User Manual

User Manual


This manual is designed to help you master SmartAdvocate's many features and capabilities. We strongly urge you to spend time familiarizing yourself with the system, its components, and features that are important to your practice and your role within the firm. It also provides valuable information that you can use to refresh initial learning and expand your knowledge of the system.

We are confident that if you invest the time to learn the workings of SmartAdvocate, you and your firm will greatly benefit. We designed SmartAdvocate to make your tasks easier to perform and your cases easier to manage. We trust that once you have learned the system, you will find this to be the case.

This manual has been almost completely overhauled from the previous version, which had been rendered partly obsolete by the rapid development and improvement of the SmartAdvocate system. Still, like SmartAdvocate itself, this manual is constantly being added to and refined, and we intend to include updates to the manual with each subsequent SmartAdvocate release. If you ever need information that should be in this manual but is not, or if you wish to suggest any updates or request any clarifications, please direct those queries to the Customer Support Department at support@smartadvocate.com. Whenever possible, we will attempt to provide you with a copy of any instructional material you request as soon as it is produced, regardless of when the next update will be released.

Images from SmartAdvocate are used throughout this manual. In most instances, the images are relatively small as you scroll through the manual, in order to save screen space. To view a larger version of the image, simply click on it. While enlarged, the image may cover some of the adjacent text of the manual. Clicking on the image again will cause it to revert to its original size.

Visit smartadvocate.com/support for other help options including how to access our Support Tracker and Daily Office Hours sessions.