Mass Mailing Export
The Mass Mail Export tool allows you to change the status of, or add a note or a staff member to, a group of cases simultaneously. It can also be used to export a list of client addresses to create address labels or for other uses. This tool has become mostly redundant; the Mass Mailing tool and the Mass Update function in Case Browse can now be used more conveniently for each of the functions available on this page. However, this tool does allow you to perform more than one of these functions simultaneously.
The Structure of This Page
Case Number entry. Used to select the cases that will be simultaneously updated.
Bulk Update options. Used to determine the changes that will be applied to the selected cases.
Case contacts selection. Used to select which plaintiffs in the cases are displayed in the table.
Plaintiffs table. Lists the plaintiffs in the selected cases for exporting to various file types.
Using This Tool
To use the Mass Mail Export tool to make changes to a group of cases simultaneously:
Type the list of cases that have plaintiffs you wish to send the email to into the Case Number entry field and click the Search button. Case numbers must be separated by either a comma or a semicolon, or be on different lines.
If you wish to add a note to each of the cases, select the Select to Add Note checkbox, select the note type from the Note Type dropdown, and fill out the note text.
If you wish to add a staff member to each of the cases, select the Select to Add Staff checkbox, select the staff member from the Staff dropdown and the case role in which you wish to add them from the Role dropdown, and optionally add any comments about the addition in the Comments field.
If you wish to change each of the cases to the same new status, select the Status Update checkbox, then select the desired status from the Case Status dropdown.
Once you have set up all of the changes you wish to implement on the group of cases, click the Update button to make the changes. The Case Number entry field and the checkboxes and text input fields in the Bulk Update options will be reset to blank, and the changes will be applied to the cases.
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