

Each of your staff members will have their own user account in SmartAdvocate. The Users administrative page is where you can manage user accounts. The page contains a table listing all of the user accounts in your SmartAdvocate system. Above the table, the number of user licenses your firm has purchased and the date and time that the current version of the site was built ("Assembly version time") are listed. The table's columns are:

  • Login name: The account's user name. The user must input this in the User Name field of the login page when logging in. It is not case sensitive.

  • Contact name: The name of the contact associated with the user account. Clicking the text in this column will open the Contact Card for that contact in a new tab.

  • Default case role: The role that staff member occupies when added as a default staff member for a case type.

  • Permission Groups: A list of all the user permission groups to which the user belongs.

  • Firm role: The user's role in the firm.

  • Title: The user's title in the firm.

  • Billing Rate: The default billing rate for this user.

  • Logged in: Whether the user is currently logged into SmartAdvocate.

  • Last Login Time: The date and time the user last logged into the system.

  • Last Logout Time: The date and time the user last logged out of the system.

  • Workstation Name: The name of the workstation from which the user last logged into the system.

  • Last IP: The IP address of the workstation from which the user last logged into the system.

  • Mobile: A checkbox indicating whether the user is allowed to use the mobile version of SmartAdvocate.

  • Visible: A checkbox indicating whether the user appears in the dropdown when adding staff to a case through the case summary page.

  • Active: A checkbox indicating whether the account belongs to a user who currently is granted access to the system.

  • Locked: A checkbox indicating whether the user is currently locked out of the account.

  • Office: The firm office to which the user is assigned.

  • Actions: An action column containing an Edit icon.

You can also create a new user account in this page. The add/edit form contains the following fields:

  • Login name: A text input field.

  • Password: A password input field. This field will always appear blank when the add/edit form is opened, and any characters typed into it will be masked as bullet points. When editing a user account, leaving this field blank will leave the user's password unchanged. Therefore, unless you are specifically changing the user's password, it is strongly recommended that you leave this field blank when editing an existing user. Something must be entered into this field when creating a new user or you will not be able to save the user.

  • Contact name: A Contact-list dropdown.

  • Default case role: A dropdown pulling from the Case Roles picklist.

  • Firm role: A dropdown pulling from the Case Roles picklist.

  • Title: A dropdown pulling from the Case Roles picklist.

  • Permission Groups: A checkbox-select dropdown pulling from the User Permission Groups administrative page.

  • Active: A checkbox. Note: User accounts cannot be deleted, in large part because it would cause technical problems with any documents or activity that the user was involved in while the user account existed. For the same reason, we recommend that you not simply edit an existing user with the information of the person who will replace the former user. Doing so will replace the former user's information with that of the new user, including on previous actions taken by the former user, making it difficult to determine to whom the system is actually referring. Instead, if a user is no longer using their account (e.g. because they are no longer with the firm), their account should be made inactive. Inactive accounts do not count against the total number of licensed users. In particular, if you are at the limit of licensed users, and you need to switch a new user in for a current user who will become inactive, you must make the current user inactive first, before creating the new user, to free up an available license.

  • Locked: A checkbox. Note: If a user attempts to log in to their account with the wrong password a certain number of times (which you can set in System Parameters), their account will be locked (i.e. this checkbox will be automatically selected). In order to unlock the account and let the user log in again, you must manually deselect this checkbox.

  • Mobile Application: A checkbox. Corresponds with the Mobile column in the results table.

  • Visible: A checkbox. Corresponds with the Visible column in the results table.


An Edit User Preferences icon ( ) is available in the Actions column. This icon opens the User Preferences panel for the user and allows the Admin to set the User Preferences for that user. The user will be able to change any setting that have been changed by the Admin unless access to User Preferences is blocked in all User Permission Groups of which the user is a member. See User Permission Groups for details on settings for User Permission Groups.


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