Tip #313 - Additional Features Available for Tasks: Save and Mark Complete and Insert Text

Tip #313 - Additional Features Available for Tasks: Save and Mark Complete and Insert Text

Tip #313 - Additional Features Available for Tasks: Save and Mark Complete and Insert Text

The ability to assign and track Tasks are two of the most used functions in SmartAdvocate. Tasks are either assigned “manually on the fly” or can be made to trigger automatically using WorkPlans or Automated Procedures. Tasks are used to show (or remind us) what needs to be done, and when.


Two very useful functions that you may not notice when dealing with Tasks are:

  • The ability to edit a Task, save the edits, and mark the task completed all in one step.

  • The “Insert Text” option available when the Task is marked Completed.


Edit, Save Task and Mark Completed
Here is an example of a Task being edited. We want to mark the Task completed, but, at the same time, also want to modify the Task Type and Description.

Here, you see that the Task Type and Description have been modified.

We will now Save the updates and Mark the Task Completed at the same time. [Note – You do not need to manually adjust the Task Status]

Insert Text in the “Mark Task Complete” Dialog Box
Although the ability to insert a “Note” in the dialog box when marking a Task completed has been available in SmartAdvocate for some time, you may not have been aware of the “Insert Text” functionality. [Note – The option to make the note feature available when marking a Task complete is configurable in System Parameters by your SmartAdvocate Admin].

The Insert Text function allows you to easily insert the following information in the body of the text:

  • Contact Information (name and phone number of any contact in the case)

  • Time Stamp

  • Document Link(s)

Selecting “Contact Information” will display a list of all contacts in the case, and allow you to insert the Contact Name and phone number, Contact Number only or Contact Name only.

Selecting “Time Stamp” will insert the current system date and time, and the name of the staff making the entry.

The “Document Link(s)” selection will allow you to select from the list of documents in the file and insert unique document link(s) to the select document(s).


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