Add New Contact

Add New Contact

The Add New Contact panel allows you to create a new contact and fill in most of that contact's information. In the upper left of the panel, just under the heading of the Contact area, are two buttons, labeled "Organization" and "Individual." Clicking either of these will change the fields in the rest of the panel slightly to reflect the information necessary to create an organization contact or an individual contact, respectively. For that reason, when creating a new contact, it is important to make this selection before doing anything else. The panel consists of five areas:

  • Contact: This area contains the most fundamental information about the contact. Besides the "Organization" and "Individual" buttons, this field consists of a number of inputs, which change entirely depending on whether Organization or Individual is selected. If Individual is selected, the inputs are as follows:

  • Gender: Three radio buttons labeled "Male," "Female," and "Unknown," which reflect the gender of the contact. Selecting one of the options is necessary to save the contact.

  • Last Name: A text input field. The last name of the contact. Inputting something in this field is necessary to save the contact.

  • First Name: A text input field. The first name of the contact. Inputting something in this field is necessary to save the contact.

  • Middle Name: A text input field. The middle name of the contact.

  • Nick Name: A text input field. The nickname of the contact.

  • Prefix: A dropdown. The prefix to the contact's name (e.g., Dr.).

  • Suffix: A dropdown. The suffix to the contact's name (e.g., Esq.).

  • Organization: A contact-widget dropdown. The organization employing the contact.

If Organization is selected, the inputs are as follows:

  • Name: A text input field. The name of the contact. Inputting something in this field is necessary to save the contact.

  • Other Name: A text input field. The alternate name of the contact.

  • Office Hours: A text input field. The hours the contact organization is open.

  • EIN #: A structured numeric input field. The employer identification number of the contact.

  • Code: A text input field. The Employer Code of the contact.

  • Phones: This area allows you to input the contact's phone numbers. It consists of four similar lines. Each has a dropdown (though the first one is greyed out with "Originating" as its fixed choice), a numeric input field structured like a phone number, a text input field, and a checkbox. All but the first also have a button with a duplication icon, which reveals the text "Copy from Originating" when hovered over. There are also four radio buttons in the panel, one at the beginning of each line. To input the contact's phone number, select the type of number from the dropdown, enter the number in the numeric field, write the extension (if any) in the text field, and select the checkbox if the number can receive texts. The first line is primarily used for intake or unfamiliar incoming phone calls; you can add a number on this line as a placeholder, while you are unsure of the specific phone number type, and then copy it to the correct phone number type when that type is determined. There is also a checkbox labeled "Use Organization Phones" in the title bar of this area. If the contact is an individual employed by an organization and you have entered the organization information, you may select "Use Organization Phones" to include the organization's phone numbers on the individual's contact card. Note, however, that such phone numbers are treated differently than the individual's own phone numbers; they may not be used in tables or merge codes associated with the individual. You must add a specific individual phone number to ensure that it is fully associated with the individual. (However, it is possible this behavior will change in a future release.)

The choices for phone type will vary depending on whether you are entering information for an individual or organization contact. The choices available for phone type are configurable by the firm Administrator.

  • Address: This area allows you to input an address for the contact. It consists of the following:

  • Address Type: A dropdown. The type of address (e.g. work, home, etc.) the rest of this area's fields represent. If you check the box labeled "Use Organization Address", the Address Type selected will be "From Organization" and the organization address will be automatically entered. The choices for address type will vary depending on whether you are entering information for an individual or organization contact. The choices available for address type are configurable by the firm Administrator.

  • Address 1: A text input field. The first line of the street address.

  • Address 2: A text input field. The second line of the street address.

  • ZIP: Two text input fields. The ZIP code of the address. Fill in the first five digits in the first field, and optionally the extended four digits (ZIP+4) in the second field. Filling in the first field partially will automatically bring up a list of all the ZIP codes beginning with the incomplete code. Select one of the presented codes by clicking its associated check-mark icon, and it will automatically fill in the city, county, and state as well. Filling in the first field completely will also automatically fill in the city, county, and state, unless there are multiple possible cities for the entered ZIP code, in which case the list of the possible cities for that ZIP code will be brought up.

  • City: A text input field. The city in which the address is located. This field will be automatically populated based on the ZIP code, but the data can be overwritten.

  • County: A text input field. The county in which the address is located. This field will be automatically populated based on the ZIP code, but the data can be overwritten.

  • State: A dropdown. The state in which the address is located. This field will be automatically populated based on the ZIP code, but the data can be overwritten.

  • Country: A dropdown. The country in which the address is located.

  • Comments: A text input field. Any comments you wish to enter about this contact's address.

  • Contact Miscellaneous Details: This area allows you to enter details about the contact. Most of the inputs in this area only appear when Individual is selected. If Individual is selected, the inputs are as follows:

  • Date of Birth: A date-widget dropdown. The contact's date of birth.

  • Date of Death: A date-widget dropdown. The contact's date of death.

  • SSN: A structured numeric input field. The contact's social security number.

  • Language: Two dropdowns. The languages spoken by the contact. Use the left dropdown for the contact's primary language, and the right dropdown for the contact's secondary language.

  • e-Mail: A text input field. The contact's email address.

If Organization is selected, there are only two inputs. One is e-Mail, which is the same as for individuals. The other is Website, a text input field, for the organization's website.

  • Contact Type Details: This area allows you to choose the contact's type. This area normally has four inputs:

  • Contact Type: a dropdown. The contact's type (e.g. attorney, doctor, school, etc.). Selecting one of the options is necessary to save the contact.

  • Active: A checkbox. Whether the contact should be considered active by the SmartAdvocate system. Inactive contacts are excluded from searches by default.

  • Locked: A checkbox. If selected, a user will not be able to edit the contact card unless one of the user permission groups to which that user belongs has been given permission to do so. Such permission can only be granted by the firm's Administrator.

  • Prevent Mailing: A checkbox. If selected, most commands or actions that would send an email or mail to this contact will cause a warning to appear that the contact should not receive mailings. (You can override this warning for a particular mailing, should you choose to do so.) Additionally, selecting this checkbox allows you to prevent the contact from appearing in the list of recipients when using the Mass EmailingMass Mailing, or Mass Mail Export tools.

There are also possible additional inputs depending on the contact type chosen. The following contact types cause additional fields to appear in this area:

  • Attorney: A text input field labeled "Bar Number:", for the attorney's bar number.

  • Doctor, Diagnostic, Hospital, Medical Office, Nursing Home, Expert, or Pharmaceutical Manufacturer: Two dropdowns labeled "Specialty:" and "Sub Specialty:", for the contact's fields of specialization. The specialty chosen generates the available sub-specialties in the other dropdown, so it must be chosen first.

  • Judge or Magistrate: Five input fields, labeled "Part #:", "Court Room #:", "Court Room Phone #:", "Chamber Room #:", and "Chamber Phone #:". Each field is for the information described by its respective label. The order of these fields is different for the Magistrate than for the Judge, but all the fields appear for both contact types.

  • Police Officer: A text input field labeled "Badge #:", for the officer's badge number.

When you have filled out the information you wish to include in the contact's contact card, you may either click the "Save" button in the bottom right of the panel to save the contact and close the panel, or click the "Save & Open Full Contact Card" button next to it to save the contact, close the panel, and open the new contact's contact card in a new tab. See Contact Card for details. If, before you click one of the Save buttons, you decide not to create the contact at all, you may click either the "Cancel" button at the bottom right or the white X at the upper right to discard any entries in the input fields and close the panel.

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