
Sending an Email

The Email button allows you to send an email from any page within the case. SmartAdvocate lets you to choose whether emails created within the system will use the SmartAdvocate email client or open an Outlook email panel to send your emails. See User Preferences for details.
To send an email from within a case, click on the E-Mail button on the Quick Add Tool Bar. Depending on the option you have chosen in User Preferences, either the SmartAdvocate or the Outlook email creation panel will open.

Using SmartAdvocate to Send Emails

  1. Address: Click on the "To", "Cc", or "Bcc" buttons to choose the email addresses to which the email will be sent. A panel will open, which will provide four options from which the choice can be made: Case Contacts, Case Staff, Law Firm Staff, and All Contacts. You can also enter the email address of anyone who is not a contact in SmartAdvocate.

  2. Subject: SmartAdvocate will automatically insert your firm name, case number, and primary plaintiff's name. You can overwrite, edit, or change the entry as desired.

  3. Template: Choose a template for use in the email. See Email Templates for details.

  4. Email Options: You can choose among Save a copy in Notes, Send a copy to me, Send a blind copy to me, Delivery Receipt, and Read Receipt. SmartAdvocate will remember your choices and automatically select them the next time you create an email.

  5. Importance: Choose the importance of the email, between High, Normal, and Low.

  6. Browse: Browse your computer for any files to attach to the email.

  7. Select from Case Documents: Opens a panel listing all documents that are in the case and allows you to choose which ones to attach to the email.

  8. Signature: Automatically attaches your email signature to the email, and allows you to manage your email signatures for use in SmartAdvocate.

  9. Formatting Options: Various options for formatting the text in the email.

  10. Body of Email: Insert any text into the body of the email.

Using Outlook to Send Emails from within SmartAdvocate

When "Use Outlook to Send Emails" is chosen in User Preferences, clicking on the E-Mail button within a case in SmartAdvocate will open a create email panel from Outlook.

Please refer to Outlook's help file for assistance creating and sending emails from Outlook.
Once the Outlook plugin has been installed on a workstation, a SmartAdvocate tab will appear in the create email panel in Outlook.

  1. SmartAdvocate tab: Click on the SmartAdvocate tab to access functionality available through the Outlook plugin.

  2. Send and Add to SA: Click to send the email and attach it to the case.

  3. Send and Add to SA as Note: Click to send the email and attach it to the case as a Note.

  4. After Sending an Email: Click on Add to SmartAdvocate or Add to SmartAdvocate as Note to automatically open the SmartAdvocate tab after clicking Send whenever creating an email in Outlook. See Automatically Attach Sent Emails below for details.

  5. Email Template: Opens a dropdown allowing you to choose an email template to use for the email. See Email Templates for details about the creation and use of email templates.

  6. Category and Sub-Category: Open dropdowns to choose the category and sub-category for the email. See Email Category and Email Sub-Category for details.

  7. Case Number: Enter the case number for the case into which you want the email to be attached.

Automatically Attach Sent Emails

Once you have checked the Add to SmartAdvocate or Add to SmartAdvocate as Note buttons as described above, whenever you send an email from Outlook, either as an original email or as a reply to an email you received, the Attach to SmartAdvocate panel will open.

This panel will allow you to select the case to which the email should be attached and set the properties for the email.
Emails in Outlook that have been attached to a case in SmartAdvocate using the SmartAdvocate Outlook Plugin will be marked with "Attached to SA" category as well as a checkbox in the custom "SA" column.

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