Dashboards Overview
SmartAdvocate dashboards provide quick overviews of various aspects of your firm's caseload and metrics of performance. The following is a brief summary of each dashboard's purpose and layout. Legacy dashboards, which remain in the system for the sake of consistency but have become obsolete or are otherwise not recommended for use, are not listed here.
Advertisement Campaigns (in Financial Dashboards): Displays information about cases that have been referred to your firm by specific advertising campaigns, broken down either by advertisement venue or further by the time period of each campaign for each advertisement venue. The information displayed includes the beginning and end dates of the campaign, the amount spent on the campaign; the total fees generated; the number of total calls, cost per call, calls wanted, resulting cases retained, cost per cases retained, resulting cases leading to a fee, the average fee, and resulting cases closed without a fee.
Settlement/Fee Production (in Financial Dashboards): Displays information about settlements and fees generated. Includes separate breakdowns by staff member, by case group, and by referral source. Information displayed includes number of settlements; total settlement value; average settlement value; total fees earned, recorded, and still outstanding; average fees earned; the time from the opening of the case to the settlement; the number of checks received; the total of the checks received; number of fees recorded; total fees recorded; and the average time from the opening of the case until the fee was received. Note that in this context, the term "Settlement" refers to any funds received on behalf of a client upon the resolution of a case, whether by way of a settlement, judgment, arbitration, or otherwise.
Settlement Dashboard (in Financial Dashboards): Displays visualizations of settlement generation data. Visualization formats include tables, line graphs, and percentage meters. Data can be filtered and broken down by various metrics. Note that in this context, the term "Settlement" refers to any funds received on behalf of a client upon the resolution of a case, whether by way of a settlement, judgment, arbitration, or otherwise.
Closed Cases Analysis (in Financial Dashboards): Displays information about cases closed in a selected date range. Cases can be grouped by staff member and further broken down by case group, or vice versa. Information displayed includes the total number of cases closed, the numbers closed with and without a fee, the percentage closed with a fee (CWF%), the total and average fee and the total disbursement write-off.
Client Contact Overdue (in Overdue Dashboards): Provides an overview of cases where the plaintiff is overdue to be contacted. The overview includes the case number and type, plaintiff name and phone information, case status, the number of days since contact became overdue, the last plaintiff contact note, the last note overall, and critical comments. There are also icons that allow the entry of a new Note or Quick Note.
Attorney File Review Overdue (in Overdue Dashboards): Provides an overview of cases for which a file review is overdue. The overview includes the case number and type, plaintiff name and phone information, case status, the number of days the case has been in that status, and the last file review note. There are also icons that allow the entry of a new Note or Quick Note.
Supervisor File Review Overdue (in Overdue Dashboards): Provides an overview of cases where a file review by a supervisor is overdue. The interface is nearly identical to the Attorney File Review Overdue dashboard, except that the last supervisor file review note is listed instead of the last file review note.
Stage Overdue by Staff (in Overdue Dashboards): Provides an overview of cases, listed by staff member, where one or more stages are overdue. The report can list all staff or only those with cases in an overdue status. Various other report criteria are listed at the top of the report, with radio buttons that permit you to choose which criteria should apply. Note that the number in the bottom row, labeled "All Overdue Cases Count", may not equal the total of cases listed in that column by staff member, as a case can have multiple overdue statuses for multiple staff members.
Attorney Performance Dashboard (in Performance Dashboards): Displays information about cases assigned to a particular attorney, or all attorneys, within a selected date range. Information displayed includes number of cases assigned, closed, and currently open; average time on desk, number of settlements, average settlement amount, and total settlement amount; number of new Notes added; number and percentage of cases in which client contact is overdue; and number and percentage of cases in which file review is overdue. Also displays a breakdown of cases currently in each litigation status, and the total time for cases in the litigation stage.
Demand Production Dashboard (in Performance Dashboards): Displays a breakdown of demand statistics by staff member. Statistics for each staff member include the total number of cases in which a demand was made, the average number of months between the opening of a case and the first demand in the case, the average number of months between the date of maximum medical improvement (MMI) and the first demand, and the average number of months between the date all records were received (ARR) and the first demand.
Intake Performance Dashboard (in Performance Dashboards): Displays information about intakes and retainers in a selected date range. Cases can be grouped by staff member and further broken down by case group, or vice versa. The results can be filtered by Date Range, Case Type, Staff Type, Sign Type, Referred In, and Office. Information displayed includes the total number of intake inquiries, the number wanted by your firm, the number and percentage retained (Signed Up) by your firm, the conversion percentage, the overall percentage retained, the number of true signups, the number of cases retained by firms your firm attempted to refer the cases to, the number of chase calls made, and the average time between the date that a retainer was sent to the prospective client and the date the signed retainer was returned.
Intake Dashboard (in Performance Dashboards): Displays visualizations of intake and retainer data. Visualization formats include tables, line graphs, and percentage meters. Data can be filtered and broken down by various metrics.
Prelit Unit Status (in Performance Dashboards): Displays information about the year-to-date fees and settlements of non-mass-tort cases, broken down by case manager. Information displayed includes the average fee, average number of days between the case opening and settlement date, fees deposited, number of active cases, and number of MMI cases.
Staff Performance-File Review-Client Contact (in Performance Dashboards): Displays information about the caseload of attorneys and case managers. Information includes the total number of cases, the number and percentage of cases in which client contact is overdue, the number and percentage of cases in which file review is overdue, and the number and percentage of cases in which supervisor file review is overdue.
Litigation Stage (in Stage Dashboards): Displays a breakdown of cases currently in each litigation status. Cases are included in the dashboard based on optional selections of case staff, referral status, mass tort or single event, presence of serious injury, and office.
Pre-Litigation Stage (in Stage Dashboards): Identical to Litigation Stage, but for pre-lit statuses.
Sign Up Stage (in Stage Dashboards): Identical to Litigation Stage, but for presign statuses.
Case Review: Provides an overview of a subset of cases. Cases are included in the dashboard based on optional selections of case staff, status, and type. The overview includes the case status, plaintiff phone information, the last five notes, incident date and facts, quick injuries, and UDFs.
Case Statistics: Provides statistics representing the number of cases in a particular date range that have experienced various types of activity, in particular new inquiries, sign ups, closures, referrals, offers, and settlements. Parameters include the date range in the form of numbers of days before the current date, case groups, case types, statuses to include in the signup breakdown, and advertisers that should appear in the inquiry breakdown even if they generated no inquiries during the date range.
Close Reason Statistics: Breaks down the cases closed during a selected time range by the reason for the closure.
Intake Follow Up Dashboard: Identical in function to the My Cases dashboard (see below), except that only cases in a selected group of case statuses, set in the System Parameters administrative page, appear in this dashboard.
Intake Review: Used by the intake manager to view and approve or reject status changes to cases that have not yet been retained. Provides information about the status change, case documents, basic case details, and answers to UDF questions.
Map Dashboard: Displays the location of case plaintiffs on a map. Cases can be filtered by advertising referral source, case type, and location (county and ZIP code). You can also limit the map to only those cases that have been retained or only open cases.
Medical Records Requests Follow-Up: Displays information about outstanding medical requests (external requests by default) assigned to a selected staff member (or all staff members) that have not been completed and allows the request documents to be generated. The displayed information includes the case priority level, basic case information, medical provider information, records requested, request status and the date of that status, and follow-up date.
Medical Records Requests To Go Out: Identical in function to the external version of the dashboard, except with a different default for which request statuses are shown (internal instead of external), and without the request status date and follow-up date.
My Medical Records Requests: Displays information about medical requests assigned to the user. Information displayed includes priority level, case number, plaintiff, medical provider, request date, record type, information regarding the request, request status and status date, and follow-up date.
My Cases: Displays basic information, including plaintiff contact information, about open cases. The listed cases can be limited to those involving a selected staff member (the user by default) or all staff members, or with no new notes for a selected number of days. The Add Note/Comment column includes icons for the entry of a Note, Quick Note, or Critical Comment.
Negotiation Follow-Up: Displays information about the status of unresolved negotiations. The information includes the number of the associated case, the plaintiff who is the subject of the negotiations, the incident date and earliest SOL in the case, the number of days the case has spent in its current status, the information about the company being negotiated with, the most recent negotiation date, demand, offer, and comments in the negotiation with the company, the last Negotiation note in the case, the staff member performing the negotiation, and icons for creating a new note and a new demand and offer in the negotiation.
New Cases: Displays breakdowns of intakes by referral source, of retained cases with no listed medical provider by number of days since retainer date, and of recovered clients, retained cases, cases with a serious injury, and cases with a corporate or municipal defendant, each by date of retainer.
Intake Statistics: Provides details of new inquiries by referral source, in both chart and visual formats, with breakdowns by current time periods as well as previous years.
Open Cases: Breaks down the number of cases open each of the last twelve months by case group and displays the results in both table and graph forms.
Referred Out Firm Follow-Up: Displays information about cases that have been referred to other firms. Cases can be filtered by the law firm to which the case was referred. The information displayed includes the case number, name, type, and status, the number of days the case has been in its current status, the law firm the case was referred to, its phone number and file number, the most recently created note, the most recent note of type Out Firm Update, and the number of days since the last note.
Presign - Signup Not Scheduled: Displays information about cases with the status Presign - Not Yet Scheduled for Sign Up. The information displayed includes the case number, type, and subtype, the plaintiff's name, the intake paralegal assigned to the case, the paralegal assigned to the case, the plaintiff's primary phone number, the number of days that the case has been open, the incident state, and the last note on the case. There are also icons that directly open the case's Incident and Plaintiff Summary pages, and an icon that opens a panel in which most of the basic information in the case can be edited and a Note added. A button on the bottom right side of the report allows the exclusion from the report of any cases on which the user has added a Note that day.
Problem Cases: Lists cases where there are one or more issues with the case file. Issues listed in this dashboard include a blank Incident Facts field, no attorney on the case, no defendant, no retainer date, a missing plaintiff, and a referral without a name. You can select the type of issue (warning type) which will cause a case to be listed in the report. The column to the far right lists the warning type applicable to each case.
SignUp Kit To Go Out: Displays information about cases with the status Sign Up Kit To Go Out. The information displayed includes the case number and type, the plaintiff's name and email address, case status, the number of days the case has been in that status, the incident state, the law firm that referred the case to your firm if any, the incident facts, and the last note.
Single Event Case Listing: Displays information about open cases in a stage other than Presign that are not mass tort cases. The information displayed includes the case number, type, status and time spent in that status, the plaintiff's name, the incident date, the earliest SOL date, the date of the earliest negotiation demand, the estimated case value, the insurance information for the plaintiff and defendant, the injury information, and the incident facts.
Statute of Limitations: Breaks down the critical deadlines in open cases, listing the number of deadlines due in various time ranges from those past due to up to 120 days in the future. The cases can be filtered by case group, type, whether the case is a mass tort case, whether the case has been retained, and whether a selected staff member is involved in the case. If the report is blank when first run, click on the "Apply Filter" button. Click on any number in the table to obtain a list of all cases included in that number.
Tasks: Displays information about tasks. Tasks can be filtered by task status, requestor, assignee, creator, case status, and due date. The information displayed includes the task's type, due date range, subject, description, priority level, requestor, assignee, and status, and the associated case name and number. A column in the table permits the entry of a date on which the task was completed; by utilizing the check boxes on the left of each task listed, multiple tasks can be marked complete simultaneously.
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