Tip #71 - Use Case Browse and Mass Update to Display Phone Number SSN DOB etc. in Your Report

Tip #71 - Use Case Browse and Mass Update to Display Phone Number SSN DOB etc. in Your Report

Tip #71 - Use Case Browse and Mass Update to Display Phone Number SSN DOB etc. in Your Report

How to use Case Browse and Mass Update to generate a list with additional information such as telephone number, social security number, email address, and other information not available on the Case Browse list.
In a previous Tip-Of-The-Week, we discussed and outlined the procedure to create your own “Custom Reports” using Case Browse. Although Case Browse has a large number of columns to choose from, there may be occasions when you would want your list to include certain information such as a client’s social security number, telephone number or email address – items that are not included among the columns to choose from in Case Browse.
Let’s say you want to create a list of all your new clients that were signed up last month and want to give each of them a telephone call to personally thank them for considering your firm. Or perhaps the law in your state has changed, where you are now required to collect the social security number of every client. In the first example, you would first use Case Browse to find just those cases that were signed up last month. In the second scenario you would use Case Browse to find all open cases. You would then use the Case Browse results to generate or export a list that would have the data needed (e.g., phone number or social security number). In this example, we will generate a list that will have the client’s phone number, DOB and social security number listed.
Here’s how:

  1. Use Case Browse to create your ‘report’ as you normally would (see the Tip-Of-The-Week for 02-04-2019).

2. Click the check box in the left column for the cases you want to select (or click the check box at the top of the column headings to select all cases).

3. After you have selected your cases, the ‘Mass Update’ function (button in the top left corner of your screen) will become available, i.e., no longer greyed out.

4. Click the Mass Update button to display a drop-down list of options.

5. Select ‘Generate Document’ to generate a new list with additional columns of data.

6. Select the contacts you want to include in your report as appropriate (top right quarter of your screen). The options are Primary Plaintiff, Primary Plaintiff and Primary Contact, Primary Contact or All. Unless there is some compelling reason why you would want to include contacts that have been flagged as ‘Exclude Prevent Mailing’ and ‘Exclude Deceased, Incompetent and Infants,’ it is recommended that you leave those boxes checked. These two options are generally selected by default and may have been checked on the respective contact card. Click the ‘Search’ button in the ‘Select case contacts to include’ panel to refresh/update your search results.  

7. Use the ‘Show/Hide Columns’ feature as appropriate to display any of the following columns: Case #, Plaintiff Name, Plaintiff Role, Prefix, First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Suffix, Primary Plaintiff Name, Case Name, Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, State, Zip, Phone, Plaintiff Email, DOB, SSN, Date of Death, Referral Source. Clicking on any column header will sort your list by that column.

You can further export your list to any of the available formats (PDF, Excel or Word) by clicking on the appropriate icon for that document type in the top right corner of the list.

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