v2020.11.02 Release Notes

SmartAdvocate 2020 Release requires .NET Framework 4.8.

Clients running Server version of SmartAdvocate will need to have their IT install .NET Framework 4.8 on the server prior to SmartAdvocate upgrade.

.NET Framework 4.8 Can be downloaded from Microsoft:

SmartAdvocate 2020 Release requires Microsoft SQL 2012 or later

As of July 9th 2019, Microsoft no longer supports Microsoft SQL 2008 R2. Accordingly, SmartAdvocate no longer supports firms using Microsoft SQL 2008 R2. Furthermore, some SmartAdvocate features that utilize more current Microsoft SQL code will not work on Microsoft SQL 2008 R2. If you are currently using Microsoft SQL 2008 R2, we strongly suggest you update your servers to at least Microsoft SQL 2012 and preferably Microsoft SQL 2019. All clients using the SmartAdvocate Cloud version are already operating on the most current version of Microsoft SQL.

This release of SmartAdvocate, like so many of our past releases, introduces hundreds of changes (this one actually has over 1,000) that will make your practice more productive and efficient.


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