Recent Cases

Recent Cases

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About Recent Cases

A way to easily search for and access cases is the Recent Cases tab displayed on the far left of the top toolbar. This dropdown will display a list of the last 20 cases you have visited. At the bottom of this dropdown, there is a link to view All Recently Accessed Cases. This will bring you to a page that can display up to 200 of your last visited cases, in a similar format to your search results page, with columns showing different pieces of information such as Case Number, Plaintiff Name, and the date and time the case was last accessed. For each case in the list, the case's number and name will be shown, separated by a hyphen. Clicking any case in the list will take you to that particular Case Summary. If you are currently viewing the Case Summary of a case that is on the list, then that case will be highlighted according to the color set by your selected theme.


All Recently Accessed Cases

The Recently Accessed Cases screen provides an overview of the case summaries you have accessed most recently, in the form of a table. The table has three columns of information: the number of the case, the name of the case, and the date and time at which the Case Summary was last accessed. Clicking the case number opens the Case Summary screen for that case in a new tab. The table also has a fourth column which contains a right-click icon; clicking this icon brings up a list of possible actions that can be taken for its respective case. Right-clicking anywhere in a given case's row brings up the same list of actions for that case. The Recently Accessed Cases screen also includes a number of other tools that interact with the table of results.

To the upper left of the table is an input field that, by default, contains the number "100," surrounded by text in the form "Show last [____] Cases." This field allows you to select how many cases you wish this screen to list. If you wish to change the number, fill in the field with whatever number you prefer, and then click the "Refresh" button found to the upper right of the table, on the same line as the input field. Whatever number you choose will persist on your computer even if you leave this screen or log out. (You can always return it to the default by entering "100" in the field and clicking "Refresh" again.)

In addition to the usual list of export options for the table, there is an icon with a magnifying glass. Clicking this icon opens the list of all the cases in the table in a new tab as a Case Browse Search Results table.

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