Tasks Dashboard

Tasks Dashboard

This dashboard displays information about tasks. Tasks can be filtered by task status, requestor, assignee, creator, case status, and due date. The information displayed includes the task's type, due date range, subject, description, priority level, requestor, assignee, and status, and the associated case name and number. A column in the table permits the entry of a date on which the task was completed; by utilizing the check boxes on the left of each task listed, multiple tasks can be marked complete simultaneously.

Tasks can be filtered by status. To sort by status, click on the icon in the status column.

Tasks can be filtered by assignee and creator. You can sort your tasks depending on who is requesting the task and who is assigned to the tasks.

Tasks can be filtered by case status - opened, closed, and all.

Task can be filtered by due date. By selecting the dropdown in the due date column, you can sort your tasks depending on when they are due by selecting the date.


By selecting Layout in the bottom right corner, you can add/remove columns when sorting tasks. To add a column, select the column you want to add and drag it over to the table. This will create a new column in the table. To remove a column drag the column you want to remove away from the table back into the list of columns as seen in the screenshot below.

You can also sort tasks by selecting a custom date range.

To edit a task, select the mouse icon in the action column. From here you can edit, delete, mark a task complete, canceled, or in progress. You can also preform a task from this dashboard as well.

To edit multiple tasks, select the box of the tasks you would like to edit and right click. This will give you the ability to edit, delete, and mark the tasks are complete, not started, in progress, and cancelled.

You can also create filters to sort tasks faster. If there is a particular filter that you will need to access time and time again you can save the filter by selecting “Save Filter” and giving it a name. You also have the option to make that filter the default filter when you access your task dashboard

To sort through your saved filters, select the filter drop down at the top right of the screen.


To export a task report, click any of the icons for a PDF, excel, or word version of the report.


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