Consumer Attorney Record Services

Server Based System - please perform the following configuration:

Kindly have your IT Professional create an FTP/SFTP site.  Here are some instructions we found on the internet: 

Once you have created your FTP/SFTP site, provide your Records Provider with the following information: 

FTP Host


FTP User


FTP Password


FTP Folder Name


FTP Port


FTP Protocol

(Implicit FTP over TLS or Explicit FTP over TLS)


Local or UNC Path for FTP


Please forward the above responses to your records provider. Your records provider will configure their portion and advise SmartAdvocate to configure ours.  Testing will be done and once testing is completed SmartAdvocate will advise you to begin using the integration.

SaaS Cloud System - we will be configuring your system for you directly and advise you once completed. We will forward the FTP information to you to submit to your records provider.

Kindly click the link below to watch our video instructional on using this integration:

How to Send Medical Records Request to Retrieval Service

Also if you have further questions about Consumer Attorney Record Services directly, please contact:

Jacqueline Dubose | Account Executive

Consumer Attorney Record Services
5041 Bayou Boulevard #301
Pensacola, FL 32503

o.800.476.0489 x2002

Visit for other help options including how to access our Support Tracker and Daily Office Hours sessions.