

About Retain

The Retain Case button is used to mark a case retained and to automatically perform a set of actions related to retaining the case.

The Retain Case button can only be used if there is no retainer recorded in the case. Entering a retainer with the retainer received date field filled out automatically marks the case as retained and the Retain button will be greyed out.

  1. Select Retain.

  2. Enter the Retained Date.

  3. Select OK.

  4. Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.



Once you have used the button, several actions will occur. In no particular order:

  • If you have created any Retainer Staff rules that apply to the case type, they will be applied. All staff previously assigned to the case will be removed, and the staff included in the Retainer Staff rules will be added.

  • A Note will be added to the case indicating that the case was retained; you (the staff member who used the button) will be listed as the creator of that Note.

  • A retainer will be added in the Retainer Table on the Retainer/Referral page, with the primary plaintiff listed in the Plaintiff Name column and the selected date listed as the Received date in the Retainer column.

    • This will also cause the selected date to be listed as the Retainer Date on the Case Summary page, and cause the Retain button to be greyed out. These side effects are due to the addition of the retainer in the Retainer/Referral page, and would also have occurred if you had simply added the retainer manually instead of clicking the Retain button.

  • The status of the case will change. Which status a newly retained case changes to is set in the System Parameters page under Admin. This setting can be found under the Group Description of 'Retainer' and Parameter Description of 'Retainer Button Status Changes'.

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