Tip #57 - The Continue Negotiations Feature

Tip #57 - The Continue Negotiations Feature

Tip #57 - The Continue Negotiations Feature

In prior versions of SmartAdvocate, Settlement Demands and Offers entered on the Settlement/Negotiations screen were typically entered in one of two ways:

  1. An entry was made (either Demand or Offer) and then that same entry was edited when a response was received to enter the corresponding Offer or Demand; or

  2. An entirely new entry was made on a new line (i.e., a Demand is made as a single entry and a subsequent Offer made in response to the Demand was entered on its own separate line)

The problem with making the entries in the foregoing fashion is that for option Number 1, the initial date of the entry would be overridden with the new date when the entry was edited. Here, there would be no history of the date the initial demand was made. On the other hand, when entries are made using option number 2, it is difficulty to match a demand with the corresponding offer as seen on the Negotiations grid.
In the current version of SmartAdvocate we have implemented a “Continue Negotiation” option that will allow you to easily match a demand with the corresponding offer.
Sample demand (1) and a corresponding offer (2)

The initial entry is made the same way as in prior versions, i.e., on the Negotiation/Settlement Screen click the “Add Negotiation” button in the top left corner on the screen and enter information (demand or offer, etc.) as appropriate.
To match a corresponding demand or offer with a prior entry (i.e., at a later date when an offer is made to your demand), simple click the “Continue Negotiation” button on the Negotiation/Settlement Screen.

The Continue Negotiation button

The resulting screen will be pre-populated with information entered from the initial entry (Negotiation With, Negotiated By, Plaintiff – pre-selected, demand amount - or offer amount as appropriate).
The “Continue Negotiation” screen

To enter the corresponding Demand (or Offer) enter the date and amount and click ‘Update’.
The resulting Negotiation Screen will now reflect an initial entry for the initial demand and a subsequent entry with the corresponding offer (screen shot below).
New entry showing original demand and matching offer

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