Tip #58 - Make Use of the Medical Provider Referral Report

Tip #58 - Make Use of the Medical Provider Referral Report

Tip #58 - Make Use of the Medical Provider Referral Report

It is not uncommon for Personal Injury Firms to have a referral arrangement with medical providers – the firm will refer clients to the medical provider and vice-versa. The firm will generally want to keep track of the referrals going back and forth, i.e., how many referrals came from the medical provider and how many the firm sent to the provider.
Getting the statistics (or reports) of how many referrals came from a specific provider is pretty straightforward – this can be done quite easily using Case Browse (the Referral Source - in this case the medical provider - is captured at intake). Getting a list or report of referrals the firm sent to a medical provider is handled a little differently, however. Here, the referral is indicated on the Medical Provider page.

We have created a specific report that will list the referrals to and from medical providers. To run the report, go to Reports > Medical Reports > Medical Provider Referral Report. There are several filters you can set for the report. They include:

  • Date range

  • Number of days ‘From’ and ‘To’

  • Office

  • Retained/Not Retained

The report itself will show the medical providers, location and total referrals to and from the provider for the period(s) selected.

Sample Medical Provider Referral Report

The numbers listed on the report hyperlink to the cases for those referrals. Clicking on a hyperlinked number will display a list of those cases, which then provides hyperlinked case numbers allowing you to drill down to a  specific case.
Please bear in mind that since this is one of the standard reports available in SmartAdvocate, you can subscribe to it and have it sent to you via email on a schedule you select!


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