Document Templates and Merge Codes (v2023)
Document Templates
Added ability to specify border width for table merge codes
Added ability to combine table merge code with a table immediately preceding the merge code. This functionality can be used to create custom column headers for table merge codes.
Create a single row table with desired column headers
Add a table merge code immediately after and configure it to have to headers
Added native support for conditional statements
New Dynamic Merge Codes
Merge Code Name | Description |
CA-SHARED-FORM-URL | Case Shared Form URL |
CA-STATUS-COMMENT | Case Status Comment |
CA-STATUSDAYS | Case Total Status Days |
EXAM-DOCTOR | Adverse Exam Doctor based on Exam Type Not Held |
PL-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Plaintiff Address Block Based on the Role |
PL-EMAIL | Plaintiff Email Based on the Role |
PL-NAME | Plaintiff Name Based on the Role |
PL-PHONE# | Plaintiff Phone Number Based on the Role |
PL-SSN | Plaintiff SSN Digit Based on the Position |
New Merge Codes
More than 200 new merge codes were added in this SmartAdvocate release, bringing total number of merge codes available to 3,900+.
Merge Code Name | Description |
APPMNT-NEXT-CASE-DAYOFWEEK | Next Case Appointment Day of the Week |
APPMNT-NEXT-CASE-TIME-END | Next Case Appointment End Time |
APPMNT-NEXT-CONTACT-DAYOFWEEK | Next Contact Appointment Day of the Week |
APPMNT-NEXT-CONTACT-TIME-END | Next Contact Appointment End Time |
APPMNT-NEXT-PLAINTIFF-DAYOFWEEK | Next Plaintiff Appointment Day of the Week |
APPMNT-NEXT-PLAINTIFF-TIME-END | Next Plaintiff Appointment End Time |
ARB-HIS-HERS-ITS | Arbitrator/Mediator His, Hers, or Its |
CA-ATTY-BAR-STATE | Case Attorney Bar State |
CA-ATTY-EIN# | Case Attorney EIN Number |
CA-ATTY-EIN#1 | 1st digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number |
CA-ATTY-EIN#10 | 10th digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number |
CA-ATTY-EIN#2 | 2nd digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number |
CA-ATTY-EIN#3 | 3rd digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number |
CA-ATTY-EIN#4 | 4th digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number |
CA-ATTY-EIN#5 | 5th digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number |
CA-ATTY-EIN#6 | 6th digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number |
CA-ATTY-EIN#7 | 7th digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number |
CA-ATTY-EIN#8 | 8th digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number |
CA-ATTY-EIN#9 | 9th digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number |
CA-ATTY-HIS-HERS | Case Attorney His or Hers |
CA-ATTY-MIDDLE-NAME | Case Attorney Middle Name |
CA-ATTY-SEL-BAR-STATE | Case Attorney Bar State Select |
CA-ATTY-SEL-BAR-STATES-LIST-HORIZ | Horizontal List of Case Select Attorney Bar States |
CA-ATTY-SEL-EIN# | Case Attorney EIN Number Select |
CA-ATTY-SEL-EIN#1 | 1st digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number Select |
CA-ATTY-SEL-EIN#10 | 10th digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number Select |
CA-ATTY-SEL-EIN#2 | 2nd digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number Select |
CA-ATTY-SEL-EIN#3 | 3rd digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number Select |
CA-ATTY-SEL-EIN#4 | 4th digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number Select |
CA-ATTY-SEL-EIN#5 | 5th digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number Select |
CA-ATTY-SEL-EIN#6 | 6th digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number Select |
CA-ATTY-SEL-EIN#7 | 7th digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number Select |
CA-ATTY-SEL-EIN#8 | 8th digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number Select |
CA-ATTY-SEL-EIN#9 | 9th digit of the Case Attorney EIN Number Select |
CA-CM-HIS-HERS | Case Manager His or Hers |
CA-DEF-HIS-HERS-ITS-THEIRS | Case Defendant His, Hers, Its or Theirs |
CA-ENTITY-HE-SHE-IT | Case Contact He, She or It |
CA-ENTITY-HIM-HER-IT | Case Contact Him, Her or It |
CA-ENTITY-HIS-HERS-ITS | Case Contact His, Hers or Its |
CA-INS-TABLE | Case Insurance Companies Table |
CA-INTAKE-SCORE | Case Intake Score |
CA-LAST-NOTE-CREATOR-NAME | Case Last Note Creator |
CA-LAST-NOTE-CREATOR-PHONE# | Case Last Note Creator Phone Number |
CA-MED-CHRONOLOGY | Case Medical Chronology for all Plaintiffs |
CA-MED-PRVDS-VISIT-TABLE-BY-DATE | Case Medical Provider Visits by Date for all Plaintiffs |
CA-NEG-NZ-FEE-TABLE | Case Negotiations Table with None Zero Fee |
CA-NEG-TABLE | Case Negotiations Table |
CA-NEXT-SOL-DATE | Case Next Statute of Limitations Date |
CA-NPR-MED-CHRONOLOGY | Case Non-Prior Medical Chronology for all Plaintiffs |
CA-PARA-HIS-HERS | Case Paralegal His or Hers |
CA-PARTY-ADJ-ADDR1 | Case Party Adjuster Address Line 1 |
CA-PARTY-ADJ-ADDR2 | Case Party Adjuster Address Line 2 |
CA-PARTY-ADJ-ADDR3 | Case Party Adjuster Address Line 3 |
CA-PARTY-ADJ-CITY | Case Party Adjuster City |
CA-PARTY-ADJ-STATE | Case Party Adjuster State |
CA-PARTY-ADJ-ZIP | Case Party Adjuster Zip Code |
CA-PARTY-INS-INSURED-HIS-HERS | Case Party Insurance Insured His or Hers |
CA-PR-CLM-TABLE | Plaintiff Other Providers Table |
CA-PRIMARY-CONT-DOB-DAY | Case Primary Contact Date Of Birth (Day) |
CA-PRIMARY-CONT-DOB-MONTH | Case Primary Contact Date Of Birth (Month) |
CA-PRIMARY-CONT-DOB-YEAR | Case Primary Contact Date Of Birth (Year) |
CA-PRIMARY-CONT-DRIVER-LICENSE | Case Primary Contact Drivers License |
CA-PRIMARY-CONT-GENDER | Case Primary Contact Gender |
CA-PRIMARY-CONT-HIS-HERS-ITS | Case Primary Contact His, Hers, or Its |
CA-PRIMARY-CONT-PHONE#-AREA-CODE | Case Primary Contact Phone Number Area Code |
CA-PRIMARY-CONT-PHONE#-NO-AREA-CODE | Case Primary Contact Phone Number without Area Code |
CA-PRIMARY-CONT-SIGN | Case Primary Contact Signature |
CA-PRIMARY-CONT-SSN-FIRST3 | Case Primary Contact Social Security Number First 3 Digits |
CA-PRIMARY-CONT-SSN-LAST4 | Case Primary Contact Security Number Last 4 Digits |
CA-PRIMARY-CONT-SSN-MIDDLE2 | Case Primary Contact Social Security Number Middle 2 Digits |
CA-PRIMARY-DEF-DRIVER-LICENSE | Primary Defendant Drivers License |
CA-PRIMARY-DEF-HIS-HERS-ITS | Primary Defendant His, Hers, or Its |
CA-PRIMARY-PL-DRIVER-LICENSE | Primary Plaintiff Drivers License |
CA-PRIMARY-PL-GENDER | Primary Plaintiff Gender |
CA-PRIMARY-PL-HIS-HERS-ITS | Primary Plaintiff His, Hers, or Its |
CA-PRIMARY-PL-MID-INIT | Primary Plaintiff Middle Initials |
CA-PRIMARY-PL-PHONE#-AREA-CODE | Primary Plaintiff Phone Number Area Code |
CA-PRIMARY-PL-PHONE#-NO-AREA-CODE | Primary Plaintiff Phone Number without Area Code |
CA-PR-MED-CHRONOLOGY | Case Prior Medical Chronology for all Plaintiffs |
CA-SET-NZ-FEE-TABLE | Case Settlements Table with None Zero Fee |
CA-STAFF-HIS-HERS | Case Staff His or Hers |
CA-WIT-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Witness City, State Zip |
CA-WIT-HE-SHE | Witness He or She |
CA-WIT-HIM-HER | Witness Him or Her |
CA-WIT-HIS-HERS | Witness His or Hers |
CL-DRIVER-LICENSE | Client Drivers License |
CL-HIS-HERS-ITS | Client His, Hers, or Its |
CL-MID-INIT | Client Middle Initials |
CL-SPOUSE-HIS-HERS | Client Spouse His Or Hers |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-ADDR1 | Co-Counsel Attorney Address Line 1 |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-ADDR2 | Co-Counsel Attorney Address Line 2 |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-ADDR3 | Co-Counsel Attorney Address Line 3 |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Co-Counsel Attorney Address Block |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Co-Counsel Attorney Address Block without name |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Co-Counsel Attorney Address Horizontal |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-CITY | Co-Counsel Attorney City |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Co-Counsel Attorney City, State And Zip Code |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-CNTY | Co-Counsel Attorney County |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-EMAIL | Co-Counsel Attorney Email |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-FAX | Co-Counsel Attorney Fax |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-FIRST-NAME | Co-Counsel Attorney First Name |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-HE-SHE | Co-Counsel Attorney He or She |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-HIM-HER | Co-Counsel Attorney Him or Her |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-HIS-HER | Co-Counsel Attorney His or Hers |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-HIS-HERS | Co-Counsel Attorney His or Hers |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-INIT | Co-Counsel Attorney Initials |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-IS-REIMBURSED | Co-Counsel Attorney is Reimbursed Y/N |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-LAST-NAME | Co-Counsel Attorney Last Name |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-NAME | Co-Counsel Attorney Name |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-PHONE# | Co-Counsel Attorney Phone Number |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-PREFIX | Co-Counsel Attorney Prefix |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-STATE | Co-Counsel Attorney State |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-SUFFIX | Co-Counsel Attorney Suffix |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-SUFFIX2 | Co-Counsel Attorney Suffix2 |
CO-COUNSEL-ATTY-ZIP | Co-Counsel Attorney Zip |
CO-COUNSEL-COMMENTS | Co-Counsel Comments |
CO-COUNSEL-DISB | Co-Counsel Disbursement |
CO-COUNSEL-FEE-PERCENT | Co-Counsel Fee Percentage |
CO-COUNSEL-FEE-VALUE | Co-Counsel Fee Amount |
CO-COUNSEL-FILE# | Co-Counsel File Number |
CO-COUNSEL-LF-ADDR1 | Co-Counsel Law Firm Address Line 1 |
CO-COUNSEL-LF-ADDR2 | Co-Counsel Law Firm Address Line 2 |
CO-COUNSEL-LF-ADDR3 | Co-Counsel Law Firm Address Line 3 |
CO-COUNSEL-LF-ADDRESS-BLOCK | Co-Counsel Law Firm Address Block |
CO-COUNSEL-LF-ADDRESS-BLOCK-NO-NAME | Co-Counsel Law Firm Address Block without name |
CO-COUNSEL-LF-ADDRESS-HORIZ | Co-Counsel Law Firm Address Horizontal |
CO-COUNSEL-LF-CITY | Co-Counsel Law Firm City |
CO-COUNSEL-LF-CITY-STATE-ZIP | Co-Counsel Law Firm City, State And Zip Code |
CO-COUNSEL-LF-CNTY | Co-Counsel Law Firm County |
CO-COUNSEL-LF-EMAIL | Co-Counsel Law Firm Email |
CO-COUNSEL-LF-FAX | Co-Counsel Law Firm Fax |
CO-COUNSEL-LF-NAME | Co-Counsel Law Firm Name |
CO-COUNSEL-LF-PHONE# | Co-Counsel Law Firm Phone Number |
CO-COUNSEL-LF-STATE | Co-Counsel Law Firm State |
CO-COUNSEL-LF-ZIP | Co-Counsel Law Firm Zip |
CO-COUNSEL-TYPE | Co-Counsel Type |
COURT-CONTACT-COMMENTS | Court Contct Comments |
COURT-DEF-COMMENTS | Court Defendant Comments |
COURT-DETAILS-COMMENTS | Court Details Comments |
COURT-JUDGE-HIS-HERS-ITS | Judge His, Hers, or Its |
COURT-JUDGE-WEBSITE | Court Judge Website |
COURT-PL-COMMENTS | Court Plaintiff Comments |
DEF-ADJ-HIS-HERS | Defendant Adjuster His or Hers |
DEF-ATTY-FIRM-PR-PARA | Defendant Law Firm Primary Paralegal Name |
DEF-ATTY-FIRM-PR-PARA-EMAIL | Defendant Law Firm Primary Paralegal Email |
DEF-ATTY-FIRST-NAME | Defendant Attorney First Name |
DEF-ATTY-FOR-LIST-EMAIL | Defendant Law Firm with email Vertical List (combines defendants if represented by the same law firm) |
DEF-ATTY-HIS-HERS | Defendant Attorney His or Hers |
DEF-ATTY-LAST-NAME | Defendant Attorney Last Name |
DEF-ATTY-LIST-FOR-SINGLE-LF | Defendant Attorney Vertical List for single Law Firm |
DEF-ATTY-PR-ATTY-BAR-STATE | Defendant Primary Attorney Bar State |
DEF-COMMENTS | Defendant Comments |
DEF-DRIVER-LICENSE | Defendant Drivers License |
DEF-HIS-HERS-ITS | Defendant His, Hers, or Its |
DEF-INS-COMMENT | Defendant Insurance Comment |
DEF-INS-INSURED-HIS-HERS | Defendant Insurance Insured His or Hers |
DEF-INS-THIRD-PARTY-ADJ-HIS-HERS | Defendant Insurance Third Party Adjuster His or Hers |
DEF-NON-PARTY-CONT-HIS-HERS | Defendant Non-Party Contact His or Hers |
DEF-PHONE#-CELL | Defendant Phone Cell |
DEF-PHONE#-WORK | Defendant Work Phone Number |
EMP-HIRED-DAY | Day Hired by Employer |
EMP-HIRED-MONTH | Month Hired by Employer |
EMP-HIRED-YEAR | Year Hired by Employer |
EXAM-DOCTOR-HIS-HERS | Adverse Exam Doctor His, Hers, or Its |
EXPENSE-COMMENTS | Case Disbursement Comments |
EXPENSE-TYPE | Case Disbursement Type |
EXP-HIS-HERS-ITS | Expert His, Hers, or Its |
FEE-EVENT-COMMENTS | Fee Event Comments |
FEE-EVENT-DATE | Fee Event Date |
FEE-EVENT-TYPE | Fee Event Type |
FIRM-ATTORNEY-BAR-STATE | Firm Attorney Bar State |
GENERATE-INVITE-TOKEN | Plaintiff Invite Token |
INC-DATE-DAYS | Days Since the Incident Date |
IS-CA-LIENOR-MISSING | Merges as Yes if Any Lienors in the case are missing, No Otherwise |
MED-PRVD-CHART-FILE# | All Medical Provider Chart/File # |
MED-PRVD-FAX | All Medical Provider Fax |
MED-PRVD-HE-SHE | All Medical Provider He or She |
MED-PRVD-HIM-HER | All Medical Provider Him or Her |
MED-PRVD-HIS-HERS | All Medical Provider His or Hers |
MED-PRVD-WEBSITE | All Medical Provider Website |
MED-TREATMENT-DATES-EXP | Medical Record Request Treatment Dates Expanded |
MED-TREATMENT-DATES-LOWER | Medical Record Request Treatment Dates in lower case |
MED-TREATMENT-DATES-LOWER-EXP | Medical Record Request Treatment Dates in lower case Expanded |
NOTE-CREATOR-NAME | Note Creator |
NOTE-CREATOR-PHONE# | Note Creator Phone Number |
PL-ADJ-HIS-HERS | Plaintiff Adjucter His or Hers |
PL-ATTY-BAR-STATE | Plaintiff Attorney Bar State |
PL-ATTY-HIS-HERS | Plaintiff Attorney His or Hers |
PL-COMMENTS | Plaintiff Comments |
PL-DOC-HIS-HERS | Plaintiff Doctor His Or Hers |
PL-DRIVER-LICENSE | Plaintiff Drivers License |
PL-HIS-HERS-ITS | Plaintiff His, Hers, or Its |
PL-INJ-AS-TO-LIST2 | Plaintiff Injuries As To List2 |
PL-INJ-BODYPARTS-LIST-HORIZ | Horisontal List of Plaintiff Injured Body Parts |
PL-INS-INSURED-HIS-HERS | Plaintiff Insurance Insured His or Hers |
PL-INS-THIRD-PARTY-ADJ-HIS-HERS | Plaintiff Insurance Third Party Adjuster His or Hers |
PL-MED-CHRONOLOGY | Medical Chronology for specific Plaintiff |
PL-MOTHERS-MAIDEN-NAME | Plaintiff Mother's Maiden Name |
PL-NON-PARTY-CONT-HIS-HERS | Plaintiff Non-Party Contact His or Hers |
PL-NPR-MED-CHRONOLOGY | Non-Prior Medical Chronology for specific Plaintiff |
PL-OTHER-PRVD-LIST | Plaintiff Other Providers List |
PL-OTHER-PRVD-TABLE | Plaintiff Other Providers Table |
PL-PHONE#-AREA-CODE | Plaintiff Phone Number Area Code |
PL-PHONE#-NO-AREA-CODE | Plaintiff Phone Number without Area Code |
PL-PR-MED-CHRONOLOGY | Prior Medical Chronology for specific Plaintiff |
PL-SPOUSE-HIS-HERS | Plaintiff Spouse His Or Hers |
POL-OFF-HIS-HERS | Police Officer His or Hers |
PR-ATTY-HIS-HERS-ITS | Prior Attorney His, Hers, or Its |
REF-ALL-LF-NAMES | List of Referring Law Firms |
REF-ATTY-HIS-HERS | Referring Attorney His or Hers |
REF-OUT-ATTY-HIS-HERS | Referred Out Attorney His or Hers |
SET-AMOUNT-MINUS-FIRMFEE-REFPRATTYFEE-OTHER | Settlement Amount Minus Firm Fee, Referring and Prior Attorney Fee and Other Amount |
SET-CBA-EXP | Settlement Common Benefit Assessment Expenses |
SET-CBA-FEE | Settlement Common Benefit Assessment Fee |
SET-CBA-TOTAL | Settlement Common Benefit Assessment Total |
SET-CO-COUNSEL-FEE | Co-Counsel Firm/Attorney Fee |
SET-DIST-CHECK-TOT-AMOUNT-CASE-TOTAL | Case Settlements Distribution Checks Total Amount |
SET-ESCROW-AMOUNT | Settlement Escrow Amount |
SET-ESCROW-AMOUNT-CASE-TOTAL | Case Settlements Escrow Total Amount |
SET-SETTLED-STATUS-DAYS | Settlement Settled Status Days |
SET-TOTAL-AMOUNT-RECEIVED-CASE-TOTAL | Case Total Settlements Amount Received |
SOL-TYPE-DAYS | Statute of Limitations Type Days |
SOL-TYPE-DAYS-EXP | Statute of Limitations Type Days Expanded |
SOL-TYPE-LENGTH | Statute of Limitations Type Length |
SOL-TYPE-LENGTH-EXP | Statute of Limitations Type Length Expanded |
SOL-TYPE-MONTHS | Statute of Limitations Type Months |
SOL-TYPE-MONTHS-EXP | Statute of Limitations Type Months Expanded |
SOL-TYPE-YEARS | Statute of Limitations Type Years |
SOL-TYPE-YEARS-EXP | Statute of Limitations Type Years Expanded |
SUB-OUT-ATTY-HIS-HERS-ITS | Sub Out Attorney His, Hers, or Its |
TPA-DEF-ADJ-HIS-HERS-ITS | Third Party Action Defendant Adjuster His, Hers, or Its |
TPA-DEF-ATTY-HIS-HERS-ITS | Third Party Action Defendant Attorney His, Hers, or Its |
TPA-DEF-HIS-HERS-ITS | Third Party Action Defendant His, Hers, or Its |
TPA-PL-ATTY-HIS-HERS-ITS | Third Party Action Plaintiff Attorney His, Hers, or Its |
TPA-PL-HIS-HERS-ITS | Third Party Action Plaintiff His, Hers, or Its |
WC-ATTY-FIRST-NAME | Workers Compensation Attorney First Name |
WC-ATTY-LAST-NAME | Workers Compensation Attorney Lst Name |
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