Import/Export Cases

About Import/Export Cases

Import/Export allows for the importing and exporting of cases.

To Export Cases:

  1. Select Tools from the main menu.

  2. Select Import/Export Cases.

  3. If not already selected, select the radio button for Export.

  4. Enter the case number(s).
    Alternatively, you can export the list from the Case Browse screen.

  5. Select SHOW CASES. The cases will appear in the bottom panel.

  6. Select EXPORT CASES. The cases will be exported as a .zip file and sent to your downloads folder.


To Import Cases:

  1. Select Tools from the main menu.

  2. Select Import/Export Cases.

  3. If not already selected, select the radio button for Import.

  4. Select LOAD CASES.

  5. Search your local computer for the files. Upload the files.

  6. The cases will appear in the top panel.

  7. Select IMPORT CASES.


  8. Confirm that the cases have been Imported.

  9. View the new case number that was generated.


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