Highlights (v2023)

These are the updates you may find the most interesting from the latest release of SmartAdvocate.

Watch our 1-Hour Webinar about the top features of the latest Software Release, presented by Igor Selizhuk, CTO at SmartAdvocate - Click Here!

Watch our 4-Part Weekly Workshop with Claude Simpson, Head of Training, where he provides in-depth details of the newest features from our latest annual release.

Case Tags

New functionality allows users to assign tags to cases.

Case Tags are defined globally by system admins under Admin → Picklist Maintenance. Tags can be globally available or limited to particular case group(s) and/or case type(s).

Case Tags are edited and visible on the Case Summary. Multiple Case Tags can be assigned to a case.

The ability to add/edit Case Tags can be controlled via user permissions - “Summary (Tags)” (/CaseSummary.aspx#Tags).

You can use Case Browse to find cases with specific Case Tags (under the Misc tab). The new column “Case Tags” is available to be displayed on the Case Browse search results.

Document Tags

New functionality allows users to assign tags to documents.

Document Tags are defined globally by system admins under Admin → Picklist Maintenance.

The new column “Tags” is available to be displayed on the Documents grid.

Global document search can filter by tags and also has a “Tags” column.

External Document(s) Share with Document Upload

In this version, we added the ability to allow people who you shared the documents with to overwrite shared files and/or upload new files.

When those options are enabled, recipients of the share link will get an option to upload a new document or replace the existing one.

Client Fillable Questionnaires (UDFs)

New functionality allows sharing of any UDF page with an external party. The link has an Expiration Date and can be password protected (optionally). Any updates are saved directly into SmartAdvocate.

This feature can be used individually (Shared Forms page in the case) or in mass email/texting by using the dynamic merge code CA-SHARED-FORM-URL. For example, <! [CA-SHARED-FORM-URL*Case] !> merge code will automatically insert sharing link for the Case UDF page. Shared URLs created automatically by the merge code will not have a password and will have a 7-day expiration date.

Partner Law Firm Portal

Now you can share a link with your partner law firms that allows them to see cases that were referred by them or to them.

Access to that portal can be configured on Admin → Refer Out Rules

Scheduler Link

A new button “Share Scheduler Link” was added to the Office and Case Calendar pages. It allows you to create a link that can be sent to external parties to book a meeting with one of the staff members.

Once this link is clicked, the staff member calendar appears, showing busy/available times. Selecting an available time slot and then clicking on the “New Appointment” button allows the appointment to be scheduled.

Case Review List

You can now create a list of cases for quick navigation and review.

  • The list is created from the Case Browse Results page by using Mass Update → Add to Review List and Open First

  • You can navigate between cases using the Left and Right arrows on the Toolbar or by selecting a case from the list (List button on the Toolbar)

  • When navigating between cases, you will stay on the case page you are currently on.

Redesigned Case Wizard

Case Wizard has been redesigned, with multiple new features added.

  • Case Wizard now can be scrolled vertically as information is being filled in.

  • The tabs are still present, but they are not real tabs, and clicking on one of the tabs simply scrolls the page to the appropriate area.

  • New optional grids were added to allow entering Medical Providers, Insurance, Vehicle, and Employment information. The presence of those grids can be configured for each case group (Picklist Maintenance → Case Wizard Configuration). Defendant panel visibility, which was a global setting, can now also be controlled per case group.

  • Incident Date, Incident State, Referral Source, and Injuries can now be optional. Configuration is separate for each case group (Picklist Maintenance → Case Wizard Configuration).

  • At the end of the Case Wizard, users can make a decision to Reject, Review or Retain (pursue) the lead and generate an appropriate response via email, text, document, or e-signature document.

Folder View with Multilevel Sub-Folders

The Documents screen now supports folder view with multi-level sub-folders. If you assigned the Folder property to your documents before, the document will appear in the appropriate folder. Backslash in the folder name will be interpreted as a subfolder separator.

For example, if you have the folder name “One\Two\Three”, the document will show in the sub-folder Three of the sub-folder Two of the folder One.

Folders is not a replacement for document Category and Sub-Category

Appropriate Category and Sub-Category should still be assigned to each document.

New Custom Panels (Case Summary and Case Info Line)

Panel 0 option was added to Case Summary. When configured, Panel 0 will replace the default information display in the top right corner of the Case Summary.

Panel Main adds an extra line below Case Number/Case Name/etc. information line and is visible on all case pages.

Custom Dashboard Panels for My SmartAdvocate

You can now dedicate some of the custom dashboards to be selectable as panels on the My SmartAdvocate page.

To configure the dashboards available on My SmartAdvocate go to Admin → Picklist Maintenance → My SmartAdvocate Dashboards. You can select up to 6 different dashboards.

Single Sign-On Support with SAML

The new version of SmartAdvocate now supports SAML for single sign-on.

Configuration is done under Picklist Maintenance. You can also map the names if they don’t match the names used in SmartAdvocate or the emails of the users.

“Assigning” Tasks to Multiple People

The “CC To” field in the past was only used to send a task creation notification. Now, this field will be saved and can be searched. This functionality can be used to have a single task “assigned” to multiple people. Since there is still only one person in the “Assigned To” field there should be no confusion about who is responsible for the task.

Configurable Keyboard Shortcuts

Administrators will now be able to configure keyboard shortcuts (same for all users). Any unused combination of Control, Alt, Shift (at least one must be selected) and regular keys can be used. Some of the combinations may already be in use by browsers or Windows globally, so you won’t be able to use those combinations.

Note: The configuration of the shortcuts is only read during login, so if you are changing shortcuts, re-login will be required in order for changes to take effect.

Email Monitoring Service

The new Email Monitoring Service allows automatic attachment of emails to SmartAdvocate

Mailboxes to be monitored can be configured in Picklist Maintenance → Emails For Monitoring.

Emails that contain the Case Number in the subject will be attached to appropriate cases automatically. Optionally if the case number is missing, the appropriate case can be selected based on the sender’s email address.

Office 365 Outlook Plugin

We are officially releasing the Office 365 Outlook Plugin, which was in beta testing last year - https://smartadvocate.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/1709506561/Outlook+Plugin+Beta+with+Mac+and+Browser+Support

This plugin works with the Browser and Desktop versions of Office 365 Outlook on Windows and Mac computers.

HEIC and TIFF Image Format Support

The Photographs screen and preview panel on the Documents screen now supports HEIC (native iPhone format) and TIFF Image formats.

Reports Search Page

This new page allows you to search the list of available reports. Also, reports were reorganized into sub-menus for easier access.

Automatic Time Tracking Reminder upon Leaving a Case

An automatic reminder can be configured to prompt the user to create a time-tracking entry upon leaving a case.

This reminder can be enabled for specific case groups under system parameters.

New Integration Partners

  • Case Status

  • CaseWorks

  • Courtroom Sciences

  • EvenUp

  • Hona (ex Milestones)

  • Intaker

  • Kenect

  • LawFund

  • Milestone

  • OnTask (unlimited e-signature)

  • PowerBI [from Microsoft]

  • Precision Data Capture

  • ProofServ

  • Truve

  • Twilio (unlimited texting)

Visit smartadvocate.com/support for other help options including how to access our Support Tracker and Daily Office Hours sessions.