Stages Setup
Stages in SmartAdvocate are collections of statuses (primary statuses, specifically; see Status Setup for details). They are used to signify case progress at a broader level than statuses; e.g., moving from the Pre-Litigation stage to the Litigation stage is a larger step, and a more significant difference, than moving from status to status within the Pre-Litigation stage. The Stages Setup administrative page is where you can manage stages. The page contains a double-list below a dropdown containing a list of all the stages in the SmartAdvocate system. Selecting a stage from this dropdown will populate the double-list with statuses; all the statuses within the selected stage will be in the right list, and all remaining stages in the SmartAdvocate system will be in the left list. You may then use the double-list to add or remove statuses from the selected stage as you see fit. Note: It is strongly recommended that you not include the same status in two different stages, as this could impact (and cause errors or inaccuracies) in reports and other functions within SmartAdvocate.
You can also add or remove stages, or change the name of a stage, by clicking the link "Add/Update Stages" link above the left list. This will bring up a panel containing a small table listing all of the stages, with a column for the stage's name and an action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon. You can also add a new stage from this panel by clicking the "Add New Stage" link. The add/edit form contains only a text input field for the stage's name. Note: Any changes you make in this panel will not immediately be reflected in the Stages Setup page when you close the panel. You must refresh the page to make the changes appear.
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