System Parameters

System Parameters

The Parameter List

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The System Parameters page contains a list of various adjustable settings of your SmartAdvocate system. Unlike the User Preferences panel, which only apply to the specific user ID for which any changes are made, the settings on this page apply to all of the users of the system. Because of the wide variety of settings that can appear here, and the occasional addition of custom settings for individual firms in answer to requests, the list of parameters in your system may not exactly match the one provided here.
Parameters not listed below generally should not require any user input or changes to their current settings. If you have any questions regarding any of these parameters, please have your SmartAdvocate Admin submit a ticket into Team Support - https://smartadvocate.na4.teamsupport.com

Each parameter in the list below is presented in the following format:

Group Description

Parameter Description: Explanation of what the parameter does.


2F Authentication

Select 2 factor authentication type: A dropdown allowing you to select whether 2 factor authentication should be sent via email or SMS message.

Enable 2 factor authentication: A dropdown allowing you to enable or disable 2 factor authentication.

Enable 2 Factor Authentication for Mobile App: A dropdown allowing you to enable or disable 2 factor authentication when logging into the mobile app.

Re-request 2FA after x days on remembered devices: The number of days after which 2 factor will be re-requested after a user has marked the “Remember Me” option on the login screen.

Lifespan of 2FA token in minutes: The number of minutes a token is active for after it’s been received.



Enable user to create custom prompts: If enabled as true, users will be able to create type their own prompts, separate from those created by the administrative users.

AI Prompt suffix for rewrite request: When

AI Prompt suffix for summarization request: When

AI Prompt prefix for rewrite request: When

AI Prompt prefix for summarization request: When


Appointment Type for Adverse Exam: The default appointment type when creating an Adverse Exam appointment from the Adverse Exams screen.

Trial Appointment Type for TRIAL Merge Codes: The default appointment type that any merge codes referencing a Trial will refer to.

Association of SSD Critical Deadline Types

SSD Appeals Critical Deadline Type: The deadline type that is added when a decision of Remand or Denied is added to the Appeals Council panel of the Social Security Disability page.

SSD Decision Date offset in day(s): The number of days after the decision in which a deadline added from the SSD page will be due.

SSD Hearing Decision Critical Deadline Type: The deadline type that is added when a partially favorable or unfavorable decision date is added to the Request for Hearing panel of the Social Security Disability page.

SSD Initial Critical Deadline Type The deadline type that is added when a partially favorable or denial date is added to the Initial Application panel of the Social Security Disability page.

SSD Post Hearing Critical Deadline Type: The deadline type that is added when a Post Hearing is marked as required and added to the Request for Hearing panel of the Social Security Disability page.

SSD Reconsideration Critical Deadline Type: The deadline type that is added when a partially favorable or denial date is added to the Reconsideration panel of the Social Security Disability page.

Automated Procedures

Bypass hour limits for E-sign sending. (Will allow e-sign texts and emails to be sent 24 hours a day if ON).: When enabled this will allow texts and emails from your e-sign provider to be sent 24 hours a day.

Automatic Notes

Note that all items in this group will have three options available in their edit panel. The three options in the dropdown are:

Notes Page Only - The note will display only on the notes page, but not on the case summary page in the Last Notes section.

No - No note will be created

Notes and Case Summary Pages - The note will display only on the notes page and the Last Notes section of the Case Summary page.

Show added appointments as Notes: When enabled this will display the appointment details as a note with a “(Created)” indicator using the date and time the appointment was created as the creation date/time of the note.

Show appointments as Notes: When enabled this will display the appointment details as note using the date and time of the actual appointment as the creation date/time of the note.

Show critical comments as Notes: When enabled this will display critical comments that were added as notes as well.

Show documents send for e-signature as Notes: When enabled this will create a note indicating what document was sent for e-signature and to who it was sent.

*Show added medical request documents as Notes: When enabled this will create a note indicating that a medical record request was marked completed via the upload of a document matching the predefined subcategory set for Record type documents in System Parameters.

Show negotiations as Notes: When enabled this will create a note indicating that a negotiation was entered on the case, who entered it, who the negotiation was with, the values assigned to the demand and offer fields and the comments made on the negotiation entry.

Show added phone messages as Notes: When enabled this will create a note indicating that a phone message was created on the case, who created it, who it is assigned to and what the message was

Show Settlements as Notes: When enabled this will create a note indicating that a case was settled, who it was settled by, who it was settled with and for how much the case was settled.

Show completed tasks as Notes: When enabled this will create a note indicating that a task was completed, the subject and description of the task and who completed and requested it.


Evening hour until which text messages will be sent out by the automated service: The number entered here will signify the hour (PM) until which automations can be sent out.

Morning hour after which text messages will be sent out by the automated service: The number entered here will signify the hour (AM) after which automations can be sent out.


Enable display of local Firm Header Image on barcoding page: When enabled this will add the letterhead of the case’s assigned office to the barcode page once it is generated.

Billing - Next Invoice Number

Next Invoice Number: The number for which the next generated invoice should be assigned.


Allow attendees with no specified email: When enabled this feature will allow you to add attendees to appointments even if there is no email associated with their contact card. Please note that if no email is assigned to the contact card this will not send that attendee(s) an email notification.

Allow organizations as appointment attendees: When enabled this feature will allow you to add attendees with a designation of organization assigned to their contact card to appointments.

Warn about appointment conflicts (holidays, etc): If the parameter is set to True, when you attempt to set an appointment during either a holiday or an existing appointment of which one of the new appointment's attendees is also an attendee, a panel will appear informing you of the conflicts, and you will have the opportunity either to change the scheduling of the new appointment or to schedule the conflicting appointment anyway. If the parameter is set to False, no panel will appear and the conflicting appointment will simply be scheduled.
Warn when appointments are scheduled in the past: If the parameter is set to True, when you attempt to set an appointment that begins earlier than the current date and time, a panel will appear informing you that the scheduled appointment is in the past, and you will have the opportunity either to change the scheduling of the new appointment or to schedule the past appointment anyway. If the parameter is set to False, no panel will appear and the past appointment will simply be scheduled.

Length limit for appointment comments in calendar view: The numerical value set here will limit the number of characters that can be viewed in the grid view on the calendar.

Line limit for appointment comments in calendar view: The number of lines of text that will be visible when viewing the calendar in grid view.
Warn when appointments are scheduled outside of work hours. (before 8am, after 6pm): If the parameter is set to True, when you attempt to set an appointment that either begins before the office opening time or ends after the office closing time, a panel will appear informing you that the scheduled appointment is outside of work hours, and you will have the opportunity either to change the scheduling of the new appointment or to schedule the off-hours appointment anyway. If the parameter is set to False, no panel will appear and the off-hours appointment will simply be scheduled. Note: the parameter description does not change even if your office hours are changed (see the next two parameters), however the functionality will change to reflect the office hours as set under Office closing time and Office opening time.

Default attendees for new appointments (case roles): The staff roles that, when they are active on a case, will be assigned to an appointment by default.

Default attendees for new appointments (combined case roles): The combination of staff roles that, when they are active on a case, will be assigned to an appointment by default.

Default attendees for new appointments (staff members): The specific staff members that will be assigned to an appointment by default.

Default reminder. Examples: -PT1H: alarm that will trigger 1 hour before start, -PT30M: alarm that will trigger 30 minutes before start, PT10M: alarm that will trigger 10 minutes after end: Provides a list of dropdown items for the default amount of time prior to the appointment taking place an individual should receive a reminder from Outlook.

When adding the appointment have “Email will be sent to the attendees” checked by default: When enabled, this will always check the box to sent an email notification to attendees when adding an appointment.

When adding the appointment have “Email will be sent to the attendees” checked by default: When enabled, this will always check the box to sent an email notification to attendees when editing an appointment.
Office closing time: The time of day your office closes. This is used if your system is set to warn you about off-hours appointments, and it is also used in certain calendar views; the office hours of operation are shaded slightly differently than the rest of the day.
Office opening time: The time of day your office opens. This is used if your system is set to warn you about off-hours appointments, and it is also used in certain calendar views; the office hours of operation are shaded slightly differently than the rest of the day.

Shared Scheduler default appointment duration (in minutes): The number of minutes that will be assigned by default when sending an appointment link via the scheduler.

0-Send request on behalf of organizer,1-Send separate request for organizer,2-Replace organizer with System: The setting selected here will determine how appointments are sent to staff, and the organizer.

0 - This setting will send the request on behalf of the organizer, and will not send an invite to the organizer.

1 - This setting will send the organizer and recipients an invite, coming from the organizer.

2 - This will send the organizer and recipients an invite, coming form the system.

Use system email as from address for invites: When marked as True, this will send the appointment invite from the system email, using the organizers name

System-wide timezone. Examples: "Eastern Standard Time", "Central Standard Time", "Mountain Standard Time", "Pacific Standard Time". Leave empty to use the server time zone.: The time zone that is automatically assigned to appointments created in SmartAdvocate.


Email address to be notified if there is a change in case for Office or State, please use semicolon to separate email if there are more than one email: The email address(es) listed here will receive an email notification that the incident state or office assigned to a case has been changed.

Always keep general tab opened: When marked as True, the general tab will stay open on the left side of the screen, regardless of the tab you are currently working in.

Open Plaintiff tab when one of the pages from general tab is opened: When marked as True, if a page from the general tab is open, the plaintiff tab will remain expanded.

Allow editing of the case name: When marked as True, any user may change the name of a case from the “Edit Case” button of the case summary page.

Allow editing of the case number: When marked as True, any user may change the number assigned to a case from the “Edit Case” button of the case summary page.

Case name format: This parameter contains the format for new case names in SmartAdvocate. Changing this parameter will not immediately change the names of cases already in SmartAdvocate; however, when edits, additions, or deletions are made to the plaintiffs or defendants in a case on the Plaintiff Summary or Defendant Summary page, the name of that case will change to match the current format in this parameter. There are twelve placeholders that can be used in this parameter, which will be replaced by parts of the primary plaintiff's or primary defendant's name in actual case names; any other text in this parameter will appear as-is in case names. All of the placeholders, and the information they are replaced by, are listed within the parameter. The placeholders are:

  1. PPR: If the plaintiff is an individual, this placeholder will be replaced by prefix chosen for the plaintiff (Mr., Ms., etc.). If the plaintiff is an organization, this placeholder will simply be removed.

  2. PFN: If the plaintiff is an individual, this placeholder will be replaced by the plaintiff's first name. If the plaintiff is an organization, this placeholder will simply be removed.

  3. PMN: If the plaintiff is an individual with a middle name, this placeholder will be replaced by the plaintiff's middle name. If the plaintiff is an organization or an individual with no middle name, this placeholder will simply be removed.

  4. PMI: If the plaintiff is an individual with a middle name, this placeholder will be replaced by the plaintiff's middle initial (including a period after the initial). If the plaintiff is an organization or an individual with no middle name, this placeholder will simply be removed.

  5. PLN: If the plaintiff is an individual, this placeholder will be replaced by the plaintiff's last name. If the plaintiff is an organization, this placeholder will be replaced by the plaintiff's full name.

  6. PSU: If the plaintiff is an individual, this placeholder will be replaced by suffix chosen for the plaintiff (Jr., Esq., etc.). If the plaintiff is an organization, this placeholder will simply be removed.

  7. DPR: If the defendant is an individual, this placeholder will be replaced by prefix chosen for the defendant (Mr., Ms., etc.). If the defendant is an organization, this placeholder will simply be removed.

  8. DFN: If the defendant is an individual, this placeholder will be replaced by the defendant's first name. If the defendant is an organization, this placeholder will simply be removed.

  9. DMN: If the defendant is an individual with a middle name, this placeholder will be replaced by the defendant's middle name. If the defendant is an organization or an individual with no middle name, this placeholder will simply be removed.

  10. DMI: If the defendant is an individual with a middle name, this placeholder will be replaced by the defendant's middle initial (including a period after the initial). If the defendant is an organization or an individual with no middle name, this placeholder will simply be removed.

  11. DLN: If the defendant is an individual, this placeholder will be replaced by the defendant's last name. If the defendant is an organization, this placeholder will be replaced by the defendant's full name.

  12. DSU: If the defendant is an individual, this placeholder will be replaced by suffix chosen for the defendant (Jr., Esq., etc.). If the defendant is an organization, this placeholder will simply be removed.

Examples: If the primary plaintiff is John Zachary Smith and the defendant is The State of New York, the format "PFN PMI PLN versus DLN" would yield the case name "John Z. Smith versus The State of New York". The format "PLN, PFN PMN v. DLN, DFN" would yield the case name "Smith, John Zachary v. The State of New York," (for this reason, this format would be recommended against if you might have an organization as the plaintiff or defendant; see below). The format "The case of PFN against DFN" would yield the case name "The case of John against " (obviously also not recommended).
If this parameter is left blank, it will be treated as if it contained "PLN v. DLN". Because of the significant difference between the way individuals' names and organizations' names are treated in the placeholders, it is recommended that you use the default format or something similar if you expect the primary defendant (or plaintiff) will be an organization in some of your cases and an individual in others. You could change this format repeatedly, on a case-by-case basis, to account for the difference, but that is unlikely to be worth the inconvenience.

Case Alerts

Critical Alert for Duplicate Court Docket Exists in another case: An alert will display when entering a case informing you that the assigned docket number has been assigned to another case.

Critical Alert for Defendant Exists as Plaintiff: An alert will display when entering a case informing you that the defendant on the case exists as a plaintiff o another.

Critical Alert for Referral Source: An alert will display when entering a case informing you that no referral source has been assigned.

Critical Alert for Retainer: An alert will display when entering a case informing you that the case has not been retained.

Critical Alert for SOL: An alert will display when entering a case informing you that no SOL has been assigned to the case.

Critical Alert for Case State: An alert will display when entering a case informing you that there is no incident state assigned.

Critical Alert for Plaintiff Missing: An alert will display when entering a case informing you that no plaintiff has been assigned.

Critical Alert for Plaintiff Not Contacted: An alert will display when entering a case informing you that the contact has not been contacted in whatever number of days. This will display based off the settings added to the “Number of Days” parameter (listed below).

Number of Days for Plaintiff not Contacted Alert: The number of days after which an alert will display when entering a case informing you that client contact is overdue.

Critical Alert for Plaintiff Exists as Defendant: An alert will display when entering a case informing you that the plaintiff on the case exists as a defendant on another.

Case Settings

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Allow Case Open Date Change:

Contacts to appear in all cases as available To and From selections: Every contact selected in this parameter will appear in the To and From dropdowns when attaching documents or generating a barcode, for every case. This is useful for contacts that may be involved in many cases, or send or receive correspondence about many cases, but would not necessarily be included in any of the areas in SmartAdvocate that would automatically add them as case contacts. For example, regularly used per diem attorneys may be selected in this parameter.

Retainer Button Status Changes:

Display time (in seconds) for the Case Summary notification message about which contact was matched by the searched phone number. Can be set to 0 to disable the notification:

Show pending activities in reversed order (from future to past): If the parameter is set to True, the Pending Appointments area in the Case Summary page will show the appointment farthest in the future at the top of the list, going back to the earliest appointment date at the bottom. If the parameter is set to False, the list will have the earliest date at the top and the latest date at the bottom.

Plaintiff’s personal information verification frequency (days):

Case searches by phone number trigger plaintiff’s personal information verification:

List of Staff Roles to be available for grouping on Intake Performance Dashboard:

Case number format. y, yy, yyyy - one, two or four digits of the year; mm - month; ss - incident state; 00000 - number of positions for the case number (after year and month). Examples: yy0000, 000000, yymm000, SA-yy00000: This parameter contains the case numbering format used by SmartAdvocate's automatic numbering system. It is generally recommended that this parameter not be changed, because changing the parameter will reset the numbering, which can cause confusion and potentially duplicate case numbers. However, if you are certain you wish to change the numbering format, you may do so. Valid formats for this parameter consist of up to three components:

  1. A series of zeroes with no other characters in it. The series may be any length. This part of the parameter will be replaced by the automatic numbering, with zeroes padding the left side to ensure that the total number of digits is constant. For example: if the automatic numbering is up to 12, then 00 would be replaced by 12, while 000000 would be replaced by 000012. This component should be in the parameter somewhere, and it is recommended that it contain at least four zeroes, or more depending on the number of cases you create.

  2. A series of y's with no other characters in it. The series may be between one and four characters in length. This part of the parameter will be replaced by the digits of the current year, excluding the first digits of the year if there are fewer than four y's. For example: If the current year is 2016, then yy would be replaced by 16, while yyyy would be replaced by 2016. This component is optional but recommended for keeping track of the general age of the case.

  3. Exactly two m's with no other characters between them. This part of the parameter will be replaced by the number of the current month. For example: If the current month is January, then mm would be replaced by 01. If the current month is December, then mm would be replaced by 12. This component is optional.

You may include any of these components in any order, but you may not include any of them more than once (for example, 00yy and yy00 would be allowed, but 0yy0 would not be). You may not include any character besides 0, y, and m.

Firm role for medical records department:

Practice Type:

List of ‘preferred’ states:
Restart the case numbering when year/month case prefix changes: This parameter causes the case numbering to reset to 1 (actually to 01, or 0001, or whatever format you have chosen) whenever the year or month case prefix changes. For example, if set to true, if the last case created in 2017 (assuming a yy setting was chosen) was assigned case number 171234, the first case created in 2018 would be assigned case number 180001. If set to false, the last case created in 2017 (assuming a yy setting was chosen) was assigned case number 171234, the first case created in 2018 would be assigned case number 181235.

Show a contact avatar on Contact info popup (right-click):

Show a primary plaintiff avatar on Case Summary page:

Case Summary Client’s Avatar Size Format - Width Img (Example 150px):

Defines if the top search is done as “equals”, “contains” or “begins with” by default:

Trim leading and trailing spaces in top search field:

Allow staff member to have different roles in the same case:

Case Settings MDL

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Case Summary

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ClientPortal Settings

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Consult Scheduler

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Consult Scheduler - Office

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Contact Settings

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[Contacts] Maximum number of contacts that can be merged: When using the Merge Contacts mass action in the Contacts List Search Results page, if you attempt to merge more than a specified number of contacts you will not be allowed to do so and a message will appear indicating that you are merging too many contacts. This is meant to prevent accidentally selecting and ultimately losing more contacts than intended. This parameter specifies the maximum allowed number of contacts that can be merged at one time.


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Court Rules

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Critical Deadline

Max Days to File Summons and Complaint after Serving: When you enter a date in the Date of Service field in the Add/Edit Defendant SOL panel in the Critical Deadlines page, the Last Date to File S&C field will automatically be set to a certain number of days after that date. This parameter sets the number of days between those two fields. Any setting in this parameter will be a default for the system, however the default can be overridden by entering a different number of days in the States Picklist. Note that a number cannot be entered in both this parameter and the Max Days to Serve Summons and Complaint after Filing at the same time.

Max Days to Serve Summons and Complaint after Filing: When you enter a date in the Date of Filing S&C field in the Add/Edit Defendant SOL panel in the Critical Deadlines page, the Last Date to Serve S&C field will automatically be set to a certain number of days after that date. This parameter sets the number of days between those two fields. Any setting in this parameter will be a default for the system, however the default can be overridden by entering a different number of days in the States Picklist. Note that a number cannot be entered in both this parameter and the Max Days to File Summons and Complaint after Serving at the same time.

SOL adjustment when it falls on Saturday, Sunday or holiday: This parameter has a drop-down with three settings:

1 - Don’t Adjust - When selected, this parameter will set the SOL for the actual date that it is calculated to, regardless of whether that day is a holiday or weekend.

2 - Move to Next Business Day - When selected, this parameter will set the SOL to the following business day, if the date calculated falls on a holiday or weekend.

3 - Move to Previous Business Day - When selected, this parameter will set the SOL to the first business day before the SOL date, if the date calculated falls on a holiday or weekend.

Critical Deadline ID for Last Date to File S&C

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Default case disbursement limit: The disbursement limit for all cases where the disbursement limit has not been manually set, nor automatically set in association with the case's estimated case value.

Disbursement Summary

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Document Indexing

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Document Template Plugin

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Document Templates

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Path to Document Templates Folder: The location of a folder in which document templates are stored within the network file structure. The folder location in this parameter should be where templates are saved when using the Word plugin; it is where the SmartAdvocate system will find them when you use a template to generate a document.


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Network path to store documents created during Mass Mail generation: The location of a folder in the network file structure. When a user selects the Open or Download option after generating multiple documents using the Mass Mailing tool, SmartAdvocate creates a single document consisting of all of the generated documents, one after the other. This single document does not belong to any one case; the folder location in this parameter is where such documents are stored after they are created. (The documents are separated into folders within that location based on the user who generated the documents.)
Default direction for attached documents: The default selection in the Direction field when attaching a document. If the parameter is 1, Incoming is selected by default. If the parameter is 2, Outgoing is selected by default. If the parameter is 3, Memo is selected by default. If the parameter is anything else, nothing is selected by default.
Default direction for Barcoded documents: The default selection in the Direction field when generating a barcode. If the parameter is 1, Incoming is selected by default. If the parameter is 2, Outgoing is selected by default. If the parameter is 3, Memo is selected by default. If the parameter is anything else, nothing is selected by default.

Use SmartAdvocate Document Handler for opening documents: The SmartAdvocate Document Handler component can automatically download document when you need to open or edit them. This is particularly useful for SmartAdvocate Cloud users by making it easier to eliminate the need for manual download/upload of documents. It can also be used by remote users who are not using VPN or by whole law firms who want to eliminate the need to share CMS\Case Documents folder.
The Document Handler can be set for all users (instead of using the Document Launcher) globally in the System Parameters admin page, by setting the item with Parameter Description "Use SmartAdvocate Document Handler for opening documents" to True, which is useful for SmartAdvocate Cloud customer. However, for SmartAdvocate Server customers, who may occasionally access the system from outside their firm's network, you don't need to use the setting in System Parameter if you don't want to change it for local users, who are already able to access documents normally using the Document Launcher. Individual users can utilize this feature by going to their User Preferences (click their name in the upper right of any SmartAdvocate page and click User Preferences) and selecting the "Download documents for editing" item in the Documents And Emails section.
Either way, when a user with that setting tries to open a document for the first time, a popup will appear prompting the user to download the Document Handler application package. The user should then open the downloaded package, run the setup.exe file in it, then click the Open Document button in the prompt on the Documents page (and then the My Document Opened button so the popup doesn't always appear in the future). If prompted with an "Open SmartAdvocate Document Handler?" prompt, users should click the Open option (and can optionally select "Always open these types of links in the associated app", which may prevent that prompt in the future).

Documents Postage

Cost of 1 oz package: When you generate a document for a medical records request, you have the option of also printing an envelope for the document, and of automatically adding the cost of postage for that envelope, based on the package weight you select, to the Disbursements for the case. This parameter determines the postage cost added if you select 1 oz as the package weight.
Cost of 2 oz package: When you generate a document for a medical records request, you have the option of also printing an envelope for the document, and of automatically adding the cost of postage for that envelope, based on the package weight you select, to the Disbursements for the case. This parameter determines the postage cost added if you select 2 oz as the package weight.
Cost of 3 oz package: When you generate a document for a medical records request, you have the option of also printing an envelope for the document, and of automatically adding the cost of postage for that envelope, based on the package weight you select, to the Disbursements for the case. This parameter determines the postage cost added if you select 3 oz as the package weight.
Cost of 4 oz package: When you generate a document for a medical records request, you have the option of also printing an envelope for the document, and of automatically adding the cost of postage for that envelope, based on the package weight you select, to the Disbursements for the case. This parameter determines the postage cost added if you select 4 oz as the package weight.
Default for "Other" package cost: When you generate a document for a medical records request, you have the option of also printing an envelope for the document, and of automatically adding the cost of postage for that envelope, based on the package weight you select, to the Disbursements for the case. If you select Other instead of a package weight, you can then enter the cost of postage manually. This parameter determines the default cost when you select Other.

dtSearch Indexing

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Email Monitoring Service

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Ignore SA notification emails:

When the service connects to a mailbox for the first time, it will scan emails that are no older than the specified number of days:

0-save email as one file, 1-save attachments from email, 2-save attachments from email and email as SA email:

Email Settings

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Domain of the fax server. When configured the system will offer FAXNUMBER@faxserver as an option when selecting email addresses:

Default Category and Sub-Category for SA generated emails:

When set to True from field in the emails will use "FirstName LastName" format, otherwise "LastName, FirstName" format will be used: Determines the format of the From field in emails sent by SmartAdvocate. If the parameter is set to True, the field will be formatted like "John Smith." If the parameter contains anything else, the field will be formatted like "Smith, John."


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Export Parameters

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Extract Images from PDF

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Formatting Rules

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Intake Wizard

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Add empty defendants for all possible defendant roles if no default defendant selected: If the parameter is set to True, then if a case type has no default defendant, and no defendant is added at the time the case is created, then every defendant role associated with the case type will be added as a defendant in the case, with no contact associated. This will make visible in the case file all of the possible defendant roles for that case type, and all of the possible SOLs associated with those roles; however, you will need to delete the empty defendants manually when you enter the real defendants in the case. If the parameter is set to False, this behavior will not occur.

Auto Show First Defendant Fields:

Perform conflict check by incident date:

Additional UDFs screens to show on Intake Wizard:

Require Phone Number for Primary Contact:

Enable Reject/Review/Retain actions on Intake Wizard:

Show Race/Ethnicity selection for Individual Contact:
Show Plaintiff/Defendant in another case warnings: If the parameter is set to True, then if you attempt to add a plaintiff in the Intake Wizard that is already entered as a defendant in some other case (or if you attempt to add a defendant that is already entered elsewhere as a plaintiff), a warning will appear. If the parameter is set to False, no warning will appear.

IVR Call Routing

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[Login] Maximum number of user login attempts. Account will be locked if number of attempts is exceeded: If someone attempts to log in as a particular user more than a specified number of times consecutively with the wrong password, the user account will be marked Locked, meaning that no one may log in as that user, even with the correct password, until an administrator unlocks the account. (Unlocking an account is performed in the Users administrative page.) This parameter specifies the number of incorrect attempts before the account is locked.

Login Policy

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Login Settings

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Medical Providers

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Medical Providers Lienor Types

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[Medical Providers Lienor Types] Type of lienor to be used when copy bills to liens is used for individual providers: In the Medical Providers page, right-clicking on a provider or a bill will bring up options for copying the bill (or all bills from that provider) directly as liens to the Lien Tracking page, with the provider listed as the lienor. This parameter determines the lienor type automatically assigned to that lienor when the bills are copied, if the lienor is an Individual contact.
[Medical Providers Lienor Types] Type of lienor to be used when copy bills to liens is used for organizations: In the Medical Providers page, right-clicking on a provider or a bill will bring up options for copying the bill (or all bills from that provider) directly as liens to the Lien Tracking page, with the provider listed as the lienor. This parameter determines the lienor type automatically assigned to that lienor when the bills are copied, if the lienor is an Organization contact.

Medical Providers Medical Records

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SSN is required for medical records requests: Whether a client's Social Security Number is required when requesting medical records. When set to True users won't be able to request medical records unless the client's contact card has his or her SSN entered.

Medical Providers Notes

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Medical Records

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Medical Request Providers

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Medical Requests

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[Negotiation] Show No Fault carriers on Settlement/Negotiation screen: If the parameter is set to False, insurance companies of a No Fault type will not appear as options when selecting a company in the Negotiating with or Settlement with fields when adding a negotiation or settlement in the Negotiation/Settlement page. If the parameter is set to True, all insurance companies in the case will appear as options.


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Notes Automation

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Outlook Add-In

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Page name template parameters group

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Partner Law Firm

Number of days case remains visible in Refer Out Cases list after status changed to Closed Case. (-1- closed cases will not be visible at all): The number of days after which a case is closed, that it will appear on the Partner Law Firm portal.

Documents with select selected sub-categories are shared for Referred In cases on Law Firm Portal: Documents with the selected categories/sub-categories will be available for download on cases marked as “referred out” on the Partner Portal.

Documents with selected tags are shared for Referred In cases on Law Firm Portal: Documents with the selected tag(s) will be available for download on cases marked as “referred out” on the Partner Portal.

Note Type for Referred Out Cases on Law Firm Portal: Notes created using this type will be shared in the client portal for cases marked as “Referred In”

Cases Statues (Status Type=Status) available to be set by refer out firm. If this parameter is not set and Status Type parameter is not set either, all statuses will be available: The case status(es) listed here will be the status(es) available to your refer-out partner for case marked as “Referred In” on the portal, status changes done in the portal are reflected on the case in your SmartAdvocate system.

Case Status Type available to be set by refer out firm. If this parameter is set the specific status selection will be ignored: This parameter allows you to choose a general status type, for which all statuses can be selected (such as substatus, M1, M2, etc.) by the refer-out firm on the Portal. If a status type is selected here, the individual status selections made in the above parameter will be ignored.

Note Type for Referred in Cases on Law Firm Portal: The note type that will be assigned to the case notes created by your referral partner adding notes to the portal. Notes created by referral partners in the portal will be created on the case in SmartAdvocate as well.

Additional columns to be shown in Partner Law Firm Portal. Case #, Case Type, Sub Type, Plaintiff and Case Direction are always shown: This item lists all of the possible columns which could be displayed within the Partner Law Firm Portal. Only the columns which are selected in this parameter will be displayed.

Password Enforcement

Password complexity numbers on/ off: Whether the system will require that passwords include at least one letter and one number. If set to False, it will not be required that a password include a number. If set to True, a password must include at least one number. As noted above, this parameter will have no effect unless the Password complexity policy on/off parameter is set to True.

Password complexity policy on/off: Whether the additional Password Enforcement parameters (see below) are enforced against a user's password. If set to False, the other Password Enforcement parameters will have no effect, regardless of their settings. If set to True, the other Password Enforcement parameters will govern the use of passwords in the system.

Password complexity special characters on/off: Whether the system will require that passwords include at least one special character. If set to True, a password must include at least one special character. If set to False, it will not be required that a password include a special character. As noted above, this parameter will have no effect unless the Password complexity policy on/off parameter is set to True.

Password complexity uppercase and lowercase letters on/off: Whether the system will require that passwords include at least one lower case letter and one upper case letter. If set to True, a password must include at least one lower case and one upper case letter. If set to False, it will not be required that a password include both lower case and upper case letters. As noted above, this parameter will have no effect unless the Password complexity policy on/off parameter is set to True.

Password expiration days value: The length of time a user's password remains valid. The first time a user attempts to access SmartAdvocate after the expiration of the designated time period, he or she will be required to create a new password. As noted above, this parameter will have no effect unless the Password expiration policy on/off parameter is set to True.

Password expiration policy on/off: Whether a user's password will automatically expire after a set period of time. If set to True, after a password has expired, the user will be required to create a new password when accessing SmartAdvocate. If set to False, the password expiration policy will not be applied.

Password minimum length policy on/off: Whether the Password minimum length value parameter is enforced against a user's password. If set to True, a password must consist of at least the number of characters set in Password minimum length value parameter. If set to False, the Password minimum length value parameter will have no effect, regardless of its setting. As noted above, this parameter will have no effect unless the Password complexity policy on/off parameter is set to True.

Password minimum length value: The minimum length required by the system for a password. This parameter will have no effect unless both the Password complexity policy on/off and the Password minimum length policy on/off parameters are set to True.

PDF Processor

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Picklist Settings

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Postage Cost

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Predictive Calls

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Related Cases

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Related Cases Notes and Documents

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SAML Authentication

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Settings Customizable Parameters

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Shared Form

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Shared Package

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SharedForm Settings

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Show all demands on the demand production dashboard

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Special Damage

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Task Settings

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Text Auto Replacement

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Text Message

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Time Tracking

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Time Tracking Comment for Automatic Appointments

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Time Tracking Comment for Automatic Document Templates

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Time Tracking Comment for Automatic Documents

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Time Tracking Comment for Automatic Notes

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Time Tracking Comment for Automatic Tasks

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UDF Wizard Indicator - one or more characters, which when present in the UDF name (label) will force the non-Wizard UDF to appear on the Case Wizard.

Display labels and values in a single column for all UDFs. When set to False, labels and values will display right to left in a single column. When set to True, the UDF question is displayed on top and the answer or selection is displayed on the bottom.

Show UDFs in a single panel on the page.

Location of the UDF Wizard Indicator (0 - in the beginning of the UDF name, 1 at the end of the UDF name).

UDF Merge Codes

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UI Settings

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User Interface

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User Permission

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Verdict Settings

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Web Service

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Website Template

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WorkFlow Policy

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Dashboard Specific Parameters

Attorney Settings

List staff roles on the attorney performance dashboard: The roles that, when selected here

Dashboard - Client Contact Overdue

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Dashboard - Demand Production

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Dashboard - Intake Follow Up

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Case statuses for Intake Follow-up Dashboard. Only cases in those statuses will be displayed on the Intake Follow-up Dashboard: This parameter imposes a limit on which cases appear in the Intake Follow-up Dashboard. Cases that are not in one of the statuses selected in this parameter do not appear in that dashboard.

Dashboard - Intake Performance

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Dashboard - Intake Review

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List of statuses that indicate that the new case was reviewed and accepted. Transition from other Pre-sign status to one of these will add the case to Intake Review Dashboard:

List of statuses that indicate that the new case was reviewed and Rejected. Transition from other Pre-sign status to one of these will add the case to Intake Review Dashboard:

Intake Review Dashboard is designed to review decisions of staff members to Accept (Want) or Reject the case. Only decisions of staff members in firm roles listed here will be added to the dashboard:

Dashboard - Lead Summary

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Dashboard - Map Dashboard

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Dashboard - My Cases

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Dashboard - Negotiation Follow-Up

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Dashboard - Ovedue Dashboard

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Dashboard - Staff Performance and Overdue Dashboards

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Integration Specific Parameters


Default document subcategory for documents from AssureSign: A dropdown allowing you to select the default category/sub-category which should be applied for documents coming back into SmartAdvocate from AssureSign

Use default document subcategory for documents from AssureSign: When enabled, all documents coming from AssureSign will be given the category/sub-category assigned in the parameter above.

AssureSign Integration

Use user email as login to assure sign: When set to true this allows users to send AssureSign documents from their own emails rather than one set system wide account. Please note: all users must first have an account created with AssureSign in order for this setting to work properly.

User Name: The default AssureSign user that all documents will come from if the above parameter has not been set to true or configured properly.

Expense (Disbursement) Amount for an AssureSign document: The value that the AssureSign expense will be assigned when it is added to the Disbursements page.

Initial Case Expense (Disbursement) status for the cost of a document sent through AssureSign: The status that the AssureSign expense will be assigned when it is added to the Disbursements page.

Type of the Case Expense (Disbursement) status for the cost of a document sent through AssureSign: The disbursement type that the AssureSign expense will be assigned when it is added to the Disbursements page.

Automatically create Case Expenses (Disbursements) for AssureSign documents: When set to true, the system will automatically add a disbursement with the above set parameters when an AssureSign document is received.

Docubee Integration

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Docusign Integration

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GoToConnect Integration

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Legalex Integration

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MailChimp Integration

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MessageMedia Integration

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Microsoft Graph API Sync Service

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National Record Retrieval

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Nicoletti Integration

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QBO Integration

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RingCentral Integration

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Telmetric Integration

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Uplink Integration

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Verscend Integration

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Voicemail Integration

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