Status Setup

Status Setup

Statuses in SmartAdvocate are the most important way of tracking the overall progress of your cases. They are useful both to your staff as a quick indicator of the current phase of the case, and to the SmartAdvocate system itself, which uses various statuses as triggers for certain dashboards and other automatic updates. You can add, remove, or edit a case's status in its Case Summary page, and certain actions (such as retaining a case) will automatically update its status for you. There are several types of statuses in SmartAdvocate: in addition to the primary case status (generally simply titled Status), there are sub-statuses (which can be used, for example, to add more granular detail to the current Status, or to note an aspect of the case that is less about the linear progress of the case than Statuses are) and more.

The Status Setup administrative page is where you can manage statuses and status types. The page contains a table below a dropdown containing a list of all the status types in the SmartAdvocate system. Selecting a status type from this dropdown will populate the table with all the statuses of that type. The table's columns are:

  1. Status Description: The name of the status.

  2. # of Days: The expected number of days the case will remain in the status. When a case is changed to this status in the Case Summary screen, the Expected # of Days numeric input will default to whatever number is in this column.

  3. Action: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon.

You can also create new statuses in this page. The add/edit form contains text input fields for the name of the status and the number of days.

You can also add or manage status types by clicking Add/Update Status Type, which will bring up a panel containing a table listing all of the status types, with a column for the status type's name and an action column containing an edit icon and a delete icon. You can add a new status type from this panel by clicking Add New Status Type. The add/edit form contains only a text input field for the status type's name.

 Important note: Several of the existing status types are tied to automatic actions in the SmartAdvocate system and must not be deleted. The names can be edited, although it is generally recommended that you, at a minimum, preserve the default name as a prefix for your new one to avoid confusion. The essential status types are Status, Sub Status, M1, M2, and M3.

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