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The Picklist Maintenance page allows you to customize numerous aspects of the SmartAdvocate system. In particular, the page allows you to edit the contents of most of the Dropdown fields in various panels. The page contains an alphabetical list of categories in a pane on the left. Clicking any of these categories brings up a corresponding list in the pane on the right. Most of the lists represent options available in particular dropdown fields; however, some of the lists represent more essential information about your firm or case-management process. Nearly all of the lists can be customized by adding, editing, or deleting items.

Basic Picklist Table:

Many of the lists on this page have the same table structure: a column with the heading “Descriptions,” containing the text of each individual option, and a column with the heading “Action,” containing an Edit icon () and a Delete icon (). Some of the options are mandatory within SmartAdvocate and thus cannot be deleted. You can, however, edit most of these options by clicking on the “Edit” icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button.

Most add/edit forms have a single field, allowing you to name the new item, or rename an existing one. Most such forms have two fields, a Text input field for item Description, and a Dropdown field, which permits you to choose the primary type/category under which the new or edited item will be created.

Accounting Account Types:

This list contains the various account types that can be assigned to your Bank Accounts. If your firm has integrated SmartAdvocate with QuickBooks, this will appear in the Type Column when looking at the Account Chart. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Accounting Bank Accounts

This list contains the different bank accounts that may be used for case finances. The Bank Accounts created here can be found in the Bank Account dropdown when creating a New Disbursement on the Disbursements case page. If your firm has integrated SmartAdvocate with QuickBooks this will appear in the Name column. The table contains three columns:

  1. Description: A description of the bank account.

  2. Type: The type of bank account it is.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Description and a dropdown for the Account Type (pulling from the Accounting Account Types picklist).

Adverse Examination Types:

This list contains possible causes or types of an adverse examination (generally, types of insurance claims that a carrier might challenge with an exam). It is used in the Exam Type dropdown when adding an adverse exam in the Adverse Exams case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Advertisement Campaign Group Contacts

This list displays the contacts associated with each individual campaign group (see the Advertisement Campaign Groups for details). The table contains three columns:

A.    Campaign Group: The group the contacts are assigned to.

B.     Contacts: The contacts assigned to that group.

C.     Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

 To add a new row to this table, you must create a new Campaign Group using the Advertisement Campaign Groups picklist.

The rows in the Campaign Group column correspond to items in that picklist and can only be added, edited or deleted from there. The edit icon in the Action column for Campaign Group Contacts brings up a list of all contacts for which the contact type is marked as Advertise, any or all of which can be added as an available contact for that campaign group.

Advertisement Campaign Groups

Lists Campaign Groups, which are used to track advertising expenses and fees earned per advertising campaign. Campaign Groups are utilized in the Intake Statistics Dashboard. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Appointment Activity Categories

This list contains the categories under which Activity Types are classified and is used when Appointment Activity Types are created. An action column contains an edit icon. The sole parameter is the name of the Activity Category. It is strongly recommended that you not edit the names of the Appointment Activity Categories provided with the system (Case-Related Appointment, Non-Case Related Appointment, and Personal Appointment), as they are utilized by the system for other purposes. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Appointment Activity Types

This list is used for the various types of appointments. The three functional categories of activities in this list are Case-Related Appointment, Non-Case Related Appointment, and Personal Appointment. Non-Case Related Appointment and Personal Appointment activities are used in the Activity Type dropdown when creating a new appointment from the Office Calendar unless a case is selected, in which event the dropdown will contain Case-Related Appointment activities. When creating a non-case related appointment, which category is used depends on whether the Personal checkbox is deselected or selected, respectively. Case-Related Appointment activities are used in the Activity Type dropdown when creating a new appointment from the Case Calendar (or directly from a case's Quick Action Tool Bar) or from the Office Calendar. The table's columns are:

  1. Activity: The description of the activity/appointment.

  2. Activity Category: The category of the activity.

  3. Active: Whether the activity will appear in its respective dropdown.

  4. Start Time: The default time at which an appointment with a particular activity type will start. This time should be entered in 24-hour format (e.g., if entering 3:00 pm, you would instead enter 15:00).

  5. End Time: The default time at which an appointment with a particular activity type will end. This time should be entered in 24-hour format (e.g., if entering 3:00 pm, you would instead enter 15:00).

  6. Associated Time: This will be the default amount of time associated with this appointment/activity type for time tracking. This will appear in the Time Tracking case page after marking the appointment as complete. If you do not track the time spent in cases, leave this field blank.

  7. Activity Code: This is the activity code associated with the activity type used for time tracking. In order to properly track time this must be added to the activity type (for more on Activity Codes see Time Tracking Activity Codes). Used with Time Tracking. If you do not track the time spent in cases, leave this field blank.

  8. Time Tracking: Used with Time Tracking. If you do not track the time spent in cases, leave this field blank

  9. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

 You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Activities, Start Time, End Time, and Associated Time. It also has a dropdown for Activity Category (pulling from the Appointment Activity Categories picklist), a yes/no dropdown for Active, a dropdown for Activity Code (pulling from the Time Tracking Activity Codes picklist) and a dropdown for Time Tracking containing the three options mentioned above. Note: Entering anything other than a time in the Start Time or End Time section will not be accepted by the system and will cause an error.

Appointment Adjourn/Cancel Reasons:

This list contains reasons why an appointment might be adjourned or canceled. It is used in the Reason dropdown of the Adjourn Appointment and Cancel Appointment panels, accessible by right-clicking an appointment in the Case SummaryCase CalendarOffice Calendar, or My SmartAdvocate pages. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Appointment Calendar Types:

This list is used to determine the default start and end time for new appointments based on the category of appointment being added. The list contains four permanent rows: one for case-related appointments at court, one for case-related appointments not at court, one for non-case related appointments, and one for personal appointments. See the Appointment Activity Types picklist for defining the appointment activity types that belong to each of these categories. It is possible to add new rows to this table, but it is useless; only the permanent rows have any effect. You can, however, edit the default start and end times for each appointment activity type, which will override the start and end times set on this page.. The table's columns are:

  • Appointment Type: The category of appointment.

  • Start Time: The default start time for new appointments of the category.

  • End Time: The default end time for new appointments of the category.

  • Action: An action column containing an edit icon. If you have added any new rows, this column also contains a delete icon in those rows (but not in the permanent ones).

The add/edit form has text input fields for Appointment Types, Start Time, and End Time. Entries in the time fields must be made in the 24-hour clock (otherwise known as military time). Thus, to enter 3:00 p.m. you would enter 15:00. Note: Entering anything but a time in the Start Time or End Time fields will not be accepted by the system and will cause an error.

Appointment Holidays:

This list contains holidays that your firm would need to keep track of, generally either because they are court holidays or because your firm itself observes them. (You are free to add a holiday to this picklist - for example, Arbor Day - but doing so is unlikely to be helpful unless your firm happens to celebrate that holiday.) When you attempt to create an appointment that would take place on a holiday you will receive a warning, giving you the opportunity to reschedule or confirm the appointment time as you see fit. The table's columns are:

  • Date: The date and time at which the holiday begins. All holidays in the SmartAdvocate system are considered to consist of the twenty-four-hour period beginning at the holiday's start time. Most holidays should therefore be set to 12:00:00 AM on their respective days. However, for holidays that do not align with Gregorian calendar days, such as Jewish holidays, you may prefer to set a specific time of day for the holiday to begin.

  • Holiday: The name of the holiday.

  • IsFederal: Whether the holiday is a federal holiday.

  • IsState: Whether the holiday is a state holiday in at least one state (or, if you prefer, in the state in which your firm or office is located).

  • States: A list of all states in which the holiday is a state holiday.

  • IsOfficeObserved: Whether the holiday is observed by your firm.

  • Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Date and Holiday, yes/no dropdowns for IsFederal and IsState, a checkbox-select dropdown containing states and Canadian provinces for States, and another yes/no dropdown for IsOfficeObserved. Note: The Date field requires that both a date and a time be entered, in either order, and nothing else. Entering only a date will default the time to 12:00:00 AM. Entering only a time will default the date to the current date. Entering anything else will not be accepted by the system and will cause an error.

Appointment Status:

This list contains the statuses that can be assigned to appointments. The table has three columns:

A.    Status Name: This is the name of the status.

 B.     Color: This is the color assigned to the status that can be viewed in association with an appointment on the Case Calendar or Office Calendar.

 C.     Action: An action column containing an Edit icon.

This list is preset and cannot be edited, with the exception of the colors associated with each status. You can change this assigned color by clicking the Edit iconin the action column and choosing a new color from the drop down, or creating a custom color by selecting the Custom Color button.

Arbitration Mediation Types:

This list contains the types of mediation/arbitration that will appear in the Arbitration/Mediation Type dropdown list when adding a new Arbitration/Mediation in the Arbitration/Mediation case page. The columns in this table are:

A.    Description: A description of the type of arbitration/mediation.

 B.     Activity Type[DH1] : Whether the type is classified as mediation or arbitration.

 C.     Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Description and a dropdown for the Activity Type which pulls from the Appointment Activity Typepicklist.

Attorney Types:

This list contains types of attorneys. It is used in the Type dropdown in both the Plaintiff Attorneys and Defendant Attorneys case pages. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Call Routing

This list contains the call routing directives that have been set up within the firm. This function is only available if a phone integration has been enabled. Call Routing allows you to direct calls using case information to specific staff members assigned to them. The columns in this table are:

A.    Case Groups: Directs the calls of clients within the selected case group(s).

 B.     Case Types: Directs the calls of clients within the selected case type(s).

 C.     Case Statuses: Directs the calls of clients within the selected status(es).

 D.    Case Role: The case role of the staff to which the call will be directed.

E.     Priority: The priority with which the call will be sent to the staff member in that case role (a higher priority ranking means that staff member will receive that call before anyone else).

F.     Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has multiselect dropdowns for Case Groups, Case Types and Case Statuses, a single select dropdown for Case Role and a text input field for Priority. Note: Calls are directed from highest priority rank to lowest.

Case Acceptance Thresholds

This list contains all of the case types in your system and the point values required for a reject or accept recommendation. These point values are referred to within the system as a Threshold. Point values can be assigned to responses to questions in the Questions section of the Intake Wizard and summed together to be compared to this threshold to automatically assign a reject or accept recommendation. The table has four columns:

A.    Case Type: This is the case type that the thresholds will be assigned to.

B.     Reject Threshold: This determines the number of points that a case must exceed before being considered. Any case scoring below this number will be assigned a reject recommendation.

C.     Accept Threshold: This determines the number of points that a case must exceed before being assigned an accept recommendation.

D.    Action: An action column containing an Edit icon. Please note that you cannot edit the Case Type from this page, only the Reject and Acceptance Thresholds assigned to them.

To add a new threshold or edit an existing one, use the Edit icon in the action column. The add/edit form has a text input field for Reject Threshold and Accept Threshold. Since the rows in this table are determined by the Case Types in your system, you must add a new row to the Case Types administration page to add a new row to this table.

Case Browse Result Columns:

This list contains the available columns for the table of search results when using Case Browse. It is not possible to add new rows to this table. It is possible to delete rows from this table, but it is strongly recommended that you do not delete any rows, since there is no way of undoing the change, and there is no need to delete a row. The purpose of the table is rather that it interacts with the Select Columns to Show panel in Case Browse. That panel allows you to set certain columns to appear or not appear in the results table by default. This list determines whether, by default, each column will be set in the panel to appear or not appear. The table's columns are:

  • Column Names: The name of the column in the Case Browse results table.

  • Default Select: Whether the column is set by default to appear in the Case Browse results table.

  • Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

The add/edit form has a text input field for Column Names and a yes/no dropdown for Default Select.

Note that users can create and save their own default column sets, which will override the settings in this list. See Case Browse Search Criteria for details.

Case Close Button

The Case Close button is used to mark a case closed or soon to be closed, and to automatically perform a set of actions related to closing the case. It can only be used if the case is not currently in the Closed status; otherwise, the button will be greyed out and unusable.

Using The Close Button

To use the Close Case button to mark a case closed or soon to be closed:

  1. Click the button. A panel will appear with five fields: Close Reason, Letters, Emails, Comments, and Change Case Status To.

  2. Select the reason you are closing the case from the Radio button list in the Close Reason field. (See the Case Close Reasons picklist to edit the contents of the list.) This will cause the Comments field to be set to "Closed for the following reason:" followed by the name of the reason on the next line. It may also cause a list of emails and letters to appear in the Emails and Letters fields. That list consists of every non-archived document template whose name contains the text in the Document keywords column of the selected reason in the Case Close Reasons picklist. If there is only one template in the list, the corresponding radio button will automatically be selected; otherwise, none of the options will be selected by default.

  3. If there is more than one option in the Letters field then, if you wish, you may select a document to generate. This is generally used to generate the reject letter that accompanies the case closure.

  4. If you wish, you may change the contents of the Comments field.

  5. Depending on whether the case is soon to be closed or actually closed, select the appropriate option from the Change Case Status To field. If you want that setting to be your default when closing a case, check the “Remember status selection” box.

  6. Click OK.

What This Button Does

Once you have used the button several actions will occur, in no particular order:

  • The status of the case will change to whichever status you selected in the Change Case Status To field. The comment field of the status will be set to the contents of the Comments field. If you selected Closed, the reason you selected in the Close Reason field will also be in the Close Reason field of the new status.

    • Additionally, if you selected Closed, the case closed date will be set to the current date, and the Close Case button will be greyed out; these side effects are due to the case status becoming Closed Case and would also have occurred if you had simply changed the case status to Closed Case manually instead of clicking the Close Case button. (The case closed date is equivalent to the status date of the current Closed Case status.)

  • A note will be added to the case consisting of the contents of the Comments field; you (the staff member who used the button) will be listed as the creator of the note.

  • If a document template was selected in the Letters field, you will automatically be redirected to the Document Generation page, and the Generate Document panel will be opened for the document you selected. You may then generate the document as usual (if you instead cancel the document generation, the status change and note will still occur). If an email template was selected in the Emails field, the email will open on your screen. You may then send the email as usual (if you instead cancel the email, the status change and note will still occur).

Case Close Reasons:

This list contains the reasons a case might be closed. It is used when closing a case, whether by directly changing the status from the Case Summary page, or by using the Close Case button in the Quick Add Tool Bar. The table's columns are:

  1. Case Close Reason: The description of the reason.

  2. Document Keyword: The filter text used for selecting the document to automatically generate when using the close icon and choosing this reason. See the Close Case button for more explanation of the function of this column.

  3. Email Keyword: The filter text used for selecting the email to automatically generate when using the close icon and choosing this reason. See the Close Case button for more explanation of the function of this column.

  4. Text Keyword: The filter text used for selecting the text to automatically generate when using the close icon and choosing this reason. See the Close Case button for more explanation of the function of this column. Note that the Text Keyword currently only impacts a case being rejected while still within the Intake Wizard.

  5. Case Group: The case groups that will be able to see and use this close reason.

  6. Case Type: The case types that will be able to see and use this close reason.

  7. Action: An action column containing an edit icon and a delete icon. Note: The row containing the reason DUPLICATE only has an edit icon; it is considered essential to the system and cannot be deleted.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Case Close Reason, Document Keyword and Email Keyword. It also has two dropdown menus for Case Groups and Case Types.

Case Creation Methods

This list contains all of the methods of Case Creation that exist within your system. You cannot make any changes to this list. You may, however, add to this list.

Case Fee Structures:

This list contains fractions and percentages that may represent your firm's fee in proportion to a settlement. It is used in the Fee Structure dropdown when the retainer fee structure is set to Percentage, when adding a new retainer in the Retainer/Referral case page; it is also used in the Percentage/Fraction dropdown when adding a new referral out or a new workers' compensation attorney, also in the Retainer/Referral case page. The table's columns are:

  1. Fee Types: How the fee structure is expressed, either as a fraction or percentage.

  2. Fractions: The fraction itself, if the fee structure is expressed as a fraction. If the fee structure is expressed as a percentage, this column is ignored by the system.

  3. Values: The decimal representation of the fraction, if the fee structure is expressed as a fraction; or the percentage itself (without the percent sign), if the fee structure is expressed as a percentage.

  4. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a dropdown for the Fee Type (containing Fraction or Percentage) and a text input field for Fraction, Value (if a percentage) and Description.

Case Fee Structures (Sliding Scale):

This list contains any Sliding Scale Fee Structures that are created in your system. This type of structure allows you to assign a multi-tiered fee structure automatically from within the system. It is used in the Fee Structure dropdown when the retainer fee structure is set to Percentage, when adding a new retainer in the Retainer/Referral case page. The table’s columns are:

  1. Name: The name assigned to the Fee Structure.

  2. Percentage 1-8: This is the percentage assigned to the segment.

  3. Segment 1: The amount that corresponds with Percentage 1. Any amount up to this number will have a fee designated by its corresponding percentage.

  4. Segment 2-8: The amount that corresponds with Percentage 2. Any amount above the amount in Segment 1, and up to the amount of Segment 2 will have a fee designated by its corresponding percentage (this functions the same for Segments 3-8)

  5. Fee Types: The only fee type that can be assigned from this page is Sliding Scale.

  6. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for the Name, Percentages 1-8 and Segments 1-8, as well as a dropdown for Fee Types that only contains Sliding Scale.

Case Group Incident Types:

This list contains broad categories of incidents that would be the subject of a case. Incident types are the top level of the case type hierarchy; incident types are collections of case groups, which are collections of case types, which each have a set of available case subtypes. See the Case Groups picklist for associating case groups with incident types. Incident types are also used when managing Incident Type UDFs in the UDF Editor administrative page. The table’s columns are:

A.    Description: The name of the incident type. This is what appears in the dropdowns that select within incident types.

 B.     Short Name: A version of the incident type suitable for automatic insertion in generated documents. This is what is used to fill in the INC-TYPE merge code.

 C.     Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Description and Short Name.

Because the primary focus of Incident Types is managing Incident Type UDFs, it is generally recommended that the list of Incident Types and Case Groups be identical.

Case Groups:

This list contains collections of case types, called case groups. Case groups are used in many SmartAdvocate pages, most notably when managing Case Types, creating a new case in the Intake Wizard, or searching for a case in Case Browse. This list is also used for associating each case group with an incident type. This is particularly relevant when creating or managing Incident-type UDFs. See the Incident Types picklist for defining incident types, and the UDF Editor for managing UDFs. By default, every Case Status is applicable to each case group, however when creating or editing a case group, there is a checkbox labeled "Limit Statuses". If checked, you can choose the statuses that are applicable to that case group. See Case Statuses for details. The table's columns are:

  1. Descriptions: The name of the case group.

  2. Incident Types: Which incident type the case group is associated with.

  3. Limit Statuses: Whether all case statuses are available for the case group.

  4. Statuses: The only statuses that will be available to cases in the case group. If empty, all statuses will be available.

  5. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Descriptions, a dropdown for Incident Types (drawing from the Incident Types picklist), a Limit Status checkbox to indicate whether all statuses will be available to cases in the case group, and a dropdown to select that statuses that will be available to cases in the case group (if the Limit Status box is checked).

Case Number Format:

Allows the entry of different case number formats for different case groups.

The table's columns are:

  1. Case Group: The case group to which this format will apply.

  2. Pattern: The format for the case numbers.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a dropdown for Case Group, a text input field for Pattern, and an action column containing an Edit icon and Delete icon.

Case Products:

This list contains products that may be the subjects of cases (likely, mass tort actions). It is used in any UDFs of the type Product or Medical Device (depending on the contents of the Medical Device column in the table). For more information about UDFs, see the UDF Editor administrative page. The table's columns are:

  1. Description: The name of the product.

  2. Medical Device: Whether the product is a medical device. If the column contains Yes, the product appears in dropdowns of the UDF type Medical Device. If the column contains No, or is blank, the product appears in dropdowns of the UDF type Product.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Description and a yes/no dropdown for Medical Device.

Case Roles:

This list is used for various categories of roles. It contains the possible roles for defendants and plaintiffs in a case, the roles a staff member may have in working on a case (Default Case Role), the roles a staff member may have in your firm (Firm Role), and the official titles a staff member may have in your firm (Title). Firm Roles, Case Roles, and Titles are used in the Users administrative page. Defendant and plaintiff roles are assigned when the defendant or plaintiff is added to the case, whether in the Intake WizardPlaintiff Summary, or Defendant Summary. They are also used in defining Case Types, since only a subset of all roles are generally relevant to each case type. Staff case roles are used in several places, in particular when adding staff in the Case Summary screen. The table's columns are:

  1. Roles: The name of the role.

  2. Role Types: Which category the role is in.

  3. Action: An action column containing an edit icon and a delete icon, except in some of the rows for important case roles, which cannot be deleted and thus only have an edit icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Roles and a dropdown (containing Case Role (Staff), Defendant, Firm Role, Plaintiff, and Title) for Role Types.

Case SOL Types:

This list contains categories of statutes of limitation that expire a set period of time after some incident date, depending on the type of incident and sometimes the status of the injured party (i.e.: deceased, infant, etc.) or the defendant (government entity, etc.). It is used in the SOL Type dropdown when performing a mass add in the Edit Statute of Limitations Panel in the Case Types administrative page. It is a Basic Picklist Table, with a key exception: the action column contains only an edit icon for the SOL types that are essential to the system.

Case Status Types:

This list is used for defining the types of sub-statuses that can be applied to cases. Status types are used most notably in the Sub-Status tab of Case Browse, the Case Statuses picklist, and when adding new statuses in the Case Summary screen. You can also edit the list of available status types in the Status Setup administrative page. It is a Basic Picklist Table, with a key exception: the action column contains only an edit icon for the sub-statuses that are essential to the system, and contains no icons at all for Status, which can neither be edited nor deleted.

Case Statuses:

This list contains all the statuses in the SmartAdvocate system. Statuses in SmartAdvocate are the most important way of tracking the overall progress of your cases. They are useful both to your staff as a quick indicator of the current phase of the case, and to the SmartAdvocate system itself, which uses various statuses as triggers for certain dashboards and other automatic updates. You can edit a case's primary status in its Case Summary page, and certain actions (such as marking a case as retained using the Retain Case button) will automatically update its status for you. There are several types of statuses in SmartAdvocate: in addition to the primary case status (simply titled Status), there are sub-statuses (which can be used, for example, to add more granular detail to the current Status, or to note an aspect of the case that is less about the linear progress of the case than Statuses are) and more. You can also edit the list of available statuses in the Status Setup administrative page.
The table's columns are:

  1. Description: The name of the status.

  2. Status Short Name: The short name assigned to a status, if any.

  3. Status Type: The status type to which the status belongs.

  4. Limit Group: Whether the Limit Group checkbox is selected. If selected, you will also need to choose the case groups to which the status will be limited.

  5. Groups: The Case Groups in which the status will be available. If this column is blank, the status can be used with any case group.

  6. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon. Note: this column is empty for the row containing Closed Case, which is of the type Status, as this item is essential to the system and cannot be edited or deleted.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Descriptions and a dropdown (populated from the rows in the Case Status Types picklist) for Status Types.

The only Status that cannot be deleted is Closed Case, as that is the only Status that the system will recognize as closing a case. Any other Status can be edited or deleted. Note, however, that a status actually in use in a case should not be deleted until the status in that case is changed.

Case Subtypes:

This list contains case subtypes. Case subtypes are used to provide additional fundamental information about the case type, without affecting how that type is treated by the SmartAdvocate system. For the most part, case subtypes do not interact with the SmartAdvocate system; however, they are used in defining case types in the Case Types administrative page, selected when creating a new case in the Case Wizard, and available as a search filter in the Case SubType tab when using Case Browse. Case subtypes can also be used as a Scope in Automated Procedures. The list is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is titled Subtypes instead of Descriptions.

Case Summary Flags

This list contains the possible flags that can appear on your Case Summary page. Case Summary Flags appear as either icons or text messages that alert you to certain details within a case. The columns within this table are:

  1. Flag Text: This is the message that will appear if this flag is present on your dashboard and is selected to display as text. If the flag is selected to appear as an icon, this text will appear when you hover your cursor over the icon.

  2. State: This is the display format of the flag (as an icon or as text). The flag can also be turned off from the State column.

  3. Color: This is the color that will be assigned to the flag when it is displayed as text.

  4. Icon: The icon assigned to the flag when that state is set to icon.

  5. Description: A description of what function the flag will perform when clicked.

  6. Order: The order the flags will appear on the Case Summary screen.

  7. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon. Note: flags cannot be deleted from the system, only turned off using the State dropdown in the edit form.

Case Summary Page Design

From this page you are able to modify what panels appear on the Case Summary page for each different Case Group. The table contains a column for each possible panel that could be visible. Those columns are:

  1. Case Group: The case group that the edits will apply to.

  2. Custom View (0-4) Panel Visible: These are customizable panels that can be created using Email Templates. These checkboxes determine which, if any, customized panels will be visible. Up to 5 panels can be added to case summary page.

  3. Staff Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying the staff assigned to that case will be visible.

  4. Pending Activities Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying pending appointments will be visible.

  5. Court Numbers Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying court(s) assigned to the case, along with docket/index numbers, will be visible.

  6. Last Note Summary Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying the last 5 notes created in a case will be visible.

  7. Tasks Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying open tasks in the case will be visible.

  8. Pending Critical Deadlines Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying pending critical deadlines will be visible.

  9. Plaintiff’s Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying the plaintiff(s)' information will be visible.

  10. Defendants Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying the defendant(s)' information will be visible.

  11. Negotiations and Settlements Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying the most recent Negotiations and Settlements will be visible.

  12. Incident Facts Panel Visible : Whether or not the panel displaying the case incident facts will be visible.

  13. Case Injuries Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying the plaintiff injuries will be visible.

  14. Case Liens Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying the plaintiff’s total liens and the status of those liens will be visible.

  15. Other Cases Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying the other cases the plaintiff is involved in will be visible.

  16. Surrogate Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying the plaintiff death information will be visible.

  17. Bankruptcy Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying information regarding the plaintiff’s bankruptcy case will be visible.

  18. Related Cases Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying any other cases related to this specific case will be visible.

  19. Other Plaintiffs Panel Visible: Whether or not the panel displaying the other plaintiffs at issue in this case will be visible.

  20. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon.

Case Team Assignments

This list displays all team assignments that have been created. Once you have created a Case Team, staff can be assigned to those teams from this page. This table’s columns are:

  1. Team: The team this staff member is assigned to.

  2. Staff: The staff member.

  3. Case Role: The role this staff member will be assigned to within that team.

  4. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has three dropdowns, for Team (pulling from the Case Team picklist), Staff (pulling from the list of Users in the system) and Case Role (pulling from the Case Roles picklist).

Case Teams

 This list displays all Teams that have been created. Case Teams allow you to create groups of staff members that perform a certain function on cases and assign them together. The columns in this table are:

  1. Name: The name of the team.

  2. Description: A description of the team’s function.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Name and Description.

Case Type Property

This list is used for creating Case Type Property Dynamic Merge Codes. This list contains the Short Name used to generate the merge code that must be linked to a value (text) when added to the Case Type Property Values picklist. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Case Type Property Values

This list contains the actual values (text) linked to the Dynamic Merge Code created in the Case Type Property picklist. The columns in this table are:

  1. Description: The text that will generate when the merge code is inserted into a document.

  2. Case Type: The case type this merge code will generate for.

  3. Property: The Case Type Property short name.

  4. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

 You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Description and dropdowns for the Case Type (pulling from the Case Type administration page) and Property (pulling from the Case Type Property picklist).

Case UDF Definitions

This list displays all active UDFs in your system. This page is a second way to add a Short Name to your UDFs, outside of the UDF Editor. Short Names allow you to link the answer to the UDF to a merge code for use in Document Templates. This table’s columns are:

  1. Incident Type: The incident type the UDF is assigned to.

  2. Case Type: The case type the UDF is assigned to.

  3. UDF Name: The name of the UDF.

  4. Short Name: The short name assigned to the UDF.

  5. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon.

New UDFs can only be created and deleted from the UDF Editor, however you are able to edit the Short Name assigned to the UDF from this page by selecting the Edit icon. The edit form has a text input for Short Name. NOTE: Short Names must be 50 characters or less in order to be used properly in merge codes. 

Case Values:

This list contains numerical ranges that represent estimates of the value of a case. These are used when setting a case's estimated value from the Case Summary page. Each value range can also be associated with a default disbursement limit; when a case is assigned an estimated value, the disbursement limit is also applied to the case in the Disbursements case page. The table's columns are:

  1. Value Type: How the estimate is expressed. The content of this column is always "Range."

  2. From: The low end of the range.

  3. To: The high end of the range.

  4. Disbursement Limit: The disbursement limit applied to the case when the value range is selected.

  5. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a dropdown for Value Types (which only contains Range) and text input fields for From, To, and Disbursement Limits. Note: Entering anything but a number in any of these text input fields will not be accepted by the system and will cause an error.

Client Portal Spare Time:

The Client Portal includes an area where your firm can provide general information regarding your firm, its practice areas, and more for review by your clients. This list includes descriptions for each such item available to your clients through the Portal. Upon installation and setup of SmartAdvocate and the Client Portal, this list will be empty, as it is intended to be used by your firm to describe the particular content you wish to post on the Portal. You can add a new item by clicking on the Add New Item button. The Add/Edit form provides three text entry areas, which correspond to the columns of the list. They are:

  1. Title: Enter the Title for the video or article you wish to share with your clients. This will be presented in bold and enlarged type on the Portal.

  2. Text: Enter any explanatory text or description for the video or article you wish to share.

  3. Video: Enter the URL of any video file you wish to share.

Once information is entered into this list, Edit and Delete icons will appear in the Action column to the far right of each row.

Co-Counsel Types

This list displays the different types of co-counsel that may be added to a case. The types created in this list are displayed in the Co-Counsel Type dropdown when a adding a new/editing co-counsel from the Retainer/Referral case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Collateral Types:

This list contains types of sources of compensation, generally insurance, that might pay for vehicle damage, medical bills, lost wages, or other kinds of special damages. It is used in the Collateral dropdown when adding an amount paid in the Plaintiff VehiclesMedical Providers, or Employment case page, among others. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Complaint Names

This list allows you to create a Complaint name that will automatically add information for cases within the same MDL. The columns in this table are:

  1. Name: The name of the complaint.

  2. Status: The status of the complaint.

  3. Docket (Case) Number: The docket/case number assigned to the case.

  4. Court: The court the complaint was filed with.

  5. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Name and Docket (Case) Number. The form also has dropdowns for Status (pulling from the Complaint Statuses picklist) and Court (which lists any contacts with the Contact Type Court).

Complaint Statuses

This list contains all of the possible statuses that can be assigned when creating a Complaint Name. These are automatically added with the assignment of a Complaint Name. It is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is titled Name instead of Description.

Contact Address Types

This list is used for types of physical addresses. It is used in the Address Type dropdown in the Add New Contact panel, or when adding or editing addresses in an existing Contact Card. The table's columns are:

  1. Descriptions: The name of the address type.

  2. Contact Categories: Which category of contact (organization or individual) to which the address type applies. (There is no option for both; if you wish to have an address type that can be used by both contact categories, you must create the address type separately for each category.)

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Descriptions and a dropdown (containing only Individual and Organization) for Contact Categories.

Contact Document Types:

This list contains types of documents that might be attached to a contact by means of the contact card. It is used in the Type dropdown when adding a new document in the Documents tab of a Contact Card. It is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is titled Document Type Names instead of Descriptions.

Contact Mailing Lists:

This list contains mailing lists, which are collections of contacts that can be used for efficient mass generation of documents in the Contacts List page. This picklist is used when managing a contact's mailing list assignments in the Mailing Lists tab of the Contact Card, when searching for contacts that belong to a particular mailing list in the Contact Search Criteria panel, or when adding or removing contacts from mailing lists in the Mass Action menu of the Contact Search Results. Managing which contacts belong to each mailing list is handled on those other pages; this one is only used for defining the lists themselves. The table's columns are:

  • Names: The name of the mailing list.

  • Descriptions: A description of the purpose of the mailing list.

  • Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Names and Descriptions.

Contact Phone Number Types:

This list contains different devices and purposes with which a contact’s phone number may be associated (e.g., Home, Cell, Vacation Phone, Work Fax, etc.). It is used wherever a contact can be added or edited, most notably in the Add New Contact panel and the Contact Card. The table’s columns are:

  1. Contact Number Types: The type and/or location of the device.

  2. Default: This field is not currently used.

  3. Contact Category: Whether the type appears in the dropdown for individual or organizational contacts.

  4. Default Text Messaging: Whether or not the type is automatically marked as a number capable of sending and receiving texts.

  5. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Contact Number Type, a dropdown containing individual or organization for Contact Category and yes/no dropdowns for Default and Default Text Messaging.
Note: If you wish to create a phone number type that can be used by both organizations and individuals, you must create two separate types, one for each contact category.

Contact Prefixes:

This list contains honorific prefixes: terms or abbreviations that precede a contact's name. It is used in the Prefix dropdown wherever a contact can be added or edited, most notably in the Add New Contact panel and the Contact Card. The table's columns are:

  1. Descriptions: The text of the prefix.

  2. Gender: Whether the prefix is specific to females or males or is not specific to either.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Descriptions and a dropdown containing Female, General, and Male for Gender.

Contact Races:

This list contains the races that constitute the traditional divisions of humankind. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Contact Relationships:

This list contains possible types of relationships between contacts in your database (such as parent/child, employer/employee, etc.). Relationships can be added in a contact's Contact Card, in the Cases and Related Contacts tab. They are used in some Merge Codes and are useful for keeping track of related contacts. Additionally, the employer-employee relationship is used in various pages in SmartAdvocate, in particular when recording attorneys that work for a particular law firm or adjusters that work for an insurance company. The list is also used in the Relationship to Firm dropdown when adding an "other" referral in the Retainer/Referral case page. The table's columns are:

  1. Relation: The relationship type. This is a one-way relationship; see the Related To column below for automatically assigning two-way relationships.

  2. Is Work: Whether the relationship is work-related.

  3. Related To: The relationship that is the inverse of this one. For example, if Parent were in the Relations column, Child would go in the Related To column. If, in Contact A's contact card, you add a relationship with Contact B, then an inverse relationship with Contact A will automatically be added to Contact B's contact card. This allows you to note two-way relationships without having to add them separately to both parties' contact cards.

  4. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Relations, a yes/no dropdown for Is Work, and a dropdown containing the existing relationships in the table for Related To. Note: If you are creating two new relationship types that should be inverses of each other, create the first one and leave the Related To field blank, then create the second one and select the first one in Related To, then edit the first one and select the second one in Related To. Similarly, you can create a relationship type that is its own inverse, but you must first create it with a blank Related To, then edit it and select the same relationship type in Related To (for example, cousin or co-worker).

Contact Religions:

This list contains the religions in which many members of the human race consider themselves members. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Contact SubCategory:

This list contains subcategories that are applied to all contacts. The list includes Adult, Deceased, Incompetent, and Infant. All of the items in the list are considered essential to the operation of SmartAdvocate and thus cannot be deleted. Their descriptions can, however, be edited. No additional subcategories can be added.

The default subcategory when entering creating a new Contact Card is Adult. If a date of death is entered in the contact card, the subcategory is automatically changed to Deceased; this subcategory cannot be altered without first removing the date of death. If a date of birth is entered in the contact card and indicates that the contact is under the age of 18, the subcategory is automatically changed to Infant; this subcategory, however, can be changed by the user.

The Prevent Mailing action is automatically applied to any contact whose subcategory is Deceased, Incompetent, or Infant, regardless of whether that status was applied by the user or automatically by SmartAdvocate; however, that can be changed by the user for any particular mailing or other type of communication.

Contact Suffixes:

This list contains honorific suffixes: terms or abbreviations that follow a contact's name. It is used in the Suffix dropdown wherever a contact can be added or edited, most notably in the Add New Contact page and the Contact Card. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Contact Types:

This list contains possible types of contacts. Contact types are used in various places in the SmartAdvocate system; often, a Contact-list dropdown will be limited to contacts of a particular type or set of types. The list as a whole is used in the Contact Type dropdown wherever a contact can be added or edited, most notably in the Add New Contact page and the Contact Card. Some of the contact types will add additional fields to a contact card when selected. The table's columns are:

  1. Contact Types: The contact type.

  2. Contact Categories: Whether the type is a type of individual contact or organizational contact.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon in all rows, and a Delete icon in rows that are not essential to parts of the SmartAdvocate system.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Contact Types and a dropdown containing Individual and Organization for Contact Categories. Note: If you wish to create a contact type that can be used by both organizations and individuals, you must create two separate types, one for each contact category.

Court Index Types:

This list contains various types of identifiers that the SmartAdvocate system groups under the collective name “dockets.” It is used in the Type of Court/Docket # dropdown when adding a docket in the Court case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Critical Deadline Types:

This list contains various types of deadlines other than statutes of limitation. These deadlines are such that failure to meet them would imperil the continuation of the case. The list is used in the Type dropdown when adding a general critical deadline in the Critical Deadlines case page, and in the Category dropdown in the General Information tab when configuring a critical deadline WorkPlan item in the Item Templates administrative page. Statutes of limitation are not included in this list because they are recorded in a different part of the Critical Deadlines page and are not used in WorkPlan items; to configure types of statutes of limitation, see the SOL Types picklist. See the Discovery Types for the list used in the Type dropdown when adding a discovery critical deadline in the Critical Deadlines case page. The table's columns are:

  1. Description: The description of the deadline.

  2. Active Type: Whether the critical deadline is currently active and thus will appear in dropdowns. Note: Marking a deadline type inactive is generally useful as an alternative to deletion, since it prevents new critical deadlines of that type from being created and avoids accidentally deleting existing instances of the deadline that have not yet been met and may still be applicable in those cases to which they have been applied.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Descriptions and a yes/no dropdown for Active Type.

Dashboard Client Contact Frequencies:

This list contains the criteria used to determine whether client contact is overdue in a given case, i.e., whether that case appears in the Client Contact Overdue dashboard. Note: There is also a setting in the System Parameters administrative page that affects whether a case appears in the Client Contact Overdue dashboard, but most of the settings relevant to the dashboard are found in this list. The table's columns are:

  1. Status: The case status to which the criteria apply; i.e., the rest of the row only applies to a case if that case's status matches the one in this field. If this column contains "Default" for some row, the criteria in that row apply to all case statuses not specifically included elsewhere in the list.

  2. Max Days: The number of days since the last client contact before contact is considered overdue.

  3. Mass Tort: If Yes, the criteria only apply to mass tort cases; if No, the criteria only apply to non-mass-tort cases.

  4. Note Types: A list of all note types such that a note of that type in the case is an indication of client contact.

  5. Document SubCategories: A list of all document sub-categories such that a document of that sub-category in the case is an indication of client contact.

  6. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a dropdown for statuses (drawing from the Case Statuses picklist for the type Status, plus the option Default), a text input field for Max Days, a yes/no dropdown for Mass Tort, a checkbox-select dropdown (drawing from the Note Types picklist) for Note Types, and a checkbox-select dropdown for Document SubCategories (drawing from the Document Sub-Categories picklist).

Dashboard Groups

This list contains the names of the five dashboards accessible from the Dashboard Designer administration page. Since these five dashboards are deemed essential to the SmartAdvocate system they cannot be deleted; the names of each, however, can be edited by using the Edit icon in the Action column. No additional rows may be added to this picklist.

Dashboard Stage Intervals:

This list contains time ranges, each of which is associated with a particular case stage. It is used in the Stage Dashboards to separate cases into tiers based on the length of time spent in the current stage. The table's columns are:

  1. Stage: The stage the time range is associated with.

  2. From: The number of days at the low end of the range.

  3. To: The number of days at the high end of the range.

  4. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a dropdown containing all stages under Stage, and text input fields for From and To. See the Stages Setup administrative page for editing the list in the Stages dropdown.

Notes for creating useful ranges: Remember to start your lowest range for each stage with a From of 0. The From of any other range should be one higher than the To of the range just below it (to avoid having cases at the border of the two ranges appear in both). SmartAdvocate uses the number 60,000 in the interval picklists to indicate an effectively infinite number. If the number 60,000 is in the To column for some row, and, for example 100 is in the From column, then in the corresponding stage dashboard, there will be a tier labels “Over 99 Days” (i.e., 100 days and up).

Dashboard Status Intervals:

This list contains time ranges, each of which is associated with a particular primary case status. It is used in the Status Dashboard to separate cases into tiers based on the length of time spent in the current status. It is also used in the Cases With Long Time In Status report and the Cases With Overdue Status panel on the My SmartAdvocate page to determine when a case may have spent too long in the same status. The table's columns are:

  1. Statuses: The status the time range is associated with.

  2. From: The number of days at the low end of the range.

  3. To: The number of days at the high end of the range.

  4. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a dropdown containing all primary statuses under Statuse, and text input fields for From and To. See the Case Statuses picklist for editing the list in the Statuses dropdown.

Notes for creating useful ranges: Remember to start your lowest range for each status with a From of 0. The From of any other range should be one higher than the To of the range just below it (to avoid having cases at the border of the two ranges appear in both). SmartAdvocate uses the number 60000 in the interval picklists to indicate an effectively infinite number. Rows with 60000 in the To column also determine when a case is considered to have spent too long in a status. If the number 60000 is in the To column for some row, and, for example, 100 is in the From column, then in the corresponding status dashboard, there will be a tier labeled "over 99 Days" (i.e. 100 days and up), and any cases that are in that tier will also appear in the Cases With Long Time In Status report and the Cases With Overdue Status panel on the My SmartAdvocate page.

Default Retainer Fee Settings

 This list contains the default retainer fees for the firm or specific case types. The fee that is set as default will be automatically added to the cases that meet the criteria outlined here. The table’s columns are:

  1. States: The state(s) the default fee will apply to.

  2. Case Groups: The case group(s) the default fee will apply to.

  3. Case Types: The case type(s) the default fee will apply to.

  4. Mass Tort: If the fee will apply to Mass Tort cases only, Non-Mass Tort cases only, or all cases.

  5. Priority: The priority with which the fee should be applied to cases, the higher the number input here, the higher priority that fee is.

  6. Retainer Fee: The structure and amount/percentage of the fee.

  7. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon. The exception in this table is for the row for every case, this row may only be edited not deleted, since it is viewed as essential to the system.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has dropdowns for States, Case Groups (pulling from the Case Groups picklist), Case Types (pulling from the Case Types administrative page), Mass Tort containing Mass Tort, Non-Mass Tort, and All, and Retainer Fee (pulling from the Default Retainer Fee Values picklist) and a text input field for Priority.

Default Retainer Fee Values

 This list contains the default retainer fee values to be used in the Default Retainer Fee Settings picklist. The columns in this table are:

  1. Name: A description of the fee.

  2. Fee Type: The type of fee, structured or an amount.

  3.  Structure: Only to be used if the fee type is Structured, the percentage/fraction that represents the fee. Sliding Scale fees may also be selected from this dropdown.

  4. Gross/Net: Whether the fee is calculated based on the gross or net recovery, or neither.

  5. Amount: Only to be used if the fee type is amount, the amount of the flat fee.

  6. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Name and Amount, and dropdowns for Fee Type (containing only Amount or Structure), Structure (which pulls from both the Case Fee Structures and Sliding Scale Fee Structure picklists) and Gross/Net (containing Gross, Net, or No Default).


This list contains all of the possible departments in your firm to which a user can be assigned. This list appears in the Department dropdown when creating a New User on the Users administrative page. It is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is titled Name instead of Description.

Disbursement Types:

This list contains types of expenses that might be incurred in the course of handling a case. It is used in the Disbursement Type dropdown when adding a disbursement in the Disbursements case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is titled Disbursements instead of Description.

Disbursements Check Request Statuses

This list contains possible statuses of a disbursement (e.g., Bill Received, Paid, etc.). It is used in the Status dropdown when adding a new disbursement in the Disbursements case page and in the integration with QuickBooks. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Document Categories:

This list contains broad categories of documents for the purposes of efficient classification and filing. For narrower categories, see the Document Sub-Categories picklist. Document Categories are used in the Document category radio selection when generating a Barcode, in the Category dropdown when attaching a document, saving a new document template, or editing an existing template in the Templates tab of the Document Templates administrative page. Time tracking may also be assigned to the generation of a document within a category from this page. The columns in this table are:

  1. Category: The category to which the document belongs.

  2. Associated Time (in minutes): The amount of time assigned to the generation of this document to be tracked in the Time Tracking case page.

  3. Activity Code: This is the code associated with the activity type used for time tracking. In order to properly track time this must be added to the document category (for more on Activity Codes see Time Tracking Activity Codes).

  4. Time Tracking: Whether time tracking is automatically performed, added as a suggestion, or disabled.

  5. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Category and Associated Time and dropdowns for Activity Code (pulling from the Time Tracking Activity Codes picklist) and Time Tracking (containing the three options mentioned above).

Document Delivery Methods:

This list contains the methods by which a document can be received or sent. This list is used in the Delivery method dropdown for documents (excluding emails) in the Edit Properties screen. It is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is titled Methods instead of Descriptions.

Document Folders:

This list contains the names of Document Folders that will be available in every case for every user. See Document Folders for details on creating and using Document Folders in the Documents page.

Document Merge Codes:

This list contains all the merge codes in the SmartAdvocate system. See Merge Codes for an explanation of how to use merge codes. The table's columns are:

  1. Merge Codes: The text of the code.

  2. Merge Code Types: The category of information the merge code corresponds to. This column is used in the Type dropdown in the Insert Merge Code panel in the Word plugin.

  3. Descriptions: The information the merge code corresponds to.

  4. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon.

You cannot add a row to the table. The edit panel only allows you to edit the Description field, which is a text input field.

Document Merge Codes (Table Parameters)

This list contains the default formatting of various tables that can be pulled from SmartAdvocate and inserted into different templates using merge codes. The columns in this table are:

  1. Merge Code Name: The text of the code.

  2. Merge Code Description: A description of the information that will be pulled.

  3. Show Headers: If the headers corresponding to the table columns will be visible in the table.

  4. Show Totals: Whether or not the totals of the information in the table will be displayed.

  5. Merge if Table is Empty: If the table will still appear regardless of whether information has not been entered in the corresponding SmartAdvocate page.

  6. Show Table Merge Code as List: If yes, displays the information as a list rather than in table format.

  7. Border Width: The default width of the borders within the table. The border width can be edited when inserting a table merge code into a document template.

  8. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon.

 New rows cannot be added to this table. The edit form allows you to change which of the above options are visible or not by providing yes/no dropdowns for each.

Document Sub-Categories:

This list contains particular types of documents within the broader Document Categories for the purposes of efficient classification and filing. For the broader categories themselves, see the Document Categories picklist. It is used in the Document sub-category radio selection when generating a barcode, or in the Sub-Category dropdown when attaching a document, saving a new document template in the Word plugin, or editing an existing template in the Templates tab of the Document Templates administrative page. The table's columns are:

  1. Sub-Category: The name of the subcategory.

  2. Category: The name of the broader category to which the subcategory belongs.

  3. Associated Time (in minutes): The amount of time assigned to the generation of this document to be tracked in the Time Tracking case page. If you do not track the time spent in cases, leave this field blank.

  4. Activity Code: This is the code associated with the activity type used for time tracking. In order to properly track time this must be added to the subcategory (for more on Activity Codes see Time Tracking Activity Codes). If you do not track the time spent in cases, leave this field blank.

  5. Time Tracking: Whether time tracking is automatically performed, added as a suggestion or disabled. If you do not track the time spent in cases, leave this field blank.

  6. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Sub-Categories and a dropdown drawing from the Document Categories picklist for Categories.

Document Type Extensions:

This list contains file name extensions, the characters after the period in a file name that indicate what type of file it is (e.g. pdf or docx). Along with the Document Type Groups picklist, it is used to automatically fill the Document Type column in the Documents case page. The Document Type column is purely for the informational benefit of the user; it does not affect or interact with other aspects of the SmartAdvocate system. The table's columns are:

  1. Document Type Extensions: The file name extension.

  2. Document Type Group: The category of document the extension represents.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Document Type Extensions and a dropdown drawing from the Document Type Groups picklist for Document Type Group. Note: When entering an extension in the Document Type Extensions field, do not include the period in the extension, only the letters (and possibly numbers) after the period.

Document Type Groups:

This list contains categories of file types. Along with the Document Type Extensions picklist, it is used to automatically fill the Document Type column in the Documents case page. The Document Type column is purely for the informational benefit of the user; it does not affect or interact with other aspects of the SmartAdvocate system. It is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is titled DocumentType Group Names instead of Descriptions.

eLaw Appearance Types:

In the event the integration between SmartAdvocate and eLaw has been enabled (see Integrations for details), this report lists the Appearance Types provided by eLaw, and the equivalent SmartAdvocate Appointment Type to which it will be converted. The table's columns are:

  1. eLaw Appearance Type: The Appearance Type provided by eLaw.

  2. SA Appointment Type: The Appointment Activity Type to which SmartAdvocate should convert the appearance. This is a Dropdown, pulling from the Appointment Activity Type picklist. If no SA Appointment Type is set, SmartAdvocate will convert the eLaw Appearance Type to an appointment utilizing the Appointment Activity Type of Appointment.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Description and a dropdown for SA Appointment Type (pulling from the Appointment Activity Type picklist).

Fee Event Type

This list contains the different types of fee events that can be added when a fee is awarded. This list can be found in the Fee Event dropdown when adding a Fee Event on the Fees Awarded case page. The table’s columns are:

  1. Description: A description of the Fee Event.

  2. Case Groups: The Case Group(s) in which the Fee Event can be selected.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Description and a dropdown for Case Groups.

Firm Information:

This picklist is not really a list. It is a table with a single row, containing the contact details of your firm. Several Merge Codes correspond to individual columns, and the Firm Name column is used whenever your firm is a possible selection in a dropdown, e.g. in the From and To dropdowns when attaching a document in the Documents case page. The table's columns are:

  1. Firm Name: The name of the firm.

  2. Phone Number: The firm's phone number.

  3. EMail: The firm's email address.

  4. Fax Number: The firm's fax number.

  5. Contact Person: The name of a person who acts as a representative of the firm.

  6. Contact Person Number: The phone number of the representative.

  7. Contact Person EMail: The email address of the representative.

  8. Application EMail: Not currently used by the SmartAdvocate system.

  9. Address1: The first line of the firm's street address.

  10. Address2: The second line of the firm's street address.

  11. City: The city in which the firm is located.

  12. County: The county in which the firm is located.

  13. State: The state in which the firm is located.

  14. Zip: The ZIP code of the city in which the firm is located.

  15. UniqueContactId: A number that corresponds to the firm's Contact Card in the SmartAdvocate system. The number's first digit is 2 (indicating an organization), and the remaining digits are the contact's ID (which can be found in the URL of any contact's contact card).

  16. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon.

You cannot add a new row to the table. The edit form contains text input fields for every column except UniqueContactId, which uses a special field, a combination of text input and dropdown. If the field is empty, the dropdown offers no options. Otherwise, the dropdown contains the names of all organization contacts whose name includes the text in the field.

Firm Offices:

This list contains all the offices that comprise your firm. It is used in the Office dropdown when editing case details from the Case Summary page. The table's columns are:

  1. Office Status: The importance rank of the office, with 1 indicating a primary or main office.

  2. Office Name: A distinguishing name for the office. This is the column that appears in the Office dropdown.

  3. State: The state in which the office is located.

  4. Default Office: If True, all new cases created in the Case Wizard are automatically assigned to this office. The office to which a case is assigned can be revised after the case is created on the Case Summary page by clicking the Edit Case icon.

  5. Letterhead: The file name of the letterhead template associated with the office. When documents containing the Letterhead merge code are generated for cases handled in the office, this column determines the file used for the merge.

  6. UniqueContactId: A number that corresponds to the firm's Contact Card in the SmartAdvocate system. The number's first digit is 2 (indicating an organization), and the remaining digits are the contact's ID (which can be found in the URL of any contact's contact card).

  7. From Number for SMS: The reply-to phone number when sending texts in SA from cases handled in the office. This is the number text recipients will see as the text having come from. Has no effect if texting is not enabled.

  8. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form contains text input fields for Office Status, Office Name, Letterhead, and From Number for SMS; a dropdown populated from the States picklists for State; and a true/false dropdown for Default Offices. UniqueContactId uses a special field, a combination of text input and dropdown. If the field is empty, the dropdown offers no options. Otherwise, the dropdown contains the names of all organization contacts whose name includes the text in the field. Note: it is not recommended to edit the Letterheads field directly. Adding and modifying the letterhead should be performed in Word using the Word plug-in.

Creating multiple offices can be an effective way to manage different letterheads a firm may use at the same location (for example, different departments at the same firm).

Go Directly To Options

 This list contains all of the options that appear under the Go Directly To button when right clicking a case number, where enabled. Clicking any of the options from the Go Directly To menu will take you directly to that page of the case. The columns in this table are:

  1. Label: This is how the option will appear in the Go Directly To menu.

  2. Page: The page that is being linked to the Go Directly To menu item.

  3. Is Shown: Whether the option appears in the Go Directly To menu.

  4. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Label, a dropdown containing all case pages for Page and a yes/no dropdown for Is Shown.

Hidden Edit Form Fields

 This list shows specific Form Fields from various pages that can be hidden or unhidden. The columns in this table are:

  1. Page Name: The case page where the Field can be found.

  2. Field Name: A brief description/question about the information that should be gathered in the Field.

  3. Field Visible: Whether the Field is visible.

  4. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon.

Rows cannot be added, edited or removed from this table. The only action you are allowed to take from this page is determining whether a Field should be visible.

Incident Liability Codes:

This list contains each defendant's proportion of liability for the incident that gave rise to plaintiff's injury. It is used on the Incident page within an open case, within the Incident Details panel. Liability Codes can only be accessed, entered, or edited from within the open case; it is not available when entering Incident Details when creating a case from Case Wizard. The table's columns are:

  1. Code: A unique code assigned to each Liability Code.

  2. Description: The fraction or percentage of liability for the incident assigned to the defendant(s).

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Code and Description.


This list contains health issues that may be suffered by specific body parts. It is used in the Injury List when adding injury details on the Injuries case page. The table's columns are:

  1. Descriptions: A description of the injury.

  2. Body Parts: A body part that may suffer the injury.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Descriptions and a dropdown (pulling from the Injuries Body Parts picklist) for Body Parts. Note that if you wish to add an injury that may be suffered in multiple parts of the body, you will need to add multiple rows with the same description, one for each body part.

Injuries Body Parts:

This list contains parts of the human body. It is used in the Body Part List when adding injury details on the Injuries case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Injuries Sequelae:

This list contains conditions that may follow from injuries to a particular body part. It is used in the Sequelae List when adding injury details on the Injuries case page. The table's columns are:

  1. Descriptions: A description of the sequela.

  2. Body Parts: A body part that may suffer the sequela.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Descriptions and a dropdown (pulling from the Injuries Body Parts picklist) for Body Parts. Note that if you wish to add a sequela that may be suffered in multiple parts of the body, you will need to add multiple rows with the same description, one for each body part.

Injuries Treatments:

This list contains medical actions that may be employed in the treatment of particular injuries. It is used in the Treatments List when adding injury details on the Injuries case page. The table's columns are:

  1. Descriptions: A description of the treatment.

  2. Body Parts: A body part that may suffer the injury being treated.

  3. Injuries: The injury being treated.

  4. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Descriptions and dropdowns for Body Parts (pulling from the Injuries Body Parts picklist) and Injuries (pulling from the rows in the Injuries picklist with the selected body part in the Body Parts column). Note that if you wish to add a treatment that may be applied to multiple parts of the body or to multiple injuries, you will need to add multiple rows with the same description, one for each body part/injury combination.

Injury Medical Test Assignments

 This list contains medical tests that may be associated with specific injuries. Once assigned to an Quick Injury type, the test will automatically appear in the Medical Testing case page to be completed if that Quick Injury is present in the case. The columns in this table are:

  1. Quick Injury: The Quick Injury to which the test will be assigned.

  2. Medical Test: The test that will be assigned to be completed.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has dropdowns for Quick Injury (pulling from the injury list on the Quick Injury administration page) and Medical Test (pulling from the Medical Tests picklist).

Insurance Types:

This list contains types of insurance. It is used in the Insurance Type dropdown when adding an insurance company in the Plaintiff Insurance, Defendant Insurance, or All Insurance case page. The table’s columns are:

  1. Description: A description of the insurance type.

  2. Automatically Include on the Case Summary: If this type of insurance will be automatically added to the Case Summary screen in the Plaintiff/Defendant panels.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

 You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Description and a yes/no dropdown for Automatically Include on Case Summary.

Investigation Types:

This list contains types of investigative actions (including searches, reviews, and acquisition of non-medical records). It is used in the Investigation Type dropdown when adding an investigation in the Investigations case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Investigation Witness Types

This list contains the different types of witnesses that can be added to a case. This list can be found when adding a new witness in the Witness Type dropdown on the Investigations page. It is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is titled Witness Type instead of Description.


 This contains a list of widely used languages. This is primarily used in the language dropdown on the Contact Card to indicate the language(s) an individual speaks. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Lien Types:

This list contains possible sources of liens (often, but not exclusively, types of insurance). It is used in the Lienor Type dropdown when adding a new lienor, and in the Lien Type dropdown when adding a new lien, both in the Lien Tracking case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Litigation Appeal Types:

This list contains types of appeals. It is used in the Type dropdown in the Appeals case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.
Note: The Judgment and Order appeal types are treated slightly differently by the SmartAdvocate system than are other appeal types. It is recommended that you do not edit or delete these two types, to avoid confusion or irreversible (though minor) loss of functionality.

Litigation Deposition Types:

This list contains types of depositions. It is used in the Type dropdown when adding deposition information on the Depositions case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Litigation Discovery Types:

This list contains types of discovery (except depositions, which is covered in the Deposition Types picklist). It is used in the Type dropdown when adding discovery in the Discovery case page, and in the Type dropdown when adding a discovery critical deadline in the Critical Deadlines case page. The table's columns are:

  1. Descriptions: The discovery type.

  2. Description Types: Any additional description of the discovery type.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Descriptions and Description Types.

Litigation Evidence Disposal Types

This list contains possible ways to dispose of evidence once it is no longer required in the case. This list can be found in the Disposal Type dropdown of the add/edit Evidence form in the Evidence case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Litigation Evidence Types

This list contains the different types of evidence that may be obtained over the course of a case. This list can be found in the Type dropdown of the add/edit Evidence form in the Evidence case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Litigation Expert/Investigation Report Types:

This list contains types of investigative reports. It is used in the Report Type dropdown when either adding a report for a particular expert in the Expert case page, or adding a police report in the Investigations case page. The table's columns are:

  1. Descriptions: The type of report.

  2. Report Types: The function of this column may be changed in a future version of SmartAdvocate, but as of this writing, unless this column contains "Expert Reports," the report type is not accessible from any page or dropdown. If the column does contain "Expert Reports," the type will appear in both the dropdown for expert report types and for police report types.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Descriptions and a dropdown (containing Expert Reports, Report Type1, and Report Type2) for Report Types.

Litigation Expert Specialties:

This list contains areas of expertise that may be the specialty of an expert involved in a case. It is used on the contact card of the expert. The table's columns are:

  1. Specialties: The areas of expertise.

  2. Descriptions: A description of the area of expertise.

  3. Contact Type: The contact type associated with the Expert Specialty.

  4. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Specialties and Descriptions, and a dropdown (pulling from a hardcoded list of roles) for Contact Types.

Litigation Expert SubSpecialties

This list contains areas of expertise that may be the subspecialty of an expert involved in a case. It is a subsidiary of the expert's specialty. It is used on the contact card of the expert. The table's columns are:

  1. Description: The areas of subspecialty.

  2. Specialty: The specialty of which the subspecialty is a subsidiary.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Description, and a dropdown (pulling from Specialties) for Specialties.

Litigation Expert Types:

This list contains types of experts (generally, the expert's profession). It is used in the Expert Type dropdown when adding an expert in the Expert case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is titled Expert Types instead of Descriptions.

Litigation Hearing Benefit Types:

This list contains the types of benefits that may accrue as a result of a court or arbitration hearing. It is used in the Add/Edit Panel for Hearings on the Hearings page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Litigation Hearing Decision Types:

This list contains the various types of decisions that may be rendered by a court. The list is used on the Hearing page to describe the type of decision made by the court. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Litigation Hearing Item Types:

This list contains the different types of court hearings that may occur. It is used in the Add/Edit Hearing panel on the Hearing case page when entering the type of hearing. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Litigation Hearing Seeking Types:

This list contains the different types of relief that may be sought through a court hearing. It is used in the case Hearing page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Litigation Hearing Types:

 This list contains the different types of court hearings that may occur. It is used in the Add/Edit Hearing Panel on the Hearings case page when entering the type of hearing. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Litigation Motion Types:

This list contains types of motions. It is used in the Type dropdown when adding a motion in the Motions case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Litigation Storage Location:

This list contains descriptions of places where case evidence might be stored. It is used in the Storage Location dropdown when adding evidence in the Evidence case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Litigation Trial Prep Types

This list contains the actions you might take in preparation for trial. It is used in the Action dropdown in the Trial Prep case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Medical Bill Edit Form Field Captions

 This list shows the names of specific Form Fields from the Medical Providers page that can be edited. The columns in this table are:

  1. Field Name: The coded name of the field type.

  2. Field Value: The name associated with the field. The type of information/question required.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon.

Note that rows cannot be added or removed from this picklist. The Field Value for each can be changed, however, by using the Edit icon. The edit form will provide a text input field to enter a new Field Value.

Medical Provider Records Request Status

This list contains possible statuses of medical record requests. It is used in the Status dropdown when adding a medical request in the Medical Providers case page. The table’s columns are:

  1. Status: The name of the status.

  2. Description: A description of the status’ meaning.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon in rows that are not essential parts of the SmartAdvocate system.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Status and Description.

Medical Provider Specialties:

This list is for general fields of medical specialization. For more fine-grained specialization, see the Medical Provider SubSpecialities picklist. It is used in the Specialty dropdown of the Contact Type Details area when creating or editing a contact with a medical type (such as Doctor or Hospital) in either the Add New Contact panel or the Contact Card. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

The contact types that can be associated with medical specialties is determined in System Parameters > Medical Providers > Contact Types For Medical Specialty.

Medical Provider SubSpecialties:

This list is for particular medical specializations within more general medical fields. For the more general medical fields themselves, see the Medical Provider Specialties picklist. It is used in the Sub Specialty dropdown of the Contact Type Details area when creating or editing a contact with a medical type (such as Doctor or Hospital) in either the Add New Contact panel or the Contact Card. The table's columns are:

  1. Descriptions: The name of the sub-specialty.

  2. Specialties: The more general specialty to which the sub-specialty belongs.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Descriptions and a dropdown drawing from the Medical Provider Specialties picklist for Specialties.

Medical Record Statuses:

This list contains possible statuses of medical record requests. It is used in the Status dropdown when adding a medical request in the Medical Providers case page. The table's columns are:

  • Statuses: The name of the status.

  • Descriptions: A description of the status's meaning.

  • Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon in rows that are not essential to parts of the SmartAdvocate system.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Statuses and Descriptions.

Medical Test Statuses

This list contains the various statuses that can be assigned to a Medical Test. These can be found in the Test Status dropdown on the Medical Testing case page. To access this dropdown, simply double click the Test Status column within the row of the test you want to edit. The table’s columns are:

  1. Status: The status of the medical test.

  2. Description: A description of what the status means.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Status and Description.

Medical Tests

This list contains the names of medical tests which can be assigned using the Injury Medical Test Assignments picklist. The table’s columns are:

  1. Name: The name of the test.

  2. Description: A description of the test.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Name and Description.

Medical Visit Results:

This list is for types of results that could arise as a result of a visit to a medical professional. For more details about the different types of medical visits, see the Medical Visit Types picklist. It is used in the Medical Providers page when adding a visit. It is a dropdown, which is populated based on the Visit Type chosen. The table's columns are:

  1. Visit Results: The result of the visit.

  2. Visit Type: A dropdown listing the Visit Types to which the result will attach.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Visit Results and a dropdown drawing from the Visit Type picklist.

Medical Visit Types:

This list contains types of distinct medical visit events. It is used in the Visit Type dropdown when adding a visit to the Medical Visits Table on the Medical Providers page. It is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is titled Medical Visit Types instead of Descriptions.

Method of Service:

This list contains methods of serving legal papers. It is used in Method of Service dropdowns or checkbox-select dropdowns almost anywhere service is recorded, including many pages in the Litigation case page category. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Note Types:

This list contains subject areas of notes in the SmartAdvocate system. It is used in the Type dropdown when you Add a Note, and in the Note Type dropdown when adding a Quick Note in the Quick Notes administrative page. The table's columns are:

  1. Note Type: The name of the note type.

  2. Description: A description of the note type.

  3. Short Name: An optional short name for the note type.

  4. Associated Time (in minutes): An optional amount of time to be tracked when a note of that type is created.

  5. Activity Code: This is the code associated with the activity type used for time tracking. In order to properly track time this must be added to the note type (for more on Activity Codes see Time Tracking Activity Codes).

  6. Required Frequency: How often this Note Type should be created.

  7. Time Tracking: Whether time tracking will be suggested, disabled or performed automatically.

  8. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Note Type, Description, Short Name, Associated Time and Required Frequency and a dropdown for the Activity Code (pulling from the Time Tracking Activity Codes picklist) and for Time Tracking (Containing three options, suggest, automatically, disable).

Plaintiff Statuses

This list contains the various statuses that can be applied to the plaintiff’s complaint. This list can be found in the Plaintiff Status dropdown in the add/edit form on the Complaints case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Problem Cases Warnings

This list contains all of the triggers that may cause a case to be flagged and added to the Problem Cases Dashboard. The table’s columns are:

  1. Warning Description: A description of the issue causing the case to be flagged.

  2. Show on Dashboard: Whether or not this issue (and cases with that issue) will be displayed on the Problem Cases Dashboard.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon

Rows cannot be added or removed from this dashboard, since they are considered essential to the system. The only action that can be taken from this picklist is editing whether or not the warning will be displayed by selecting or unselecting the checkbox listed in the edit form.

Provider Types:

This list contains categories of service providers. It is used in the Provider Type dropdown when adding another provider in the Other Providers case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Quick Note Groups:

This list contains groups within which Quick Notes can be assigned in order to simplify the selection of a specific Quick Note. Each Quick Note can, but does not have to, be assigned to a Quick Note Group. It is used as a filter when choosing a particular Quick Note from the Quick Note button on the Quick Action toolbar within a case. The list is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is titled Quick Note Group instead of Descriptions.

Quick Notes:

The Quick Note system in SmartAdvocate allows you to efficiently create simple, frequently used notes in your cases. See Add a Quick Note for details on using Quick Notes. The Quick Notes picklist page is where you can create and manage Quick Notes. The page contains a table listing all of the Quick Notes in the SmartAdvocate system. The table's columns are:

  • Quick Note: The text contained in the Quick Note.

  • Note Group (Category): The QUICK Note Group to which the Quick Note has been assigned. When adding a Quick Note, if a Group or Category is chosen only those Quick Notes assigned to that Group or Category will be displayed.

  • Note Type: The Note Type to which the Quick Note has been assigned. See Note Types for additional details.

  • Priority: The priority assigned to the Quick Note. A dropdown containing Critical, High, Low, and Normal.

  • Note Subject: An optional field to describe the subject of the note.

  • Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Quick Note, a dropdown for Note Groups (populated from the Note Groups picklist), a dropdown for Note Type (populated from the Note Type picklist), a dropdown for Priority, and a text input field for Note Subject.

School Grades:

This list contains schooling levels (e.g. 3rd Grade, not A or F). It is used in the Grade dropdown when adding school information on the School/Other Activities case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

School Other Activities Type

This list contains the different activities a plaintiff may have participated in outside of school. This list can be found in the Other Activity dropdown in the add/edit form on the School/Other Activities case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Settlement Check Status

This list contains the various statuses that may be applicable to a settlement check. This list can be found in the Status dropdown in the Distribution Check section when adding a new Fee Check to the Fees Awarded case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Settlement Check Types:

This list contains the different types of checks that may be attached to the settlement of a case. This list can be found in the Type dropdown in the Fee Check or Distribution Check section when adding a new Fee Check to the Fees Awarded case page. The table’s columns are:

  1. Type Name: The name of the settlement check type.

  2. Check Type: What overarching check type the type belongs to (Distribution or Settlement).

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Type Name and a dropdown for the Check Type containing only two choices, Distribution or Settlement.

Settlement Interest Variable Rates

This list contains the different percentages of interest that may be applied to a plaintiff’s disbursements. This list can be found from the Add/Edit Settlement screen on the Negotiations/Settlement

page. It is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is titled Interest Rate instead of Description.

Settlement Types:

This list contains the types of settlements that can terminate a case. It is used in the Add Settlement panel on the Negotiations/Settlement page within a case. Note that the term “Settlement” applies to any action that resolves a case, whether by negotiation, judgement, or otherwise. The table’s columns are:

  1. Type: The name of the Settlement type.

  2. Case Groups: The Case Group(s) the type will appear in.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

 You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Type and a dropdown for Case Groups.

Special Damage Subtypes:

This list contains particular forms of quantifiable financial loss or expense within more general categories. For the more general categories themselves, see the Special Damage Types picklist. It is used in the Sub-Type dropdown when adding a special damage in the Special Damages case page. Note: most special damages are automatically entered when bills or other losses are entered in other case pages. These special damages are automatically assigned types and subtypes; those types and subtypes are part of the SmartAdvocate system and not related to this picklist. The picklist is only for special damages that are entered manually. The table's columns are:

  1. Descriptions: The description of the subtype.

  2. Special Damage Types: The more general category to which the subtype belongs.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Descriptions and a dropdown drawing from the Special Damage Types picklist for Special Damage Types.

Special Damage Types:

This list contains general categories of quantifiable financial loss or expense. For more fine-grained classification, see the Special Damage Subtypes picklist. It is used in the Type dropdown when adding a special damage in the Special Damages case page. Note: most special damages are automatically entered when bills or other losses are entered in other case pages. These special damages are automatically assigned types and subtypes; those types and subtypes are part of the SmartAdvocate system and not related to this picklist. The picklist is only for special damages that are entered manually. It is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is named Damage Type Descriptions instead of just Descriptions.

SSD Decision Labels

This list contains the possible decisions that can be selected at various stages throughout the Social Security Application process. The table’s columns are:

  1. Stage: The stage of the application processes these decisions apply to.

  2. Positive Label: The positive outcome assigned to that stage.

  3. Partial Label: The partial outcome assigned to that stage.

  4. Negative Label: The negative outcome assigned to that stage.

  5. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon.

The rows in this table are considered essential to the system and cannot be deleted. Rows cannot be added to this column; however, the names of the labels can be edited.


This list contains states, provinces, commonwealths, territories, and other sub-national entities that have their own legal codes. It is used anywhere you would select a state or similar entity, such as contact addresses, most notably when configuring SOLs in the Case Types administrative page and when selecting the incident state in the Case Wizard for a new case.

The table's columns are:

  1. State: The name of the state, province, or other state-like entity.

  2. State Code: The postal abbreviation for the entity.

  3. Country: The country in which the entity is located.

  4. Max Days to Serve S&C after Filing: The maximum number of days after the filing of a Summons and Complaint within which service must be effectuated, if so required by the particular state. This setting will override the default setting entered in the Max Days to Serve Summons and Complaint after Filing parameter set in System Parameters.

  5. Max Days to Filing S&C after Service: The maximum number of days after service of a Summons and Complaint within which the Summons and Complaint must be filed with the court, if so required by the particular state. This setting will override the default setting entered in the Max Days to Serve Summons and Complaint after Filing parameter set in System Parameters.

  6. Majority Age: The legal age of majority in that state.

  7. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for State, State Code, Max Days to Serve S&C after Filing, and Max Days to Filing S&C after Serve, and a dropdown containing a hardcoded list of countries for Countries.

Task Types:

This list contains the possible types of tasks that may be added to a case. These are general groups to which most tasks in a case will belong. This list can be accessed in the Type dropdown from the add/edit task form. New tasks can be added from the Tasks panel on the case summary page, the Tasks case page, and the Tasks button in the Quick Add Toolbar. The task type can be a useful tool for sorting tasks within the Tasks case page and the Task Dashboard. Time tracking is able to be assigned from this page as well, which can then be found on the Time Tracking case page. The table’s columns are:

  1. Task Type: The category of the task.

  2. Associated Time: An optional amount of time associated with a certain task type to be used for time tracking.

  3. Activity Code: This is the code associated with the task type used for time tracking. In order to properly track time this must be added to the task type (for more on Activity Codes see Time Tracking Activity Codes).

  4. Time Tracking: Whether time tracking is automatically performed, added as a suggestion or disabled.

  5. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Task Type and Associated Time and dropdowns for Activity Code (pulling from the Time Tracking Activity Codes picklist) and Time Tracking (containing the three options mentioned above).

Text Auto Replacement

This list contains common abbreviations that may be used when creating notes, emails or other written forms of communication within the SmartAdvocate system. This function will automatically correct these abbreviations to their non-abbreviated forms (e.g., “brb” will correct to “be right back”). The table’s columns are:

  1. Abbreviation: The abbreviated text to be corrected to its non-abbreviated form.

  2. Expanded Text: The non-abbreviated version.

  3. Case Sensitive: Is the text case sensitive.

  4. Full Word Only: Whether the abbreviated text to be corrected must be a full and separate word.

  5. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has text input fields for Abbreviation and Expanded Text and yes/no dropdowns for Case Sensitive and Full Word Only.

Time Tracking Activity Code Relationships:

This list is used to select the set of case types for which individual activity codes are available for time tracking. This determines which activities appear in the Activity dropdown in the Time Tracking page for a given case type. See the Activity Codes picklist for defining activity codes; they cannot be added to or deleted directly from this page, which can only be accomplished on the Activity Codes page. The table's columns are:

  1. Activity Codes: The description of the activity.

  2. Case Types: A list of case types for which the activity code is available for time tracking. If "All Case Types" appears in the list, the activity code is available for time tracking in all case types.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon.

The edit form has a Checkbox-select dropdown containing case types for Case Type IDs, which corresponds to Case Types. To make an activity code available for all Case Types, scroll down the list to find "All Case Types", which is listed alphabetically.

Time Tracking Activity Codes

This list contains activities for use when you want to track your time. It is used in the Activity dropdown in the Time Tracking case page. However, not every item in this list will necessarily appear in the Activity dropdown; individual activity codes only appear for certain case types. See the CaseType-ActivityCode Relationships picklist for selecting the set of case types for which individual activity codes appear. This list is also used to define the contents of the CaseType-ActivityCode Relationships picklist. The rows in the CaseType-ActivityCode Relationships list cannot be directly added to or deleted; addition or deletion must be done through this Activity Codes list. The table has two columns: Activity Codes, for the description of the activity, and Action, an action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon. You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has only one field, a Text input field for naming the Activity Codes.

Time Tracking Statuses:

This list contains statuses for use when entering your time for tracking purposes. It is used when adding your time in the Time Tracking page from within a case. See Add Time Tracking for details of adding your time. It is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is named Status Names instead of Descriptions.

Time Zones

This list contains any time zones that may be needed within your system. The table’s columns are:

  1. Time Zone: The name of the time zone.

  2. Is Active: Whether or not the time zone is active.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Time Zone and a yes/no dropdown for Is Active.

Unemployment Reasons

This list contains possible reasons a client may be unemployed. This list can be found in the Reason Not Employed dropdown under the add/edit employment details form on the Employment case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

VA Claim Appealed Issue

This list contains the possible reasons for appealing a VA claim. This list can be found in the Appealed Issue dropdown in the add/edit claims event form on the VA Claims case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

VA Claim Event

This list contains the possible events in a VA claim. This list can be found in the Event dropdown in the add/edit claims event form on the VA Claims case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

VA Claim Status

This contains the possible status of a VA claim. This list can be found in the Current Status dropdown in the add/edit claim form on the VA Claims case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Vehicle Body Types:

This list contains classes of vehicle (e.g. sedan, SUV, motorcycle, etc.). It is used in the Body Type dropdown when adding a new vehicle in either the Plaintiff Vehicles or Defendant Vehicles case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Vehicle Damage Types

This list contains the various levels of damage that may have been caused to the vehicle. This list can be found in the Type of Damage dropdown in the add/edit vehicle damage form from the Vehicles case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

Vehicle Makes:

This list contains brands of vehicles. It is used in the Make dropdown when adding a new vehicle in either the Plaintiff Vehicles or Defendant Vehicles case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table, except that the non-action column is named Makes instead of Descriptions.

Vehicle Models:

This list contains models of vehicles from each manufacturer listed in the Vehicle Makes picklist. It is used in the Model dropdown when adding a new vehicle in either the Plaintiff Vehicles or Defendant Vehicles case page. The table's columns are:

  • Models: The name of the vehicle model.

  • Makes: The name of the vehicle manufacturer.

  • Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can add a new row to the table by clicking the Add New Item button. The add/edit form has a text input field for Models and a dropdown drawing from the Vehicle Makes picklist for Makes.

Vehicle Plate Types:

This list contains classes of vehicle license plate. It is used in the Plate Type dropdown when adding a new vehicle in either the Plaintiff Vehicles or Defendant Vehicles case page. It is a Basic Picklist Table.

  • No labels