User Permission Groups
The various staff members of your firm are likely to have very different access needs in SmartAdvocate. For example, you will almost certainly want to limit administrative access to your senior staff and/or IT department, and you might want to keep low-level associates from viewing cases that they are not working on. SmartAdvocate handles access through user permission groups. Users are assigned to one or more permission groups (in the Users administrative page), and those permission groups determine what access the users have to individual pages and cases. If a user belongs to multiple permission groups, that user's access to a given page or case is determined by the group with the most permissions for that page or case; e.g. if a user belongs to a group with Read Only permission for some page and another group with Read Write permission for that page, the user has Read Write permission for the page. The User Permission Groups administrative page is where you can add permission groups and manage their access to pages and cases. The page contains a table listing all of the permission groups in the SmartAdvocate system. The table's columns are:
Group name: The name of the permission group.
Case Access Restrictions: The categories of restrictions that determine whether the permission group has access to a given case. See below.
Actions: An action column containing an Edit icon and a Delete icon
You can also create a new permission group in this page. The add/edit form has a text input field for the name of the group, and the rest of the form is mainly divided into two sections. The top section is for page permissions and the bottom is for case permissions. The page permissions section consists of a dropdown labeled "Bulk change" and a table listing all of the pages in SmartAdvocate.
The table's columns are:
Page title: The name of the page.
Page url: The URL of the page. Only includes parameters after the base URL when the parameter is used to distinguish between entirely different pages (e.g. different types of reports, or different UDF pages).
Page group: The area of the SmartAdvocate site where the page is found. Somewhat approximate.
Page access: What level of access the permission group has to the page. This field contains a dropdown with seven choices: No Access, Read Only, Read Add Edit, Read Add, Read Add EditMy, Read Add EditMyNew, and Full Access.
No Access: Users cannot reach the page or see it in menus.
Read Only: Users can reach the page and see it in menus, but they cannot add, change, or delete records on that page.
Read Add Edit: Users can read any records, add or change records, but cannot delete them.
Read Add: Users can read any records, add new records, but cannot edit any existing records.
Read Add EditMy: Users can read any records, add new records, but can only edit records they created.
Read Add EditMyNew: Users can edit records they created, but only for a limited period of time. This time can be set in Admin -> System Parameters -> User Permission.
Full Access: Users can perform any action on that page.
The Page Access column of the User Permission Group page is the only portion of the table that is user editable.
The Bulk Change dropdown has the same choices as "Page access." This dropdown is used to change access to multiple pages simultaneously. To use the dropdown, use the table's filter tools to display only a subset of the available records. (A particularly useful example would be to filter the table to only show pages in the page group Admin). Then select an option in the Bulk change dropdown. All of the records visible in the filtered table will have their page access set to whichever option you chose in Bulk change. Note: "Visible" refers to all records meeting the filter conditions. Even if records are not literally visible because you have to scroll down to see them, or even if records are on a different table page than the one currently showing when you select Bulk change, they will be affected by Bulk change. Only those pages that do not meet the filter conditions will be unaffected by a bulk change.
The Case Access Restrictions section consists of the following fields:
Two radio buttons, labeled "Allow access to all cases" and "Allow access to cases that fit ANY of the following." If the first button is selected, the specific characteristics of a given case do not affect whether the permission group may view the pages for that case, and the rest of the case permissions section is ignored by the SmartAdvocate system. If the second button is selected, the rest of the section is used to set limits on which cases the permission group may view. The description of the rest of this section assumes that the second button is selected.
Assigned: A checkbox. If selected, users in the permission group may only view any case to which they personally are assigned as case staff.
Types: A checkbox-select dropdown of case types. If any of the members of the dropdown are selected, users in the permission group may view any case belonging to one of the selected case types.
Groups: A checkbox-select dropdown of case groups. If any of the members of the dropdown are selected, users in the permission group may view any case belonging to one of the selected case groups.
Statuses: A checkbox-select dropdown of primary statuses. If any of the members of the dropdown are selected, users in the permission group may view any case currently in one of the selected statuses.
Stages: A checkbox-select dropdown of stages. If any of the members of the dropdown are selected, users in the permission group may view any case currently in one of the selected stages.
Note: If one of the above four dropdowns has no items selected, the field will read "(All Case Types)" or "(All Case Groups)," etc. However, this is misleading. "(All Case Types)" does not mean users in the permission group may view all cases belonging to any case type (i.e. all cases, period); it actually means that users' ability to view a case is unaffected by that case's type. If, in an extreme case, the second radio button is selected, Assigned is not selected and no members of any of the four dropdowns are selected, users in the permission group will have no access to any cases at all.
As with most add/edit forms, you must click the Update button to save any changes you make in any of the fields in this form. Even changes made using Bulk change are not automatically saved. Additionally, even changes that are saved generally do not take effect for a user they should affect until the next time that user logs out (or is automatically logged out) and logs back in.
The correlation between selections in the case permissions section and the Case Access Restrictions column of the User Permission Groups table is as follows: If the first radio button is selected, the column will contain the text "No Restrictions." Otherwise, the column will contain the text "Restricted to Assigned," followed by "Cases" if Assigned is selected, followed by a list of the dropdowns that have at least one item selected. So, for example, if Assigned were selected, three case groups were selected in Groups, and one stage were selected in Stages, the column would read, "Restricted to Assigned Cases, Groups, Stages."
Title | URL | Group | Use/Configuration |
Accounting | Tools | Accounting (a future feature to be installed) | |
Accounting | /SaRx/Accounting.aspx | Accounting | Accounting (a future feature to be installed) |
Accounting Integration | /SaRx/AccountingIntegration.aspx | Accounting | Accounting Integration with third-party application |
Add Contact | javascript:AddContactMaster(); | Contacts | Add a contact to the database |
Add current page to Favorites | javascript:AddFavorite(); | Favorites | Add the current page to your list of favorites |
Adjourned/Canceled Appointments Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CanceledAdjournedAppointment/CanceledAdjournedCalendarReport | Reports | Reports for Adjourned/Cancelled appointments |
Admin | Home | Access to the Administrative Functions (for set up and configuration) | |
Adverse Exams | /Medical_Provider_AdverseExam.aspx | Plaintiff | Exams conducted by the opposition (e.g., DMIs) |
Advertisement Campaigns | /Dashboard_AdvertisementCampaigns.aspx | Financial Dashboards | Financial Dashboards to display Financial Information such as Advertisement Campaigns, etc. |
Advertisement Campaigns | /AdvertisementCampaign.aspx | Admin | Set up Advertisement sources and amount spent per period for that source |
Advertisement Campaigns | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=AdvertisementReport/AdvertisementReport | Reports | Reports for Advertisement Campaigns |
All Contacts | /All_contacts.aspx | Other | List all contacts |
All Insurance | /Insurance.aspx | Other | All insurance for all parties |
All Vehicles | /Vehicle.aspx?AllParties=true | Other | Vehicle information for both parties |
Appeals | /Litigation_Appeals.aspx | Litigation | Access to the Appeals page in the Litigation Section |
ARB/Mediations | /ArbitrationMediation.aspx | Other | Arbitration/Mediatio Page |
Attorney File Review Overdue | /DashboardStaffReview.aspx?NoteTypeCriteria=81 | Overdue Dashboards | Dashboard that displays Attorney File Reviews that are overdue |
Attorney Performance | /Attorney_Dashboard.aspx | Performance Dashboards | Dashboard that shows Attorney Performance (cases assigned, etc.) |
AttorneyPerformanceReport | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=AttorneyPerformanceReport/AttorneyPerformanceReport | Staff Management Reports | Reposr that shows Attorney Performance |
Attorneys | /Plaintiff_Attorney.aspx | Plaintiff | Attorney information for Plainitff(s) on the Plaintiffs' page (attorneys for plaintiffs other that our firm) |
Attorneys | /Defendant_Attorney.aspx | Defendant | Attorney information for defendant(s) |
Automated Procedure Management | /AutomationCampaigns.aspx | Admin | Automated Procedures management page. Create, Edit and Assign Automated Procedures |
Bankruptcy | /Bankruptcy.aspx | Other | Bankruptcy Page - shows bankruptcy information for the parties |
Barcode Generation | /CoverGeneration.aspx | General | Allows the creation of a barcode page for document scanning |
Calendar | /CaseCalendar.aspx | General | Access to the Office Calendar |
Calendar Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CalendarReport/CalendarReportAllActivities | Calendar Reports | Reports generated from the calendar |
Calendar Report Advanced | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CalendarReport/CustomCalendarReport | Calendar Reports | More detailed reports for specific information generated from the calendar |
Calendar Reports | Calendar Reports | Acces to Reports generated from the calendar | |
Callers Info | /CallersInfo.aspx | Integrations | Information from specific calles generated through integrations |
Callers Report | /excel_report_new.aspx | Legacy Reports | |
Caption | /Case_Caption.aspx | General | Access to the Case Caption Page |
Case | Home | ||
Case | |||
Case Browse | /Case_Browse.aspx | Admin | Access to the case browse screen to generate lists based on available filters |
Case Browse | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseBrowse/CaseBrowse | Reports | Reports that can be generated based on filters saved in case browse |
Case Browse Results | /Case_Browse_Results.aspx | Home | Results generated by filters set in case browse |
Case Expenses With Interest Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseExpensesWithInterest/CaseExpensesWithInterest | Reports | Report of case expenses (disbursements) with interest applied |
Case Intake Data | /CaseIntakeData.aspx | Integrations | Case information/data captured from Intake generate through Integrations |
Case Menu Configurator | /CaseMenuConfigurator.aspx | Admin | Allow access to change the left menu - Available from the Case's Summary Screen |
Case Minimum Settlement Value Not Set | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseMinSettlementValueNotSetReport/CaseMinValueReport | Reports | Reports generated from the minimum settlement value set per case |
Case Notes | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseNotesReport/CaseNotesReport | Reports | Reports of notes entered in cases |
Case Review | /CaseReview.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard which displays cases that have been reviewed by attorney and supervisor |
Case Settlement Values | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=Case Settlement Value/CaseSettlementValues | Financial Reports | Report that shows settlement over the specified date range |
Case Statistics | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseStatistics/CaseStatistics | Reports | Reports that shows new intakes, settlements and Advertisement for the time period specified |
Case Statistics | /dashboard_CaseStatistics.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard that shows new intakes, settlements and Advertisement for the time period specified |
Case Status Change | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseStatusChangeReport/CaseStatusChangeReport | Reports | Shows cases with status changed for the period selected |
Case Time Tracking | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseTimeTrackingReport/CaseTimeTrackingReport | Reports | Report of time entered for cases over the period designated |
Case Type | /CaseType.aspx | Admin | Case Type setup |
Case UDF | /UDFs.aspx | General | User Defined Fileds created on the Case UDF page |
Case UDF | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Case | Other | |
Case Value | /CaseValue.aspx | Other | A combination of data entered on various screens that will show special damages and, certain expenses and certain liens |
Case Values | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseValues/CaseValues | Financial Reports | Report of the Case Values for Special Damages, etc. |
Case Wizard | /Case_Wizard.aspx | Home | Used to create a new matter/case |
Case Wizard | /sarx/CaseWizard.aspx | Home | Acces to enter/create a new matter/case |
Cases | Favorites | A list of cases that has bee marked as favorite | |
Cases by Case Type | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseByCaseTypeSummary/CasesByCaseTypeSummaryRpt | Reports | Report of list of cases sorted by Case Type |
Cases In Status | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CasesInStatus/CasesInStatus | Reports | Report of cases in a specific status |
Cases In Status | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_ChaseCall.aspx?Criteria=StatusBased | Dashboards | Dashboard show cases in a specific status |
Cases With Disbursement Exceeding Limit Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CaseDisbursementExceededReport/CaseDisbursementExceededReport | Financial Reports | Report that shows cases where the case costs/Disbursements exceed the limit set b y the firm |
Cases With Long Time In Status | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=LongStatus/LongStatusCases | Staff Management Reports | Report of cases that have been in a specific status longer than the time designated by the firm to be in that status |
Cases With No Recent Activity | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CasesWithNoActivity/CasesWithNoActivity | Staff Management Reports | Report of cases with no recent activity (notes, documents, appointments, tasks, etc.) |
Cases Without Incident Date | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CasesWOIncidentDate/Cases Without IncidentDate | Reports | Repost of cases where no incident date has been entered |
Change Password | /Change_Password.aspx | Admin | Access to change user password |
Chart of Accounts | /ChartOfAccounts.aspx | Admin | List of accounts for accounting (future feature) |
Check Requests For Review | /CheckRequestsForReview.aspx | Tools | List of checks that have been marked for review peior to being sent to QuickBooks for check disbursement |
Checks Audit Trail Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ChecksAuditTrailReport/ChecksAuditTrailReport | Financial Reports | Audit trail for checks showing change detail and individual who made the change |
Checks Received Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ChecksReceivedReport/ChecksReceivedReport | Financial Reports | Report of settlement checks received |
Client Birthday Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ClientBirthdayReport/Birthday Report Closed Cases With Settlement Status | Calendar Reports | Report of client birthdays for the month |
Client Contact Overdue | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_ClientContact.aspx | Overdue Dashboards | Dashboard that shows list of cases where the client has not been contacted by the Paralegal within the time designated by the firm |
Client Portal | /CaseClientPortal.aspx | General | Access to the Client Ports to sent token/invitation to clients, etc. |
Client Portal Administration | /ClientPortalAdmin.aspx | Admin | Access to the Client Ports for administration and set up |
Close Reason Statistics | /ClosedCasesStats.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard that shows list of cases closed and the reson therefore |
Closed Cases Analysis | /DashboardClosedCasesReport.aspx | Financial Dashboards | Analysis of closed cases by staff and the fees generated, etc. |
Closed Cases With No Fee | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=DisbursmentforClosedCasesWithNoSettlment/DisbursementofClosedCasesNoSettlement | Reports | Report of cases that have been closed with no firm/attorney fee generated |
Closed Reason Statistics | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=CloseReasonStatistics/CloseReasonStatistics | Intake Reports | Reports showing cases that have been closed and the reason they were closed with percentages |
Codicil Information | /Surrogate_WillInformation.aspx?CodicilInformation=C | Surrogate | Amendment/Codicil to Will of the client |
Comparative Yearly Statistics for Intake | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=IntakeMonthlyReport/IntakeMonthlyReport | Intake Reports | Report of cases entered in intake with a comparative yearly analysis |
Complaints/Answers | /Litigation_ComplainAnswers.aspx | Litigation | List of complain and answere entered on the Critical Deadlines page and shown in a summary on the Litigation Page |
Conflict Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ConflictReport/ConflictReport | Intake Reports | Report of cases showing possible conflicts (same name, same address, same phone numbers, etc.) |
Contact Related Add | /Contact_RelatedAdd.aspx | General | Add contact |
Contact Rename Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ContactRenameReport/ContactRenameReport | Staff Management Reports | Report of cases where the contact name has been modified |
Contact Search | /Contact_List_New.aspx | Contacts | Search contact |
Contact Select | /Contact_SelectAdd.aspx | ||
Contacts | Home | Search contacts | |
Copy/Merge Cases | /CopyAndMergeCases.aspx | Tools | Copy a case or merge two or more cases |
Counter Claims/3P | /Counter_Claims3P.aspx | Litigation | Third-Party Litigation |
Court | /Case_Court.aspx | General | Court information (Court name, Docket Number, Judge, eyc.) |
Court Rules | /CourtRules.aspx | General | Integration through Calendar Rules |
Court UDFs | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Court | Litigation | User Defined Files that will display on the Court Page |
Create Document | /Create_doc.aspx | Create documents | |
Created/Modified Contact Search | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ContactSearchReport/ContactSearchReport | Staff Management Reports | Report of contacts that have been created or modified for the period selected |
Critical Comments | /Critical_Comments.aspx | General | Critical Comment that can be set to appear on the case as a popup when the user tries to access the case |
Critical Deadline Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=Critical Deadline Report/Critical Dealine Report | SOL/Critical Deadline Reports | Report of deadlines |
Critical Deadlines | /Case_SOL.aspx | General | Access to the critial deadlines page of the case |
Custom View Page 1 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=1 | Other | Pages/Panels that can be created to display in the case show information typically populated via merge codes |
Custom View Page 2 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=2 | Other | Pages/Panels that can be created to display in the case show information typically populated via merge codes |
Custom View Page 3 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=3 | Other | Pages/Panels that can be created to display in the case show information typically populated via merge codes |
Custom View Page 4 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=4 | Other | Pages/Panels that can be created to display in the case show information typically populated via merge codes |
Custom View Page 5 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=5 | Other | Pages/Panels that can be created to display in the case show information typically populated via merge codes |
Daily Cases Opened | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=DailyCasesOpened/DailyCasesOpened | Intake Reports | Intake Report show daily cases opened |
Daily Single Event Cases Opened | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=SingleEventIntakePattern/SingleEventIntakePatterns | Intake Reports | Intake Report show daily cases opened |
Dashboard Designer | /CustomDashboards.aspx?Mode=Designer | Dashboards | Administrative function that allows the design of custom dashboards |
Dashboard Group 1 | /CustomDashboards.aspx?Group=1 | Dashboards | Administrative function that allows the design of custom dashboards |
Dashboard Group 2 | /CustomDashboards.aspx?Group=2 | Dashboards | Administrative function that allows the design of custom dashboards |
Dashboard Group 3 | /CustomDashboards.aspx?Group=3 | Dashboards | Administrative function that allows the design of custom dashboards |
Dashboard Group 4 | /CustomDashboards.aspx?Group=4 | Dashboards | Administrative function that allows the design of custom dashboards |
Dashboard Group 5 | /CustomDashboards.aspx?Group=5 | Dashboards | Administrative function that allows the design of custom dashboards |
Dashboard Teams | /TeamManagement.aspx | Admin | |
Dashboard Viewer | /CustomDashboards.aspx?Mode=Viewer | Dashboards | Dashboard that shows graphical display of Open Cases, Settlements, Leads by Groups, Lead Demographics, Lead Geographics, User Activity |
Dashboard(Old) | /Dashboard_Sols.aspx | Admin | |
Dashboards | Home | Access to Dashboards | |
Death Compromise | /DeathCompromise.aspx | Surrogate | Procedure in Probate Court |
Death Compromise Dist. | /DCDistribution.aspx | Surrogate | Procedure in Probate Court |
Decedent Information | /SurrogateDecedentInformation.aspx | Surrogate | Information for decedent entered on the Surrogate/Probate Court page |
Defendant | Case | Defendant Main Section on the Summary Screen | |
Defendant Notes | /CaseNotesNew.aspx?NoteType=Defendant | Defendant | Notes page showing defendants notes |
Defendant UDFs | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Defendant | Defendant | User Defined Fields created for the defendants' page |
Demand Production | /Dashboard_DemandProduction.aspx | Performance Dashboards | Dashboard showing settlement demands made for the period selected |
Depositions | /Litigation_Deposition.aspx | Litigation | Depositions Page under the Litigation Section |
Disbursement Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=DisbursementReport/DisbursementReport | Financial Reports | Report of case costs/Disbursements |
Disbursements | /Case_Disbursement.aspx | General | Disbursements Page |
Discovery | /Litigation_Discovery.aspx | Litigation | Discovery page under the Litigation Section |
Distributees/Others | /Surrogate_Distributees.aspx | Surrogate | Distributees shown on the Surrogate/Probate information screen |
Distribution Check Requests For Review | /DistributionCheckRequestsForReview.aspx | Tools | Dashboard uses to show checks that have been flagged for review that are populated to the special dashboard prior to approval to be sent to QuickBooks |
Document Search Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=DocumentSearchReport/DocumentSearchReport | Reports | Report to show documents added to a case |
Document Templates | /TemplateManagement.aspx | Admin | Access to the document templates used for document generation |
Documents | /case_documents.aspx | General | Documents page in the case |
Documents Search | /Document_Listing.aspx | Tools | System-wide document search |
Email Cache | /EmailCache.aspx | Tools | (Future feature) |
Email/Note Templates | /EmailTemplates.aspx | Admin | Create email templates |
Emails | /case_documents.aspx?show=EmailsOnly | General | Emails page |
Employment | /Plaintiff_Employment.aspx | Plaintiff | Plaintiff's Employment information |
Evidence | /Evidence.aspx | Litigation | Evidence page on the Litigation Section |
Evidence/Storage Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=EvidenceStorage/EvidenceStorage | Reports | Report showing physical evidence being stores |
Expense Analysis Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ExpenseAnalysisReport/ExpenseAnalysisReport | Financial Reports | Report showing comparison of case expenses to recovery |
Expert | /Expert_Details.aspx | Litigation | Expert page on the litigation section |
Expert UDFs | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Expert | Litigation | User Defined Filed for Expert |
Favorites | Home | List of filters saved | |
Fees Awarded | /FeesAwarded.aspx | General | Page for entry of fees awarded in Social Security/Disability, Workers Comp cases, etc. |
Fees Deposited | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=FeeDepositReport/FeesDepositedReport | Financial Reports | Report of Firm fees deposited from settlements |
Fees Outstanding | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=FeeOutStanding/FeesOutstanding | Financial Reports | Report of Firm fees earned from settlements but not yet deposited (settlement checks not yet received) |
Filters | Favorites | Access to saved filters (Calendar, favorite cases, etc.) | |
Financial Dashboards | Dashboards | Financial Dashboards (settlements, advertisement campaigns, etc.) | |
Financial Reports | Reports | Financial Reports (Settlements, etc.) | |
Funding | /Funding.aspx | Other | Page for pre or post-settlement funding requests |
Funding Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=FundingReport/FundingReport | Financial Reports | Report of funding requests/funding made |
General | Case | ||
Hearing | /LitigationHearing.aspx | Litigation | Hearing page under the Litigation section (Workers Comp., etc.) |
Help | /help/default.htm | Home | Access to online user help for SmartAdvocate |
Home | (Future feature) | ||
Hourly Call Patterns | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=Intake Pattern/IntakePatternReport | Intake Reports | "Call Patters" (Intakes) done over a specified period |
Import Case/Contact | /ImportCaseContacts.aspx | Import case contacts from spreadsheet | |
Import/Export Cases | /ImportCase.aspx | Import or Export case information to a spreadsheet | |
Incident | /Case_Incident.aspx | General | The incident Page (initially completed during intake) |
Incident Date/State | /Case_Incident.aspx#Incident | General | The incident date (date of accident) |
Incident Information Changed Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=IncidentInformationChangedReport/IncidentInformationChangedReport | Staff Management Reports | Report of any changes made to information on the Incident page |
Incomplete Cases | /Incomplete_Cases_New.aspx | Tools | A log of "cases/intakes" where the Case Wizard (Intake) was commenced but not completed where a new case/new matter was created |
Injuries | /Case_Injury.aspx | Plaintiff | Injuries page for plaintiff |
Injuries-Prior | /Medical_Provider_Priorsubsequentinjuries.aspx | Plaintiff | Page where "prior" injuries (injuries of the plaintiff/claimant that occurred before the incident at issue) |
Insurance | /Plaintiff_Insurance_Company.aspx | Plaintiff | Insurance informatin for the plaintiff |
Insurance | /Defendants_Insurance_Company.aspx | Defendant | Insurance information for the defendant |
Insurance | /Plaintiff_Insurance_Company.aspx?Defendant=True | Defendant | Insurance information for the defendant |
Insurance Company Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=Insurance Company Report/Insurance Company Report | Reports | Report of insurance companies and settlements made by those companies |
Intake Analysis | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=IntakeAnalysis/IntakeAnalysisCount | Intake Reports | Intake data showing leads from applicable sources, leads by case group, and optional settlement information generally defaulted for the last 24 hours |
Intake Dashboard | /DashboardIntake.aspx | Performance Dashboards | Dashboard showin intake statistics, including leads generated, conversion percentage, signed up leads, and referred out leads for the period selected |
Intake Follow Up Dashboard | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_ChaseCall.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases in the intake stage where the client has not yet been retained |
Intake Performance | /DashboardIntakeReport.aspx | Performance Dashboards | Dashboard showing intake statistics, including leads generated, conversion percentage, signed up leads, and referred out leads for the period selected |
Intake Performance Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=IntakePerformanceReport/IntakePerformanceReport | Intake Reports | Report showing intake statistics, including leads generated, conversion percentage, signed up leads, and referred out leads for the period selected |
Intake Reports | Reports | Access to the Intake Reports | |
Intake Review | /IntakeReview.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases in the intake stage that have been marked to be rejected, but need to be reviewed by a supervisor |
Intake Statistics | /Dashboard_NewCases.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing graphical rendition of intake statistics, by source and case type year to date and month over month for tha past four years |
Integration Page 1 | /Integration1.aspx | Other | Third Party Integrations |
Integration Page 2 | /Integration2.aspx | Other | Third Party Integrations |
Integration Page 3 | /Integration3.aspx | Other | Third Party Integrations |
Integration Page 4 | /Integration4.aspx | Other | Third Party Integrations |
Integration Page 5 | /Integration5.aspx | Other | Third Party Integrations |
Integrations | Tools | ||
Investigations | /Investigations.aspx | General | Third Party Investigationss |
Item Templates | /WorkPlanTemplatesAdmin.aspx | Work Plans | SmoartAdvocate WorkPlans (Create, modify, assign) |
Last Modified Note Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=LastModifyBy/Last Modified By Report | Reports | Report showing notes last modified |
Lawyer Referral By Closing date | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=LawyerReferralSource/LawyerReferralSource | Reports | Repoirt showing referral by attorney |
Lead Analysis Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=LeadAnalysisReport/LeadAnalysisReport | Intake Reports | Intake Report showinggraphical rendition of lead by gender, age and case group for the period selected |
Legacy Dashboards | Dashboards | ||
Legacy Reports | Reports | ||
Letter of Administration | /Surrogate_Letter_Of_Admin.aspx | Surrogate | Letters of administration from Probate/Surrogate Court |
Lien Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=Lien Report/LienReport | Financial Reports | Financial Report showing liens in cases |
Lien Tracking | /Plaintiff_LienTracking.aspx | Plaintiff | Page where liens are entered in the case |
Lienor Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=LienorCreationReport/LienorCreationReport | Reports | Report of liens in cases |
Links | Favorites | Links for URLs or pages outside of SmartAdvocate | |
Litigation | Case | The Litigation Page | |
Litigation Stage | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_LigNew.aspx | Legacy Dashboards | |
Litigation Stage | /StageDashboard.aspx?stage=2 | Stage Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases in the Litigation Stage |
Manage Favorites | /CaseFavorite.aspx | Favorites | Access to mage the user lists of favorites (filters, etc.) |
Map Cases | /MapCases.aspx | Home | Map showing geographic location of plaintiffs based on their address |
Map Dashboard | /MapsIntegration.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing Map showing geographic location of plaintiffs based on their address |
Mass Contact Import | /MassContactImport.aspx | Tools | Import tool to import contacts in bulk from spreadsheet |
Mass Document Upload | /Document_Scanning.aspx | Tools | Upload tool to upload multiple documents to a case simultaneously |
Mass Emailing | /MassEmail.aspx | Tools | Tool to send multiple emails simultaneously |
Mass Mailing | /Mass_Mailing.aspx | Tools | Tool to send document to multiple plaintiffs simultaneously |
Mass Sending Errors | /MassSendingErrors.aspx | home | Page that logs error from mass sending operations |
Mass Texting | /MassSMS.aspx | Tools | Tool to send text messages in bulk to multiple pplaintiffs |
Mass Time Tracking Entry | /MassTimeEntry.aspx | Tools | Page that allows the entry of time tracking information to multiple cases simultaneously |
MDL Cases | /MDL.aspx | Other | List of cases in Multi District Litigation |
Medical Bill Vs Policy Limit | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MedicalBillVsPolicyLimits/MedicalBillVsPolicyLimits | Reports | Report showing medical bills and policy limits in the case |
Medical Chronology | /Plaintiff_Medical_Chronology.aspx | Plaintiff | Medicals chronology for treatment by the medical providers |
Medical Provider Referral Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MedicalProviderReferralReport/MedicalProviderReferralReport | Medical Reports | Report of cases where the firm referred clients to those providers |
Medical Providers | /Plaintiff_Medical_Provider.aspx?current=true | Plaintiff | Page where medical providers for the plaintiff are entered (treatment for "current" injuries) |
Medical Providers-Prior | /Plaintiff_Medical_Provider.aspx?Prior=true | Plaintiff | Page where medical providers for prior treatment are entered |
Medical Record Request Types | /MedicalRecordType.aspx | Admin | Types of medical records requests (hospital records, pharmacy records, MRI, etc.) |
Medical Records Request Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ExternalMedicalRequests/ExternalMedicalRequests | Medical Reports | Report of medical records requests made |
Medical Records Requests (external) | /Dashboard_MedicalRequests.aspx?Ext=True | Dashboards | Dashboard showing medical records requests made and the records have not been received |
Medical Records Requests (internal) | /Dashboard_MedicalRequests.aspx?Ext=False | Dashboards | Dashboard showing medical records requests that have been logged to the case, but not yet sent out |
Medical Records Requests Summary Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MedicalRecordsRequestsSummary/MedicalRecordsRequestsSummary | Medical Reports | Summary Report of medical records request made |
Medical Records Retrieval Performance Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MedicalRecordsRetrievalPerformanceReport/MedicalRecordsRetrievalPerformanceReport | Medical Reports | Report of medicalrecords request made through retrieval service and received by date range |
Medical Records Update Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MedicalRecordsUpdateReport/MedicalRecordsUpdateReport | Medical Reports | Report of update requests for medical records from retrieval service |
Medical Testing | /MedicalTesting.aspx | General | Page showing test ordered by the medical provider |
Medical Visits Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MedicalVisitsReport/MedicalVisitsReport | Medical Reports | Report of visits by provider for the case |
Missing Barcoded Documents | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MissingBarcodedDocuments/MissingBarcodedDocuments | Reports | Report of documents that were scanned without a barcode cover page |
Modified Notes Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ModifiedNotesReport/ModifiedNotesReport | Staff Management Reports | Report of notes that have been modifies by staff |
Money In Trust Account | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=MoneyInTrustAccountReport/MoneyInTrustAccountReport | Financial Reports | Report of settlement funds being held in Trust |
Monthly Intake Statistics | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=IntakeDetailedAnalysis/IntakeDetailedAnalysis | Intake Reports | Report of Intakes per month |
Motions | /Litigation_Motion.aspx | Litigation | Motions Page under the Litigation Section |
My Cases | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_ChaseCall.aspx?Criteria=AllCalls | Dashboards | Dashboard show list of open cases assigned to the staff member |
My Medical Records Requests | /Dashboard_ParalegalMedicalRequests.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing list of medical records requests assigned to the staff member |
My SmartAdvocate | /MySmartAdvocatePanels.aspx | Home | Home page in SmartAdvocate |
Negotiation Follow-Up | /Dashboard_SettlementNegotiation.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing list of cases where a demand or offer has been entered but not yet settled |
Negotiation Follow-Up | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=NegotiationFollowUp/NegotiationFollowUp | Reports | Report showing list of cases where a demand or offere has been entered but not yet settled |
Negotiation/Settlement | /Negotiation.aspx | General | Negotiation/Settlement page where demands, offere and settlements are entered |
Negotiation/Settlement (Checks Panel) | /Negotiation.aspx#Checks | General | Checks received from Settlement |
Negotiation/Settlement (Negotiations Panel) | /Negotiation.aspx#Negotiations | General | Settlement information |
Negotiation/Settlement (Settlements Panel) | /Negotiation.aspx#Settlements | General | Negotiation/Settlement panel on the Negotiation/settlement page where demands, offere and settlements are entered |
New Case Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=NewCaseReport/IntakePatternsReferralSource | Reports | Report of new cases entered for the period |
New Cases | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_NewCaseLive.aspx | Dashboards | News cases from Probate/Dashboards Court |
No Fault Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=No Fault Report/No Fault Repot | SOL/Critical Deadline Reports | Report showing "No Fault" deadlines |
Notes | /CaseNotesNew.aspx | General | Page where notess are entered the case |
Notes | /CaseNotesNew.aspx?NoteType=Expert | Litigation | Litigation notes |
Notes | /CaseNotesNew.aspx?NoteType=Court | Litigation | Litigation notes |
Notes Overdue by Type | /DashboardStaffReview.aspx | Overdue Dashboards | Dashboard showing note types that have not been entered for the specified period |
Notes Search | /NoteSearch.aspx | Tools | Tool that allows searching of notes system wide |
Notes Search Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=NotesSearchReport/NotesSearchReport | Reports | Report of notes that have been entered |
Notice of Claim Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=Notice of Claim/Notice of Claim Report | SOL/Critical Deadline Reports | Report showing "Notices of Claim" deadline |
Notifications Setup | /NotificationsSetup.aspx | Admin | Set up for notification sent to staff based on certain occurrences |
Office Calendar | /OfficeCalendar.aspx | Home | Main Office (Central) Calendar |
Open Cases | /OpenCases.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing list of open cases |
Other | Case | Other unrelated cases for the plaintiff | |
Other Cases | /OtherCases.aspx | Other | Other unrelated cases for the plaintiff |
Other Providers | /Medical_Provider_OtherProvider.aspx | Plaintiff | Other medical providers (other than those entered for "current" treatment) |
Outstanding Items | /Outstanding_Items.aspx | Other | Page showing list of items with "open" dated (e.g., open medical records request, Motion pending and no decision date, discovery with no satisfied date, etc.) |
Overdue Dashboards | Dashboards | Dashboard showing overdue items (client contact overdue, attorney file review overdue, supervisor file review) | |
Overdue Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=OverDueReport/OverDueReport | Staff Management Reports | Report showing overdue items (client contact overdue, attorney file review overdue, supervisor file review) |
Overdue Status Summary | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=OverDueStatusSummary/OverDueStatusSummary | Staff Management Reports | Report showing list of cases where they have been in a status longer than the time designated |
Overdue Tasks Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=OverDueTasksReport/OverDueTasksReport | Staff Management Reports | Report of tasks that are open with a past due date |
Performance Dashboards | Dashboards | Dashboard showing staff performance (cases assigned, etc.) | |
Photograph | /Case_Photograph.aspx | General | Photographs page showing photographs that have bee added to the case |
Picklist Maintenance | /PickList.aspx | Admin | Admin section to configure certain items such as those shown in drop-down lists |
Plaintiff | Case | ||
Plaintiff Fact Sheet | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=PFS | Plaintiff | Page where a PFS can be designed/set for the case |
Plaintiff UDFs | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Plaintiff | Plaintiff | Page where User Defined Fields for the plaintiffs can be designed/set |
Policy Limit Settlement Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=PolicyLimitSettlementReport/PolicyLimitSettlementReport | Financial Reports | Report showing settlements and the policy limits for the insurance entered in the case |
Prelit Unit Status | /DashboardSingleEventStatusReport.aspx | Performance Dashboards | Dashboard show staff performance which includes total settlements, fee generated, average times, etc. |
Pre-Litigation Stage | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_PreLitNew.aspx | Legacy Dashboards | |
Pre-Litigation Stage | /StageDashboard.aspx?stage=1 | Stage Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases in the Pre-Litigation Stage |
Prescriptions | /Prescriptions.aspx | Plaintiff | Page showing medications prescribed for the plaintiff |
Presign - Signup Not Scheduled | /PresignNotScheduled.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing leads where a sign-up kit has not been sent |
Prior Claims | /Plaintiff_Prior_claims.aspx | Plaintiff | Priors claims made by this plaintiff |
Problem Cases | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_ProblemCase.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases where critical information is missing (missing incident date, missing incident facts, etc.) |
Problem Cases Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ProblemCasesReport/ProblemCasesReport | Reports | Report showing cases where critical information is missing (missing incident date, missing incident facts, etc.) |
Project Details | /Project_Details.aspx | Home | Campaigns for mass tors, class action, etc., showing target plaintiff, potential intake issues, etc. A general guide for the Intake Team for special types of cases generally in the Mass tort arena |
Query Tool (Alpha) | javascript:var"http://saweb2008a/querytool/","contacts",""); | Tools | |
Quick Injury | /QuickInjuryManagement.aspx | Admin | Admin section to designate quick injuries (check boxes to enter injuries) typically used in intake |
QuickBooks Disbursements Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=QBDisbursements/QuickBooksDisbursements | Financial Reports | Report showing disbursements/Case Costs sent to QuickBooks |
Recent Cases | Home | List of last 20 cases accessed by the user | |
Recently Accessed Cases | /RecentlyAccessedCases.aspx | Recent Cases | List of cases recently accessed by the user |
Refer-Out Rules | /ReferOutRules.aspx | Admin | Set up which case type are referred to designated attorney/law firms |
Referrals By Clients | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ReferralsByClients/ReferralsByClients | Reports | Report showing cases referred to the firm by former/current clients |
Referred Out | /RetainerReferral_Out.aspx | General | Page showing referred out firm |
Referred Out Firm Follow-up | /Dashboard_Sol_OutLawFirm.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard that displays list of cases referred to firms/attorneys |
Referred-Out Firm Performance | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ReferredOutFirmPerformance/ReferredOutFirmPerformance | Reports | Report showing list of cases referred to to firms/attorneys |
Reports | Home | Access to Reports | |
Retainer Staff | /RetainerStaffManagement.aspx | Admin | Set up staff that are assigned when a matter is retained |
Retainer/Referral | /Case_Retainer_Referral.aspx | General | Page where Retainer and Referral information is entered for the case |
SA Pages | Favorites | List of favorite filters | |
School/Other Activities | /Plaintiff_SchoolAndOtherActivity.aspx | Plaintiff | School and other activity information for the plaintiff |
Settlement Dashboard | /DashboardSettlement.aspx | Financial Dashboards | Dashboard showing settlement information for the period selected |
Settlement Forecast Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=SettlementForecastReport/SettlementForecastReport | Financial Reports | Report showing anticipated settlement for a designated period |
Settlement Performance (Min. Value) | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=SettlementPerformanceMinValueReport/SettlementPerformanceMinValueReport | Financial Reports | Report showing forecasted settlements for the minimum settlement valu set. |
Settlement Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=Settlement Report/Settlement Report | Financial Reports | Access to Financial Reports |
Settlement/Fee Production | /Dashboard_SettlementProduction.aspx | Financial Dashboards | Dashboard showing settlements and firm/attorney fees generated from those settlements |
Settlements By Case Group/Type | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=SettlementsByCaseGroupAndType/SettlementsByCaseGroupAndType | Financial Reports | Report showing settlements by Case Group |
Shared Documents | /Case_SharedDocuments.aspx | General | Documents shared with "outside" sources/contacts |
Sign Up Stage | /Dashboard_Sol_V2_Signups.aspx | Legacy Dashboards | Dashboard showing list of cases in the Sign Up Stage broken down by statuses in that stage |
Sign Up Stage | /StageDashboard.aspx?stage=3 | Stage Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases in the Sing-Up Stage |
SignUp Kit To Go Out | /Dashboard_SignUpKit.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboards showing cases in the specific status for "Sign-Up Kits" to be sent to the designated leads |
Single Event Case Listing | /DashboardSingleEventCaseListing.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing list of open "single event" type cases |
Social Security Disability | /SocialSecurityDisability.aspx | General | Page for Social Security/Disability type matters |
SOL Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=SOLReportv2/SOL Short Report V2 | SOL/Critical Deadline Reports | Report showing Statute of Limitations (SOL) deadlines |
SOL/Critical Deadline Reports | Reports | Report showing Statute of Limitations (SOL) deadlines | |
Special Damages | /PlaintiffSpecialDamage.aspx | Plaintiff | Page showing special damages for the plaintiff |
Staff Activity Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=StaffActivity/StaffActivity | Staff Management Reports | Report showing staff activity over the designated period |
Staff Management Reports | Reports | Access to Staff Management Reports | |
Staff Performance | /DashboardStaffPerformance.aspx | Performance Dashboards | Dashboard showing staff activity over a designated period |
Staff Performance Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=StaffPerformanceReport/StaffPerformanceReport | Staff Management Reports | Report showing staff activity over a designated period |
Stage Dashboards | Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases by Stages | |
Stage Overdue by Staff | /DashboardStageOverdue.aspx | Stage Dashboards | Dashboard showing cases in designated stages that are beyond the time frame set by the firm |
Stages Setup | /StagesSetUp.aspx | Admin | Administrative function to set up the desired Stage for cases |
Status Setup | /StatusSetUp.aspx | Admin | Administrative function to set up the desired Statuses for cases |
Statute of Limitations | /Dashboard_Sol_V2.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard showing the Statute of Limitations deadlines for cases |
Suggestion | /Suggestion.aspx | Home | Send suggestions to SmartAdvocate |
Suggestion Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=SuggestionReport/Suggestion Report | Reports | Report showing suggestions for SmartAdvocate |
Summary | /CaseSummary.aspx | General | Access the case summary screen |
Summary | /Case_Plaintiff.aspx | Plaintiff | Access the summary page for plaintiff |
Summary | /Defendant.aspx | Defendant | Access the summary page for defendant |
Summary | /Litigation_Index.aspx | Litigation | Access the summary page for litigation |
Summary (Close Case) | /CaseSummary.aspx#CloseCase | General | Access the summary (close case) page |
Summary (Staff Panel) | /CaseSummary.aspx#Staff | General | Access summary of staff assigned to the case to date |
Summary (Status Panel) | /CaseSummary.aspx#Status | General | Access summary of different statuses assigned to the case over time |
Summary (Value Panel) | /CaseSummary.aspx#Value | General | Access summary of case value |
Supervisor File Review Overdue | /DashboardStaffReview.aspx?NoteTypeCriteria=80 | Overdue Dashboards | Dashboard showing Supervisor file review overdue |
Surrogate | Case | Surrogate (Probate Court) section | |
System Parameters | /AdminParams.aspx | Admin | Administrative functions to set certain parameters for SmartAdvocate |
System Parameters (Internal) | /AdminInternalParams.aspx | Admin | Administrative functions to set certain parameters for SmartAdvocate |
Task Groups | /TaskGroupManagement.aspx | Admin | Administrative function to set task groups |
Task Templates | /TaskTemplateManagement.aspx | Admin | Administrative function to create task templates |
Tasks | /Dashboard_Tasks.aspx | Dashboards | Dashboard to access tasks system wide |
Tasks | /Case_Tasks.aspx | General | Page that shown tasks that have been assigned in the case |
Template Editor | javascript:var"Template_Editor.aspx","editor"); | Admin | Access the template editor page for admin |
Template Page 1 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=1&Template=true | Other | Access the template page 1 page for other |
Template Page 2 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=2&Template=true | Other | Access the template page 2 page for other |
Template Page 3 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=3&Template=true | Other | Access the template page 3 page for other |
Template Page 4 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=4&Template=true | Other | Access the template page 4 page for other |
Template Page 5 | /CustomView.aspx?PageID=5&Template=true | Other | Access the template page 5 page for other |
Template Pages Configuration | /TemplatePagesConfig.aspx | Admin | Administrative function to create/set up custom pages |
Template Panel 1 | /CustomView.aspx?PanelID=1&Template=true | Other | Custom Panel |
Template Panel 2 | /CustomView.aspx?PanelID=2&Template=true | Other | Custom Panel |
Template Panel 3 | /CustomView.aspx?PanelID=3&Template=true | Other | Custom Panel |
Template Panel 4 | /CustomView.aspx?PanelID=4&Template=true | Other | Custom Panel |
Text Message Templates | /TemplateEditForm.aspx | Admin | Administrative function to create/edit text message templates |
Time Tracking | /Case_TimeTracking.aspx | Other | Time Tracking Page |
Time Tracking Review | /TimeTrackingReview.aspx | Tools | Tools to review time tracking entries |
Timeline | /CaseTimeline.aspx | General | General time line (audit trail) of certain activities in the case |
Tip of the week | | Help | Access the tip of the week page for help |
Tip of the week Admin | /TipOfTheWeekAdmin.aspx | Help | Administrative function to add update Tip-Of-The-Week |
Tools | Home | Access to the Tools tab on the top tool bar | |
Top Search | /TopSearchResults.aspx | Top Search | Main search function for cases in SmartAdvocate |
Treatment Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=TreatmentReport/TreatmentReport | Medical Reports | Report of medical treatment |
Trial Prep | /Litigation_TrialPrep.aspx | Litigation | Page available under the Litigation Section to enter Trial Prep information |
UDF Editor | /UDFManagement.aspx | Admin | Administrative function to create/edit/modify User Defined Fields |
UDF Export | /UDF_Export.aspx | Tools | Tools to export User Defined Filed information |
UDF Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=UDF Values Report/UDFCasesValues | Reports | Report of data entered in User Defined Fields |
UDFs #1 | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Other1 | Other | Custom Page for UDF |
UDFs #2 | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Other2 | Other | Custom Page for UDF |
UDFs #3 | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Other3 | Other | Custom Page for UDF |
UDFs #4 | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Other4 | Other | Custom Page for UDF |
UDFs #5 | /UDFs.aspx?UDFFor=Other5 | Other | Custom Page for UDF |
Unassigned Documents | /Document_Scanning.aspx?un_mode=1 | Tools | Tools to list documents that have not be assigned to a case |
Upside Down Medicals Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=UpsideDownMedicalsReport/UpsideDownMedicalsReport | Financial Reports | Report of medical bills that exceeds insurance policy limits |
User Manual | | Help | User Manual |
User Permission Groups | /PagesInRoles.aspx | Admin | Administrative access to User Permission Groups |
User Preferences | /UserPreference.aspx | Admin | Administrative access to set user preferences |
Users | /UserMaintenance.aspx | Admin | Administrative access to configure users |
VA Claims | /VeteransAffairsClaims.aspx | Litigation | Page for VA claims under the Litigation section |
Vehicles | /Vehicle.aspx?plaintiff=true | Plaintiff | Vehicle information for plaintiff |
Vehicles | /Vehicle.aspx | Defendant | vehicle information for defendant |
Verdict | /Verdict.aspx | Litigation | Verdict page under litigation section |
ViewStat Report | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=ViewStat/Quick Status Rpt | Reports | A quick status report showing specific information for the specified case (incident detail, assigned staff, critical deadlines) |
Web Importer | /Web_Intake.aspx | Tools | (Future planned feature) |
Who is where tomorrow | /SAReports.aspx?reportid=WhosWhere/WhosWhereUpdated | Calendar Reports | Access the who is where tomorrow page for calendar reports |
Will Information | /Surrogate_WillInformation.aspx | Surrogate | Page where wills are entered the case |
WorkPlan Assignments | /WorkPlanAssignment.aspx | Work Plans | SmartAdvocate WorkPlans (Create, modify, assign) |
WorkPlan Edit | /WorkPlanEdit.aspx | Edit existing WorkPlans | |
WorkPlan Management | /WorkPlanAdmin.aspx | Work Plans | SmartAdvocate WorkPlans (Create, modify, assign) |
WorkPlans | /WorkPlans.aspx | General | Access the workplans page in the case to assign WorkPlan to the Case, edit the WorkPlan items, etc. |
WorkPlans | Admin | Administrative access to WorkPlan Management | |
WorkPlans in Cases | /WorkPlanCases.aspx | Work Plans | List of WorkPlans that are assigned to cases |
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