Tip #95 - How to Enter Refunds or Credits on the Disbursements Page

Tip #95 - How to Enter Refunds or Credits on the Disbursements Page

Tip #95 - How to Enter Refunds or Credits on the Disbursements Page

 All case expenses or disbursements are entered on the Disbursements Page. Disbursements are categorized (Disbursement Type) based on the options that have been configured for your system, which may include categories such as Medical Records, Expert Expense, Court Fees, Filing Fees, Postage, Other Client Expenses, etc.

The Disbursements Page keeps a running total of all expenses for a particular case. There are also several filters you can use to display only the specific expenses you want to view. Filtering will give you the totals for just the items selected. For example, you may want to see the totals for Expert Expenses, Medical Records, or Postage only.  
Occasionally, you may need to adjust a disbursement entry – for example, a refund or credit from a vendor. The best way to log such an entry would be to enter it as a negative value. 
The screenshot below shows disbursements that have been paid by check.

Let’s say the highlighted entry shown above (payment of $255.99) was a payment made to 12 Oaks Hospital for medical records. In this example, 12 Oaks Hospital determined that the original invoice was incorrect and has issued a refund in the amount of $35.66. The $35.66 would be entered on the Disbursements Page as a credit and may look like the following:

Please note that the labels used in this example (Refund Received and Refunded Expense) are set/created in Admin > Picklist Maintenance under the “Check Request Statuses” and “Disbursement Types” sections, respectively.

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