Tip #2 - Configure Panels in My SmartAdvocate

Tip #2 - Configure Panels in My SmartAdvocate

Tip #2 - Configure Panels in My SmartAdvocate

Do you sometimes wish you had more real estate to display your cases in the panels on the ‘MySmartAdvocate’ welcome screen? Perhaps the current layout of your panels is such that you need to do a lot of scrolling inside the panels to view your list of cases. Well, you can change the size of your panels. Here’s how.

  1. Move your mouse pointer to the name bar of the panel you want to work with. Your mouse pointer will now look like a ‘four-way’ pointer.

  2. Double-click the left mouse button (assuming you have not reconfigured your mouse buttons). The current panel will initially snap to the left, initially becoming smaller, and will be superimposed over the other panels behind it.

  3. Move your mouse pointer to the lower right corner of the panel. The pointer will be in the correct position when it displays as a ‘two-way’ pointer, i.e., arrows going in opposite directions. This step may require some finesse in getting the pointer precisely positioned.

  4. Without moving the mouse (i.e., the pointer should still be showing with both arrows), hold down the left button and drag the corners of the panel to the desired size, then release the mouse button.

  5. Now move the mouse pointer to the name bar of the panel (as you did in step one above prior to double-clicking).

  6. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the panel back to its original position (or any other position you want) and then release the mouse.

Your panel will now be re-anchored with the new size.


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