Lien Tracking
The Lien tracking screen allows for the viewing and recording of liens in the case.
 Structure of This Page
 Total Liens Table
At the top of this screen is a table that auto-calculates the totals of all liens entered in this case. The table contains the following available columns:
Plaintiffs: The plaintiffs in the case
Unconfirmed: Any unconfirmed lien amounts.
Confirmed: Any confirmed lien amounts.
Waived: Any waived lien amounts.
Current Payoff: The current payoff amounts of the liens.
Negotiated: The negotiate payoff amounts of the liens.
Paid: Any payments made towards the lien amounts.
 Lienor Tracking Table
This table contains more specific information about the individual lienors in the case. The table includes the following information:
Plaintiff associated with liens in the case
Name of lienor
Lienor type
Name of recovery agent
Amount of lien: Lists the unconfirmed and confirmed lien amounts along with the current payoff amount of the lien.
Lienor’s file number
Adding a Lienor
By clicking the Add Lienor button, the following information can be indicated:
Plaintiff associated with this lienor
Lienor type
Lienor name: contact dropdown
Lienor contact name: contact dropdown
Recovery agency name: contact dropdown
Recovery agency contact name: contact dropdown
Unconfirmed gross lien amount
Confirmed gross lien amount
Current lien payoff amount
Date current payoff amount was provided
Negotiated/final lien amount
Indication that the lien amount has been finalized
Lienor file number
Date final lien amount negotiated
Indication that the lienor policy has been received
Indication of ERISA lienor
Date of first notice of the lien
Certified mail number
Date certified mail receipt is signed
Date lien was paid
Check number of lien payment
Date lien release was received
Additional comments regarding this lienor
Lien History Sub-Table
When a lienor has been added to the case, the lienor table can be expanded to reveal the lien sub-table which contains information regarding all liens associated with this lienor. The table includes the following information:
Date of lien
Method of service of lien
Confirmed lien amount
Date lien confirmation was received
Lien type
Firm staff assigned to handle lien
Itemization information: lists dates of request and receipt of lien itemization
Notification information: Dates of client notification and client response
First date of service associated with this lien
Last date of service associated with this lien
Comments associated with this lien
Adding a Lien
By clicking the Add Lien button, the following information can be indicated:
Date of lien
Indication of confirmed lien
Lien type
Firm staff assigned to handle lien
First date of service associated with this lien
Last date of service associated with this lien
Unconfirmed lien amount
Date lien itemization was requested
Confirmed lien amount
Date lien itemization was received
Date confirmation of lien amount was received
Date client was notified about the lien
Method of service of lien
Date client responded to lien notification
Indication of lien being waived
Indication that lien should not be paid at settlement
Comments associated with this lien
The ability to attach a document to this case and lien entry
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