My SmartAdvocate

About My SmartAdvocate

My SmartAdvocate is the default screen that will be displayed each time you log in to SmartAdvocate. This screen is customizable. You can add or remove panels as you wish. For example, the following screen shows Tasks Assigned To Me and Tasks Assigned by Me.

You can select or deselect panels to be displayed on your My SmartAdvocate Screen by making the appropriate selection from the Configure link shown in the top right corner of the My SmartAdvocate Screen.

Panels can also be closed and removed from your My SmartAdvocate Screen by clicking on the close (X) icon in the top right corner of each panel.

You can also change the order and placement of each panel by dragging and dropping it to the desired location.

The following panels can be added to your My SmartAdvocate Screen:

  • Appointments

  • Cases Assigned to Me

  • Cases With Overdue Status

  • Critical Deadlines

  • Favorite Cases

  • Favorite Filters

  • Tasks Assigned to Me

  • Tasks Assigned By Me

  • Cases by Stage

  • Leads

  • Settlements Panel

  • Lead Map

Related Pages

Configure My SmartAdvocate

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