Tip #311 -How To Set The Document Properties Before Your Document is Created Using a Template

Tip #311 -How To Set The Document Properties Before Your Document is Created Using a Template

Tip #311 - How To Set The Document Properties Before Your Document is Created Using a Template

When using a document template to create a document, an initial window will open before the document starts to merge that will allow you to select the document properties. Some properties will be filled in by default, but most of them can be either edited or changed before the final document is generated or saved. The name of the final document will be defaulted to the name of the template for example. Similarly, the final document category and sub-category will be defaulted to the selections set in the template itself (i.e., when the template was created).

The numbered fields in the screenshot below are document properties that can be set before the final document is created.

  1. Document Description: The name listed here will be defaulted to the name of the template. This will be the description of the document (name of the document when it is generated and saved to the case). You can edit this field to reflect the final name of the document.

  2. Comments: You can optionally enter an appropriate comment for the document. The comments column can be displayed on the document page.

  3. From: Who the document is coming from.

  4. To: Who the document is going to.

  5. Folder: Select the folder here if you want this document to be save to a folder.

  6. Category/Sub-Category: You can change (or set) the category and sub-category of the resulting document here.

The final document will then reflect the above-referenced properties on the documents page.


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