in SmartAdvocate). Here’s how:

1.Click on the email icon on the tool bar of any case in SmartAdvocate (you must do this from an existing case in SmartAdvocate)

2. From the email dialog box, click the drop-down for the ‘Signature’ tab on the top right section and select ‘Manage’ (see screen shot below)

3. Enter a name of your choice in the empty box below the ‘Select signature <Add New>’ field (see screen shot below)

4. Position your cursor (click) in the blank section and create your signature. (If you copied an existing signature, past it in this section)

5. Check the ‘Default Signature’ box if you want this to be your default signature

6. Click the ‘Save’ tab at the bottom of the Manage Signature dialog box to save the new signature

You can use the foregoing procedure to create as many signature lines as you wish. Naturally, only one signature can be the default.
Here is a link to a brief video clip that illustrates how to create a signature line and how to make it the default signature for emails sent from SmartAdvocate:

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