Mass Time Tracking Entry

Mass Time Tracking Entry

Generally, time tracking entries are made in each case separately, either by using the Time Tracking icon in the Quick Add Tool Bar ( ) to start and stop the Timer, or by manually entering the time spent on the Time Tracking page.
However, the Mass Time Tracking Entry page allows you to add time tracking data into multiple cases simultaneously. The Mass Time Tracking Entry page can be found under the Tools button.


The Mass Time Tracking Entry function will allow the entry of a single time entry per case for a single day. (Additional time entries can be made after Saving the entries on the Mass Time Tracking Entry page.) It is best used for bulk time entry (i.e, "4.6 hours – preparation of motion" or "3.7 hours – in court for settlement conference, including travel"), rather than tracking each individual activity in a case (i.e., ".5 hours – preparation of notice of motion"; ".75 hours, preparation of proposed Court Order"; etc.). Entry of individual activities are more efficiently accomplished on the Time Tracking page of the applicable case or by using the Timer.
The Mass Time Tracking Entry page displays all cases to which the user is currently assigned. It lists the cases in the order in which the user last visited them, with the most recently visited case at the top.

The Mass Time Tracking Entry page has seven columns of data, four of which are automatically completed by the system:

  • Case Number

  • Case Name

  • Last Access Date (the most recent date on which the user accessed the case in SmartAdvocate)

  • Case Status (the current status of the case)

The other three columns are completed by the user for the entry of time tracking data:

  • Action Type

The type of activity performed. This is a dropdown list, taken from the Time Tracking Activity Codes assigned to the case's Case Type on the Time Tracking Activty Code Relationships page in Picklist Maintenance.

  • Duration (hours)

The time spent on the activity. If this field is left blank, no time tracking information will be transferred to the case.

  • Notes

Enter any comments describing the activity.
Note that you must double click in a particular field in order to enter data or choose an item from a dropdown list.
A field at the top of the Mass Time Tracking Entry page allows for bulk entry of the Action Type for all listed cases. This is extremely useful if, for example, you are in court for multiple cases and want to divide the time spent among those cases.

Chose the activity from the drop-down list and click Apply. The chosen activity will appear in the Action Type column for all cases listed.

If you want to apply the Action Types to each case individually, leave this box empty. You can change the Action Type for a particular case by double clicking on the item and choosing a different Action Type for that activity.
Once Action Types have been selected for any cases for which you want to add a time tracking entry, double click in the Duration column to enter the time spent, and in the Notes column to enter a description for each case.
To save your entries, click on Save Changes on the bottom right portion of the screen.

All time entries will be placed in the Time Tracking page in the appropriate case. The entries will be made for the current date, with a start time equal to the current time when the entry was made. The end time will be calculated based on the start time and the event duration entered.
Entries will only be made in those cases for which an Action Type has been chosen and a Duration entered.
Once the entries have been saved, they will be transferred onto the Time Tracking page in the appropriate cases. The following information will be transferred to the Time Tracking page:

  • Action Type (Will be placed in the Activity column on the Time Tracking page.)

  • Duration (Will be placed in the Duration column and used to calculate the End Time and the Billable Amount.)

  • Notes (Will be placed in the Comments column on the Time Tracking page.)

In addition, the following information will automatically be inserted into these columns on the Time Tracking page:

  • Status: Will always be set as Performed.

  • Staff: The actions will be entered under the name of the staff member who entered the information on the Mass Time Tracking Entry page.

  • Tracking Date: The actions will be listed as having occurred on the date they were entered on the Mass Time Tracking Entry page.

  • Start Time: The Start Time will be entered based on the time the entry was made on the Mass Time Tracking Entry page.

  • End Time: The End Time will be entered based on the Start Time and the Duration entered on the Mass Time Tracking Entry page.

  • Billing Rate: The billing rate will be taken from the staff member's User Card.

  • Billable?: All entries made on the Mass Time Tracking Entry page are shown on the Time Tracking page as Billable.

  • Shared Expenses: All entries made on the Mass Time Tracking Entry page are shown on the Time Tracking page as Shared Expenses.

Once the entries have been saved on the Mass Time Tracking page and transferred to the Time Tracking pages in the appropriate cases, any necessary edits can be made in the Time Tracking pages.

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