Advertisement Campaigns

The Advertisement Campaigns administrative page allows you to keep track of the advertising campaigns run by your firm. The data you store here is essential for the Advertisement Campaigns Dashboard, which is used to help calculate the efficacy of your advertising.

The Structure of This Page

This page stores your campaign information in a table, where each row is a separate campaign taking place over a specified time period. There are six columns of information, in addition to one column of actions that can be taken. The information columns are as follows:

  • Amount Spend: The cost of the campaign during the time period.

  • Budget: The allotted amount of money assigned to the campaign for the time period.

  • Start Date: The beginning of the time period.

  • End Date: The end of the time period.

  • Campaign: The advertiser that is assigned to the campaign (i.e. Cable TV, Yellow Pages, Facebook, etc.). The contacts that can be added to this column are only those with the contact type Advertise.

  • Comments: Any comments about the campaign.

  • Actions: Contains an Edit icon, which opens the Add/Edit Advertisement Campaign Panel containing the information about the campaign; and a Delete icon, which allows you to delete the row (there will be a confirmation message that appears to prevent accidental deletion).

Adding a New Advertisement Campaign

To add a new row, click the Add Advertisement Campaign button in the upper left corner of the screen, which opens a completely blank Add/Edit Advertisement Campaign Panel.

To add a new row, click the Add Advertisement Campaign button in the upper left corner, which opens the Add/Edit Advertisement Campaign Panel, completely blank.

The Add/Edit Advertisement Campaign contains a Text input field for Amount Spend and Budget, a Date-widget dropdown for each of Start Date and End Date, a Dropdown labeled Campaign listing each of the contacts in your system with the type Advertise, and a Text input field for Comments. Amount Spend, Start and End Date, and Campaign are required fields.

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