YoCierge Record Retrieval
SmartAdvocate - YoCierge Legal Technology
Server Based System - please perform the following configuration:
Kindly have your IT Professional configure Port 443 (or Port 80) on your server https://smartadvocate.atlassian.net/l/c/BkHN739r
Please email Implementation@SmartAdvocate.com once completed.
Once we receive your confirmation your IT Professional has configured the port we can schedule configuration. We will provide you with a URL and Key to provide YoCierge. YoCierge will configure their portion and advise you and SmartAdvocate once completed and testing can be done. Once testing is completed YoCierge/SmartAdvocate will advise you to begin using the integration.
Please whitelist the following IPs:
SaaS Cloud System - we will be configuring your system for you directly and advise you once completed. We will provide you with a URL and Key to provide YoCierge. YoCierge will configure their portion and advise you and SmartAdvocate once completed and testing can be done. Once testing is completed YoCierge/SmartAdvocate will advise you to begin using the integration.
In SmartAdvocate you will need to configure the Medical Records Request Status to include the following YoCierge statuses:
To configure the Medical Provider Records Request Status within SmartAdvocate, please perform the following:
Click on Admin from the Menu
Select Picklist Maintenance
Select Medical Provider Records Request Status
Click on Add New Items
SmartAdvocate and YoCierge
YoCierge now integrates with SmartAdvocate, an amazing Case Management software. This new combination enhances your law office’s efficiency by combining medical record retrieval with the features of SmartAdvocate, giving you access to unique capabilities that you won’t find anywhere else.
Assign SmartAdvocate Medical Requests to YoCierge
Connecting your YoCierge account to SmartAdvocate lets you use SmartAdvocate to assign medical record retrieval projects to YoCierge. There is no longer any need to switch between programs. As shown below, just fill out the details and select "YC - Pickup" for the request Status:
The request will then be automatically generated at YoCierge, and you will receive an email confirmation.
Automatic Records in SmartAdvocate
As soon as the records reach YoCierge, the system uploads them to SmartAdvocate. This way, everyone on your team who uses SmartAdvocate can access them, even if they don’t use YoCierge.
Register Expenses and Upload Invoices to SmartAdvocate Automatically
The records are not the only automatic uploads to SmartAdvocate. The software automatically creates new Case Expense items from the YoCierge invoices for record retrievals, ensuring you receive your reimbursement.
Thanks to the integration of SmartAdvocate with YoCierge, searching for and filling out records can happen much faster and more easily than before.
If you have further questions about YoCierge directly, please contact:
George Bessenyei
Email: gb@yocierge.com
Visit smartadvocate.com/support for other help options including how to access our Support Tracker and Daily Office Hours sessions.