Emails Screen

Emails Screen

About Emails

The Emails page contains all the emails that have been associated with the case.

  1. View the previously entered Email information.

  2. To Export the list, select from the options .pdf , .xls , or .rtf .

  3. To Open, Copy, Delete, Download, Download (rename), Edit Properties, Email, Email/Share, Extract Images from PDF, Scan for ICD codes, Send to Folder, Send for e-Signature, Show Versions Task, or Upload, select the Action icon .
    Opening an email opens the underlying file using either SmartAdvocate or Outlook, depending on your settings in User Preferences.

  4. To Show/Hide Columns, Reset Layout, Save Layout, turn on/off Auto Save, or choose between Resize Mode Control and Resize Mode Next Column, select the Layout button.

  5. Select TEMPLATES.
    You will be redirected to the Document Templates screen.

  6. Select ATTACH. Browse your local computer for the files. Select Save.

  7. Select UPLOAD .ISO. Select the plaintiff and provider. Select Confirm.
    You will be redirected to an external site. Follow the directions for the site.

  8. Select CLEAR FILTER to remove any of the filters placed on the columns.

  9. Select the Open Bottom Panel icon to show the contents of the email at the bottom of the screen.

  10. Select the Open Side Panel icon to show the contents of the email on the side of the screen.



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