Item Templates

Item Templates

About WorkPlan Item Template Administration

The WorkPlan Item Template screen allows for the viewing and creating of new WorkPlan Item Templates.

To enter a WorkPlan Item Template:

  1. View any previously entered WorkPlan Item Templates.

  2. To Export the list, select from the options .pdf , .xls , or .rtf .

  3. To Edit or Delete, select the or icons, respectively.



General Information

  1. Enter a unique Name.

  2. Select the Type from the dropdown menu.

  3. Select the Category from the dropdown menu.

  4. Select the Priority from the dropdown menu.

  5. Enter a Description.

  6. Enter any Special Instructions.

  7. Select UPDATE to add Item Template information.

  8. Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.


Scheduling Settings

  1. If applicable, place a checkmark in the Prompt user to enter the due date for workplan item checkbox.

  2. Set the Due Date of the Item.

  3. If applicable, place a checkmark in the If due date is a weekend or holiday, move it to the first checkbox. Select the appropriate workday and weekend information.

  4. Select UPDATE to add Item Template information.

  5. Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.

Contacts Information

  1. View the current Contact Information.

  2. Select NEW CONTACT.

    1. Select from the Role from the Case or Specific contact radio buttons.

    2. Select the Role.

    3. If applicable, place checkmarks in any or all of the Is responsible for the WorkPlan item, Is acting as assigner of Workplan Item, or Check to Notify on status changes checkboxes.

  3. Select UPDATE to add Item Template information.

  4. Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.

WorkPlan Item Actions

  1. View the current WorkPlan Item Actions.

  2. Select NEW ACTION.

    1. Enter the Name.

    2. Select the Action Type and Priority from the dropdown menu.

    3. Select from the Automatic or Manually Action is performed radio buttons.

    4. Select from the When Workplan item becomes active or When WorkPlan item is completed radio Action is executed radio buttons.

    5. If applicable, place a checkmark in the Completes the WorkPlan Item? checkbox.

    6. Enter a Description.

    7. Select UPDATE to add WorkPlan Item Actions information.

    8. Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.

  3. Select UPDATE to add Item Template information.

  4. Otherwise, select CANCEL to return to the previous screen.

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