Copy/Merge Cases

The Copy/Merge Cases tool allows you to easily create a copy of a case in the system or merge two cases together.

Structure of this Page - Copy Cases

  1. Copy Case / Merge Case Radio Button - A radio button to choose whether to create a copy of a case or to merge two cases together

  2. Case Table - A table containing all open cases in the system, with searchable columns for Case Name and Case Number

  3. A list of all open cases in the system with columns for Case Name, Case Number and a button to the left selecting that case

  4. Action Buttons - Buttons to create a copy of the selected case from the list, or to clear a prior selection from the list.

Once a case has been selected from the list and the copy button pressed, a copy will be created of that case in the system with a new case number.

Structure of this Page - Merge Cases

  1. Copy Case / Merge Case Button - A radio button to choose whether to create a copy of a case or to merge two cases together

  2. Case List (This Case Will Remain) - A list of all open cases, this is the case that will remain when the two cases are merged together

  3. Case List (This Case Will be Deleted) - A list of all open cases, this is the case that will be removed when the two cases are merged together

  4. Action Button - An action button that will will allow you to either merge the two selected cases or clear the selections in both lists

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